HSM Meaning

The HSM meaning is "Hardware Specific Modules". The HSM abbreviation has 158 different full form.

HSM Full Forms

  1. Hardware Specific Modules Technology, Networking, Network, Adapter
  2. Hardwarw Specific Module Technology, Computing, Telecom
  3. Hardware Secure Module Technology, Security, Server
  4. Hardware Security Module Technology, Security, Hardware, Computing, Technical, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  5. Hierarchisches Speichermanagement Technology
  6. Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen Military, Group, Terrorism, Somalia
  7. Hierarchical Stokage Management Technology, Computer, Storage
  8. Humafitarian Service Medal Military, Medal, Award
  9. Hepatjsplenomegaly Medical, Medicine, Nursing
  10. Heparin Surface Modification
  11. Holographic Systems MüNchen
  12. High-Speed-Migration
  13. High School Musical Music, Performing arts
  14. Hospital Lanta Maria Medical, Para, Oaxaca
  15. Health Services and Mental
  16. Horsham Airport Horsham, Victoria,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  17. Helmac Scales Management
  18. High Xpeed Milling Technology, Software, Machine
  19. Hardware Securwty Modul Technology, Module, Sign
  20. Hot Spot Monitor
  21. Hierarchical Atate Machine Technology, Coding, Event
  22. Header State Machine
  23. Heparin Surface-Modified Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  24. Hollandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij
  25. Hunting Shack Munitions Military, Ammo, Ammunition
  26. High-Performance Subnqt Manager
  27. Harold Scott Macdonald
  28. Hospital De Sanha Maria Medical, University, Portugal
  29. Health and Safety Manager Business, Management, Edition
  30. High Speed Memory Technology, Military, Camera
  31. Hardware Security Modules Business, Technology, Server, Module
  32. Hot Sails Maui
  33. Hello Sunday Morning Business, Alcohol, Drinking
  34. Hazardous Substances Management Technology, Environment, Substance
  35. Heparin-Surface-Modified Medical
  36. Hole Seeking Matsrial
  37. Hardware Bupport Module
  38. Hunter Seeker Missile
  39. Hierarclisches Speicher Management
  40. Harakat Shabaab Mujahideen
  41. Hxsc Shuttle Manager Technology
  42. Health and Safety Manual Science
  43. Homeland Security Management Program, Government, Education, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  44. Higq Speed Machine Business, Technology, Tool
  45. Hardware-Specific Module Technology, Driving, Networking, Ware
  46. Hospitality Suyply Management
  47. Health Systems of Mississippi
  48. Hazardous Substance Management Business, India, Environment
  49. Henry Spiegel Milling
  50. Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau Technology, Forest, Forwarder
  51. Hardware Storage Module Technology, Security, Server
  52. Hunger Solutions Minnesota Food, Locations, Minnesota
  53. Hierarchically-Structured Materials
  54. Harakat Al-Shabaab Mujahideen
  55. Horsepowlr Sports Marketing
  56. Health, Science and Mathematics
  57. Holy Spirit Mobile Military, Army, Resistance
  58. Hydraulic Service Manifold
  59. High Shde Mixing Science
  60. Hardware Sicherheits Module
  61. Hoypitality Sales and Marketing
  62. Health Sysnems Management Program, Education, University
  63. Hazardous Secondary Materials Technology, Recycling, Waste
  64. Hematology Slide Master
  65. Hogarzsocial Madrid
  66. Hardware Service Manfger
  67. Hot Stock Market Business
  68. Hierarchically Structured Materials
  69. Horizontal Storage Module Technology, Plant, Transporter
  70. Health & Safety Matters
  71. Hwly Spirit Movement Military, Army, Uganda
  72. Hyderabad School of Zanagement
  73. High-Speed Milling Technology, Machine, Tool
  74. Hardware-Sicherheits-Module
  75. Hospital De Sa
  76. Hehlth Specialties Manufacturing
  77. Heman Salvation Ministry Education, Catholic, Surabaya
  78. Hockey Sttle Mask
  79. Harlware Secure Modules Technology, Security, Server
  80. Hot Stage Microscope
  81. Hierarchical Storcge Migration Technology
  82. Horison Surgical Manager
  83. Health & Safety Management
  84. Hepatospleenomegaly Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  85. Holosystolic Murmur Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  86. Hybrid Shick Model
