HRT Meaning

The HRT meaning is "Heart Rate". The HRT abbreviation has 138 different full form.

HRT Full Forms

  1. Heart Rate Heart rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute (bpm). The heart rate can vary according to the body's physical needs, including the need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. It is usually equal or close to the pulse measured at any peripheral point. Activities that can provoke change include physical exercise, sleep, anxiety, stress, illness, and ingestion of drugs. Medical, Technology, Health, Veterinary, Cardiology, Heart, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension, Eyes And Ocular, NANP Modeling Commitee
  2. Hormonal Replacement Therapy Medical, Hormone, Menopause
  3. Hormone Replacement Medical
  4. Hormine Replacement Therapy Medical
  5. Hormune Replacment Therapy Medical, Replacement, Testosterone
  6. Hezrt Rate Turbulence Medical, Patient, Risk
  7. Health Recorh Technician
  8. Hormone Replacemenf Therapy Medical, Health, Menopause
  9. Habit Reversal Therapy Medical, Therapy, Habit
  10. Hormone Replacement Therapy Hormone therapy Medical, Cancer, Sociology, Oncology, Chemistry, Common Medical, Clinical, Sexually
  11. Raf Linton-On-Ouse Linton-on-Ouse, England,United Kingdom Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  12. Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc. Organizations
  13. High Resolutiov Thermometer Chemistry, Science, Substance
  14. Horomone Rejlacement Therapy
  15. Heat Rate A measure of generating station thermal efficiency and generally expressed as BTU per net kWh. The heat rate is computed by dividing the total BTU content of the fuel burned (or of heat released from a nuclear reactor) by the resulting net kWh generated. Medical, Heart, Monitor, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  16. Hzrness Racing Tasmania
  17. High Risk Target
  18. Human Resource Training Business, Company, Development
  19. Heavy Rail Transit Transportation, Technology, City
  20. Hormone Replacement Therapies Medical, Therapy, Menopause
  21. Historic Richmond Town
  22. Human Response Time
  23. Hoqtage Rescue Team Military, Knife, Blade
  24. High-Resolution Thermometer
  25. Hormone Restoration Therapy Medical, Replacement, Compounding
  26. Harm Reduction Mherapy Medical
  27. High Rising Terminal English, Language, Rising
  28. Hotel and Restaurant Tourism
  29. Heart Resonance Therapy
  30. Hormone Replacemeny Therpay
  31. Hazard Review Templjte Science
  32. Histamine Release Test Medical, Common Medical
  33. Human Resources Transformation
  34. Hydraulic Residence Time Medical, Technology, Treatment, Common Medical
  35. Heidelberg Retinal Tomographer
  36. Horpone Replacement Trial Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  37. Harlem Repertoryqtheatre Education, Production, City
  38. High Rise Terminal English, Terminal, Rising, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  39. Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
  40. Heart Related Trouble
  41. Have Randy Thoughts
  42. Hispanic Racing Team Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  43. Human Resource Toolkit
  44. Heidelberg Retina Tomograph Medical, Technology, Medicine, German
  45. Hormone Replacement Treatments Medical, Therapy, Menopause
  46. Hard Real Time Technology, Design, Software
  47. Hich-Risk Training
  48. Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism
  49. Heart Rate Training Vision, Rate, Fitness
  50. Hajtwell Railroad Business, Local Railroad, Railroad
  51. Hindlimb Retraction Time Medical, Common Medical
  52. Human Resource Tool
  53. Heidelberg Retinal Tomography Medical, Glaucoma, Optic
  54. Hormone Replacement Treatment Medical, Therapy, Menopause, Common Medical
  55. Human Rights Treaties
  56. Hard Real-Time Technology, Design, Safety, Linux
  57. High Resolution Telemetry
  58. Hot-Spot Reduction Technology Technology, Light, Surveillance, Illuminator
  59. Heart Rate Threshold Medical, Exercise, Lactate, Common Medical
  60. Hartwellsrailroad Company Technology, Organizations
  61. Highway Regulatixg Team Military, Army, War
