HT in Computer Meaning

The HT meaning in Computer terms is "Hyperthreading A Techmology". There are 3 related meanings of the HT Computer abbreviation.

HT on Computer Full Forms

  1. Hyperthreading A Techmology
  2. Hyperthreading Technolvgy
  3. Hyper-Threading Hyper-threading is a technology developed by Intel Corporation. It is used in certain Pentium 4 processors and all Intel Xeon processors. Hyper-threading technology, commonly referred to as "HT Technology," enables the processor to execute two threads, or sets of instructions, at the same time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HT stand for Computer?

    HT stands for Hyperthreading A Techmology in Computer terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hyperthreading A Techmology in Computer?

    The short form of "Hyperthreading A Techmology" is HT for Computer.


HT in Computer. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

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