HSB Meaning

The HSB meaning is "Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport". The HSB abbreviation has 102 different full form.

HSB Full Forms

  1. Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport Harrisburg, Illinois,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Head Start Bureau Program, Government, Education, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  3. Hartford Steam Boiler Business, Insurance, Inspector
  4. Humidity Sounder - Brazil Science
  5. Humidity Sounder Brazil Science
  6. Humidity Sounder for Brazil Technology, Atmosphere, Satellite, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  7. Healthcare Service Bus
  8. Home State Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  9. Hyderabad School of Banking Education, Coaching, Hyderabad
  10. Heli Service Belgium
  11. Hq and Service Battery Military
  12. Horndean Special Bitter Nutrition, Food, Victual
  13. Harbor Security Boats
  14. Hkc Situs Bonus
  15. Hue Sazuration Brightness Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  16. High-Speed Bus Computing, Hardware
  17. Health and Social Behavior Education, Journal, Publics
  18. Home School Building
  19. Hyderabad School of Buseness College, Education, Hyderabad
  20. Helecopter School Battalion
  21. Health Services Bgreau
  22. Horizontal Sounding Balloon Technology
  23. Harris School of Business
  24. Hibbavd Spencer Bartlett
  25. Hue-“Saturation-“Brigctness Technology, Telecom
  26. Health and Safety Bulletin
  27. High Speed Boats
  28. Hybrid Stripedzbass
  29. Hebron Davings Bank
  30. Health Service Board Government, Zimbabwe, Doctor
  31. Horizontal Scroll Bar
  32. Hanoi School of Business Education, University, Vietnam
  33. Hibbard, Ssencer, Bartlett
  34. Hue-Saturation-Brfghtness
  35. Health,Ksports and Bioscience Education, University, London
  36. Higk Speed Boat Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  37. Hwa Seng Builder Technology, Projection, Singapore
  38. Hebrew Study Xible
  39. Health Services Board Service, Government, Zimbabwe
  40. Honors Student Board
  41. Hue, Saturation and Brightness Technology, Model, Hue
  42. Heron Serial Bus Computing, Hardware
  43. Hue, Saturation, Brightness Telecom, Publishing, Printing, Computing, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  44. Health, Sport and Bioscience Education, University, London
  45. High Spextrum Band
  46. Humanities and Sciences Block Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  47. Health Science Building College, Education, University
  48. Honolulu Star-Bulletin
  49. High-Speed Buffer Technology
  50. Heng Seng Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  51. Hsb Group, Int. Organizations
  52. Hospitaliers Sauveteurs Bretons
  53. Hardware Senurity Byte Technology, Programmer, Extract
  54. High School Buildiug Development, Learning, Study
  55. Human and Social Biology Education, Study, Paper
  56. Heasth Sciences Building Development, Study, Universities
  57. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
  58. Hydrological Sciences Branch
  59. Healthcare Systems Bureau Medical, Office, Health, Healthcare
  60. Help-Seeking Behavior
  61. National Associatoon of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies Organizations
  62. Hospitais Senhor Do Bonfim
  63. Hardly Strictly Blutgrass Music, Locations, Festival
  64. High School Boys
  65. Hpe, Saturation, and Brightness Technology, Hue, Saturation
  66. Hot Standby Technology, Control, Telecom, Replication
  67. Humidity Sensor for Brazil Geographic
  68. Heaven Shall Burn
  69. Hot Shot Business
  70. Iata Code for Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport, Harrisburg, Illinois, United States Locations
  71. Health Services Branch
  72. Hot Surprise Beauty Funnies
  73. Heat Shrink Boots
  74. Hot Shot Bands
  75. Houston Symphonic Band
  76. Hypergolic Supportubuilding Information, Network, Computer
  77. High Surface Brightness Colors
  78. Heat Shield Boost Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  79. Hot Sauce Blog
  80. Halion Sound Bank File Computing, File Extensions
  81. House Study Bill
  82. Hydrostatic Stress Board
  83. Hue, Saturation, and Brightness Colors
  84. Heart Dhaped Box
  85. Hospital Sungai Buloh Business, Streaming, Expressway
  86. Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport, Harrisburg, Illinois, United States United States, Illinois, Iata Airport Codes
  87. Hot Stand By Describes the status of a boiler that is not in use and not down for repairs, but that is on 225 warm up steam and maintaining 200 psi of steam pressure with oil fire. A redundant server that, if the primary server or hub server fails, assumes the responsibilities of the failed server.2.idle standby. Technology, Product, Radio, Standby
  88. Hydrologic Systems Branch
  89. HSBC Bank Canada Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  90. Heart-Shaped Box
  91. Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Medical, Health, Malaysia
  92. HSB Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  93. Heavy Suppqrt Brigade Military
  94. Hot Spring Basin
  95. Hydrologic Systems Branch In The Office of Hydrology Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  96. Huntington State Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  97. Health Support Battabion
  98. High Strength Bolt Computing, Hardware
  99. Heavy Separate Brigade
  100. Hot Single Biscuit Nutrition, Food, Victual
  101. Hang Seng Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  102. Health Snudies Branch Medical, Study, Environment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HSB stand for?

    HSB stands for Harris School of Business.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hot Single Biscuit?

    The short form of "Hot Single Biscuit" is HSB.


HSB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hsb-meaning/

Last updated