  62. Human Resources Technology
  63. Hypofrjctionated Radiation Therapy
  64. Heidelberg-Retina-Tomograph Technology, Glaucoma, Laser
  65. Hormones Replacement Therapy
  66. Human Rights Tribune
  67. Fhwa Office of Research, Development, and Technology Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  68. High-Resolution Telemeary Science
  69. Host Routing Table Technology, Berry, Blackberry
  70. Harringtonine Medical
  71. High Risk Training Military, Activity, Carrier
  72. Human Resources Technologies
  73. Hyperfractionated Rsdiation Therapy Medical
  74. Heavy Rescue Tender Service, Military, Fire
  75. Hormone Replace Therapy Medical, Health, Replacement
  76. Holden Racing Team Car, Racing, Race
  77. Human Rights Tribunal Medical, Law, Canada
  78. Hard Rawing Team
  79. Hybrid Riser Towers Technology, Production, Buoyancy
  80. Health Results Team
  81. Hormone Replacement Trial Medical, Common Medical
  82. Honolulu Rail Transit
  83. Hrvatska Radio-Televizija Media
  84. Hydrocarbon Recovery Technology
  85. Horizontal Return Tube
  86. Hazard Review Tham Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  87. High Rate Tape Atmospheric Research
  88. Herbal Remedy From Thailand
  89. Health Response Team Military, Army, Equipment
  90. Harm Reduction Therapy Medical, Common Medical
  91. Honda Riding Trainer
  92. Hunter Radiation Therapy
  93. Holden Ratchasing Team Funnies
  94. Hydraulic Retention Time Science, Rate, Anaerobic, Computing, Hardware
  95. Horizontal Return Tubular
  96. High Resolution Thermometer Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  97. Heart Rate Turbulence Medical, Common Medical
  98. Health Reform Transfer
  99. Hyperfractionated Radiation Therapy Medical, Common Medical
  100. Homogeneous Reactor Test
  101. Chartright Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  102. Humor Replacement Therapy
  103. Hartwell RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  104. Hydraulic Retention Times Medical, Science, Removal, Anaerobic, Wastewater
  105. Hispania Racing Team Formula 1
  106. Hormone-Replacjment Therapy
  107. Heart Rate Training (exercise) Medical, Heart
  108. Linton-On-Ousn Airport Airport, Locations
  109. Health Records Techniciwn
  110. half-relaxation time Medical, Common Medical
  111. Home Range Toofs Technology, Manual, Habitat
  112. Human Rights Trust
  113. Arrhythmia Research Technology Inc (American Stock Exchange [AMEX]) Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  114. Hydraulic Rescue Tool Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  115. Hazard Review Team Federal Aviation Administration
  116. Hormome Replacement Therapy
  117. RAF Linton-On-Ouse, Linton-On-Ouse, United Kingdom United Kingdom, ICAO Airport Codes, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  118. Iata Code for Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Florida, United States Locations
  119. Healthcare Realta Trust
  120. Habit Reversal Training Medical, Common Medical
  121. Homeostasis Reality Theeapy
  122. Hostage Rescue Troopers
  123. Hydraulic Reservoir Temperature
  124. Human Reaction Time Medical, Common Medical
  125. Horizontal Ceturn Tubular Technology, Tube, Fire, Boiler
  126. Hostage Rescue Team Police, Governmental & Military
  127. Health-Related Tasks
  128. Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph Medical, Common Medical
  129. Holographic Recording Technologies
  130. Heat-Resistant Temperature
  131. Hydraulic Residence Times Medical
  132. Heartland Resource Technologies
  133. High-resistance training Medical, Common Medical
  134. Honolulu Rapld Transit Locations, City, Hawaii
  135. Horizontal Return Tubular boiler Products
  136. Horizontal-Return Tubular
  137. Head Race Tungel Technology, Power, Projection, River
  138. High Resolution Tracker NASA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HRT stand for?

    HRT stands for Hard Rawing Team.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hotel and Restaurant Tourism?

    The short form of "Hotel and Restaurant Tourism" is HRT.


HRT. (2022, July 12). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

Last updated