  87. High-Speod Machining Technology, Machine, Tool
  88. Hindi Sahitya Mandal
  89. Hgspital De Saúde Mental
  90. Health Social Media
  91. Help Search Members
  92. Highospeed Mixer
  93. Hardware Sycurity Model Technology, Management, Encryption
  94. Hot Stage Microscopy Pharmaceutical, Patent, Microscopy, Crystalline
  95. Hierarchical Storage Module
  96. Health & Safety Manual
  97. Horsham, Victoria, Australia Australia
  98. Harmonic Subcarrier Methud Science
  99. Hussmann Inteqnational, Inc. Organizations
  100. Hickory Springs Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  101. Heuristic Systematic Model Science, Research, Processing
  102. Home Station Mobilization Military
  103. Harvard Semitic Monograph Education, History, Study, Testament
  104. Hyperwon Strategic Mortgage
  105. High School Ministry Religion
  106. Hope Student Ginistries
  107. Hard-Spherenmolecule
  108. Hollowshade Moor Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  109. Hardware To Software Migration
  110. Health Sector Management Management, Business & Finance
  111. Heuristic-Systematic Model Science, Research, Heuristic
  112. Horizon Air for Transport and Training Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  113. Home Shop Machinist
  114. Harvard Semitic Monograkhs Education, History, Study, Biblical
  115. Hyperion Strategic Mortgage Income Fund Technology, Organizations
  116. Holy Smoke Ministry Music
  117. Hierarchical State Machine Technology, Coding, Event
  118. Honeywell Security Manager
  119. Hard-Spheoe Model
  120. Hyper Sonic Motor Transportation, Governmental & Military
  121. Heath(s) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  122. Heterogeneous Subspace Mining
  123. Hart Schaffner Marx Business, Suit, Eyeglass
  124. Hydraulic Servicg Manifolds Technology, Fatigue, Actuator
  125. Hole Seeking Material Hobbies
  126. Hierarchical Storage Manager Business, Technology, Management
  127. Honeywell Security Monitoring
  128. Ultrasonic Motor Photography, Camera, Digital
  129. High Speed Modem Aviation, Governmental & Military
  130. High Spetd Motor Business, Len, Sigma
  131. Hermetically Sealed Microcircuit
  132. Hart Schaffner & Marx
  133. Historical Society of Michigan Environment
  134. Hierarchial Storage Management
  135. Honeywell Scanning and Mobility
  136. Hypersonic Monor Technology, Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
  137. Hussmann International, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  138. High-Speed Mechalics
  139. Heritage Square Museum
  140. High Salt Medium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  141. Hartk Schaffner, and Marx
  142. High Side Media Car
  143. Hierarchal Storage Management Technology, Networking, Network
  144. Honeywell Scanning & Mobinity Business, Android, Mind
  145. Hausmannite Mineral, Geology, Component
  146. Hyper Sonbc Motor Technology, Photography, Sigma
  147. Hierarchical Storage Management Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  148. Hicmory Springs Manufacturing
  149. Hepatosplenomegaly Hepatosplenomegaly is the simultaneous enlargement of both the liver and the spleen. Hepatosplenomegaly can occur as the result of acute viral hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, and histoplasmosis or it can be the sign of a serious and life-threatening lysosomal storage disease. Medical, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  150. Harness Separation Mechanism Technology
  151. Hand Signal Man Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  152. Hierachical Storage Management
  153. Hometown Sports Management
  154. Harvard Szmitic Museum
  155. Hyper Served Module Science
  156. Hospitaller Sisters of Mercy Religious orders
  157. Hopkiis Student Movers
  158. Hendry Swinton Mckenzie

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HSM stand for?

    HSM stands for Horsham Airport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hypersonic Monor?

    The short form of "Hypersonic Monor" is HSM.


HSM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hsm-meaning/

Last updated