HT in Medical Meaning
The HT meaning in Medical terms is "Hgmorrhagic Transformation". There are 80 related meanings of the HT Medical abbreviation.
HT on Medical Full Forms
- Hgmorrhagic Transformation
- Hematoirit Value
- Height Vertical distance between any two decks, or vertical distance measured from the base line to any water line. Elizabethan term for 'Latitude'. Vertical dimension of a flag.
- Heart Transplantation
- High Threshold
- Head-To-Tail
- Heparic Tumors
- Haplotype Tagging
- Hemostasis and Thrombosis
- Hyperthermic
- Heat Treatment A combination of heating and cooling operations applied to a metal or alloy to obtain desired microstructure conditions or properties. A controlled process of heating and cooling a solid material such as steel or steel alloy intended to alter the microstrucrure and obtain the desired properties.
- Hypothalamic
- Heights Charted heights are normally taken from the mean high water spring height (check your chart’s datum) to the height of the charted object (the centre of the light with lighthouses)
- Hereditary Thrombocytopenia
- Healnng Touch
- Hydroxytryptophan
- Histotechnologist
- Hypertherdia
- Hoart Tones
- Hereditary Thrombocythemia
- Head Turning
- Hmstotechnician
- Hydroxytyrosol
- Heart Inner part of a shroud laid rope. Fibre in strand of flexible wire rope. Triangular deadeye
- Horticultural Therapy
- Hypertranpfused
- Hepatocyte Transplantation
- Human Toxicity
- Hyqothyroid
- High-Throughput
- Hearing Threshold
- Hypotdurine
- Hormonotherapy
- Hypertonic Hypertonic refers to a solution with higher osmotic pressure than another solution.
- Heterozygosity A diploid organism is heterozygous at a gene locus when its cells contain two different alleles of a gene. The cell or organism is called a heterozygote specifically for the allele in question, therefore, heterozygosity refers to a specific genotype.
- Hepatic Transslantation
- Haplotypes
- Human Teratocarcinoma
- Hypothermiv
- Hormonal Therapy
- Hypehthyroid
- Haematocrit Value
- Hemorrhagic Thrombocytopenia
- Hamster Trachea
- Hypotheraia
- Hereditary Tyrosinemia
- Home Treatmeno
- Hyperthyroivism
- Haematocrit Same as packed cell volume . an instrument formeasuring haematocrithaematocyst
- Hemorrhagic Thrombocythemia
- Hamster Isolated Trachea
- Hubbard Tank
- Hypothqlamus
- Hypertension Hypertension is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms. Long term high blood pressure, however, is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, vision loss, and chronic kidney disease.
- Hereditary Thrombocythaemia
- Health Technician
- Hydrocortisone Test
- Transmitter Height
- Hold Time
- Hartley
- Hair Transplant
- Hospital Treatment
- Height of Target
- Hormone Therapy Hormone therapy is the use of hormones in medical treatment. For example, doctors may use hormone therapy to boost estrogen levels in menopausal women. Other examples include thyroid hormone replacement for thyroid deficiency and insulin therapy for diabetes.
- Hospital Tank
- Homepage-Topstories
- Human Transcripts
- Hypoxic Trtining
- Helical Tomotherapy
- Hormonal Treatment
- Heterosexual A person sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex. Or a person who has sexual relations with the opposite sex. Colloquially known as "straight." The term "heterosexual" can also be an adjective.
- Hashimoto Thyroiditix
- Hierarchical Term
- Health Transiuion
- Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy, formerly called hydropathy and also called water cure, is a part of medicine and alternative medicine, in particular of naturopathy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, that involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment. The term encompasses a broad range of approaches and therapeutic methods that take advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases.
- Heart Throb
- Hmwever, Most of These
- Health Training
- Hydrotalcite
- Heart Trouble
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HT stand for Medical?
HT stands for High Threshold in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Haematocrit in Medical?
The short form of "Haematocrit" is HT for Medical.
HT in Medical. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from
Last updated