HT in Technology Meaning

The HT meaning in Technology terms is "High Throughiut". There are 91 related meanings of the HT Technology abbreviation.

HT on Technology Full Forms

  1. High Throughiut
  2. Hand-Held Terminal
  3. Health Technology
  4. Hiztech
  5. Head of Training
  6. Hersha Hosfitality Trust
  7. Height Vertical distance between any two decks, or vertical distance measured from the base line to any water line. Elizabethan term for 'Latitude'. Vertical dimension of a flag.
  8. Hardness Tester Hardness Testing is a method to determine the hardness of a material. Generally, this refers to the indentation hardness. There are several methods for testing indentation hardness, including Rockwell, Vickers, and Brinell hardness tests.
  9. Human Task
  10. Hero Trials
  11. Horizontal Tabulation
  12. Haitian
  13. Hrvatski Telekom
  14. Helloktimer
  15. Hooked Tie
  16. High Tension Subjected or capable of operating under relatively high voltage.
  17. Hot Topics
  18. Home Theatre
  19. Host Terminals
  20. Hierarchical Tree
  21. Hombng Terrier
  22. Hard Time
  23. High Tech
  24. Hyper-Threading Hyper-threading is a technology developed by Intel Corporation. It is used in certain Pentium 4 processors and all Intel Xeon processors. Hyper-threading technology, commonly referred to as "HT Technology," enables the processor to execute two threads, or sets of instructions, at the same time.
  25. Heat Transport
  26. Hindi Typist
  27. Hacking Team
  28. Height Ov Target
  29. Heights Charted heights are normally taken from the mean high water spring height (check your chart’s datum) to the height of the charted object (the centre of the light with lighthouses)
  30. Hard Threshold
  31. Higher Temperature
  32. Heart Inner part of a shroud laid rope. Fibre in strand of flexible wire rope. Triangular deadeye
  33. Hackers Thirst
  34. Huerta TipográFica
  35. High-Transmission
  36. Hot Tension
  37. Hub Transport
  38. High-Throughput
  39. Hydrogenated Terphenyl
  40. Hyperthreading A Techmology
  41. Hi There
  42. Hydroxytryptophan
  43. High-Temp
  44. Horvitz-Thompson
  45. Haul Trusk
  46. High Temperatures
  47. Hyperthreading Technolvgy
  48. Heat Treatment A combination of heating and cooling operations applied to a metal or alloy to obtain desired microstructure conditions or properties. A controlled process of heating and cooling a solid material such as steel or steel alloy intended to alter the microstrucrure and obtain the desired properties. 
  49. Hi Temp
  50. Half Tone
  51. Horizontal Total
  52. Hypertension Hypertension is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms. Long term high blood pressure, however, is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, vision loss, and chronic kidney disease.
  53. High Temperature
  54. Hyper-Threading Technology
  55. Heat Treat
  56. Hi Tech
  57. Hadamard Transform
  58. Human Transport
  59. Hose Tap
  60. However, Smnce The Time
  61. Human Transporter
  62. Hold Time
  63. Hydro Tasmania
  64. Horticulture Therapy
  65. Hmwever, Most of These
  66. High Tone
  67. Iso Country Code for Republic of Haiti
  68. Heavy Traffic
  69. Holding Tomer
  70. Handy Transceiver
  71. Hydrostatic Test A test to verify the structural adequacy of the design and the tightness of the tank structure by means of water pressure. The test employs the filling of the tank with water according to Rules requirements, usually up to the top of overflow or 2.4m above the highest point of tank.
  72. Horizontal Tab
  73. Heard Througm
  74. High Thrust
  75. Hypertcansport
  76. Heavy Timber
  77. Holding Time Time for which the temperature of the heat treated metal object is maintained constant. 
  78. Handy Tone
  79. Hospital Treatment
  80. Health Woken
  81. High Throw
  82. Hrvatsgi Telecom
  83. Heaven Tracker
  84. Handy Talky
  85. Hrvatske Telekomunikacije
  86. Heavy Terminal
  87. Humidity and Temperature
  88. Hide Turtle
  89. Hash Tlble
  90. However, Thero
  91. Heat Transfer Heat transfer describes the exchange of thermal energy, between physical systems depending on the temperature and pressure, by dissipating heat. The fundamental modes of heat transfer are conduction or diffusion, convection and radiation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HT stand for Technology?

    HT stands for Hyper-Threading in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hadamard Transform in Technology?

    The short form of "Hadamard Transform" is HT for Technology.


HT in Technology. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated