HT in Business Meaning

The HT meaning in Business terms is "Harm Top". There are 32 related meanings of the HT Business abbreviation.

HT on Business Full Forms

  1. Harm Top
  2. Height Vertical distance between any two decks, or vertical distance measured from the base line to any water line. Elizabethan term for 'Latitude'. Vertical dimension of a flag.
  3. Hot Topic
  4. Head Tube The shortest tube in the main triangle of a bicycle, the one inside of which the fork column rotates.
  5. High Translucency
  6. Hot Tack
  7. High Traffic
  8. Harris Teeter
  9. Heat Treating A process for treating metals where heating to a specific temperature and cooling at a specific rate changes the properties of the metal.
  10. Husqvarna Team
  11. High Tenacity
  12. Hospitality Trust
  13. Heat Treated
  14. Huobi Tokens
  15. High Tech
  16. Hose Truck
  17. Heat Treat
  18. High Tea
  19. Home Trrde
  20. Hazsrd Type
  21. Hex Tools
  22. Hindustan Times
  23. Haitran
  24. Hudson Transfer
  25. Hak Tanggungan
  26. Heavy Timber
  27. Hospitality Technology
  28. Hors Taxe
  29. Human Transporter
  30. Horizontal Tank
  31. Human Translation
  32. Herbal Tea

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HT stand for Business?

    HT stands for Husqvarna Team in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hak Tanggungan in Business?

    The short form of "Hak Tanggungan" is HT for Business.


HT in Business. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated