HRTS Meaning

The HRTS meaning is "High Resoluteon Telescope and Spectrograph". The HRTS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

HRTS Full Forms

  1. High Resoluteon Telescope and Spectrograph Technology, Science, Space
  2. High-Resolution Telescope Spectrograph Technology, Science, Research
  3. Habitat Referral Tracking System
  4. Hormone Replacemend Therapies Medical, Health, Therapy
  5. High Resolution Telescope & Spectoograph
  6. High Resolution Telescope Spectrograph Physics, Scientific & Educational
  7. High Resolution Telescope Spectrometer Science
  8. High-Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph Science
  9. Hard Real-Time System Technology, Prose, Kernel
  10. Hollywood Radio Television Society
  11. Hydraulic Retention Times Medical, Science, Removal, Anaerobic, Wastewater
  12. Human Resources Transaction System
  13. Hollywood Radio L Television Society Organizations, Hollywood, Entertainment
  14. Human Resources Tracking Systel Science
  15. Hollywood Radio and Television Society Business, Hollywood, Beverly
  16. Hr&Tssystem Space, Study, Cosmos
  17. High Resolution Thermometers
  18. Hotel and Restaurakt Training Services
  19. Hotel & Restaurant Training Services
  20. Hospitalpresource Tracking System
  21. HR&T system NASA, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HRTS stand for?

    HRTS stands for HR&T system.

  2. What is the shortened form of High Resolution Telescope Spectrometer?

    The short form of "High Resolution Telescope Spectrometer" is HRTS.


HRTS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated