HU Meaning
The HU meaning is "Hammer Union". The HU abbreviation has 152 different full form.
HU Full Forms
- Hammer Union Technology, Supplier, Pressure
- Heat Unins Nature, Heat, Pepper, Cayenne
- Hydraulique Urbaine
- Hounsfield Unit Medical, Medicine, Tomography
- Hamilton University Education
- Heat Unit Term used to describe what has been traditionally called a growing degree–day. Medical, Heating, Cayenne
- Hounsfield-Units Medical, Patient, Outcome, Tomography
- Hamdard University Education, Pakistan, Admission
- Heating Unit Military, Heat, Pepper, Cayenne
- Hospital UniversitáRio Para, Hospital, Dos, Brasil
- Hainan University Student, Education, China
- Housing Units Locations, Building, Censu
- Hhalth Unit Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Hooking Up
- Hacettepe üNiversitesi Turkish, Ankara, Prof, Hacettepe
- Housing Unit Steel device used to hold the billy roll in place between the slitter heads and knives. A house, an apartment, a group of rooms, or a single room if it is either occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters by a family, an individual, or a group of one to nine unrelated persons. Separate living quarters means the occupants (1) live and eat separately from other persons in the house or apartment and (2) have direct access from the outside of the buildings or through a common hall--that is, they can get to it without going through someone else's living quarters. Police, Governmental & Military
- Head Up A radar mode in which the heading of the vessel is displayed at the top of the radar screen, also called Ships Head Up.
- Home User
- Habitat Unit Technology, Oil, Scientific & Educational
- House Use Hotel, Room, House, Housekeeping
- Hammer Unions Technology, Product, Pressure
- Home University Development, Study, Colleges
- Howard University Student, Education, University
- Hounsfield Units Medical, Technology, Medicine, History, Model, Imaging, Stone, Tomography
- Health Unlimited Organizations, Community, Projection
- Hackeh's Utility
- Hofk Up Forum, Internet Slang, Chat
- Hydrologic Unit Locations, Map, Boundary
- Hell-Unleashed
- Household Unit America, Church, Hubbard, Household
- Harokopion University
- Heads-Up Business, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
- Hampton Universityrsity Education, University, United States, Hampton Institute And University
- High Undergraduate
- Humboldt-Universit
- HasznáLati UtasíTáS Meg, Bosch, Ket
- Healtj Units
- Hacettepe Univervity Technology, Education, Engineering
- Hook-Up Hook-up is a temporary connection between electrical or electronic circuits or a temporary communications channel. Computing, Telecom
- Hydraulic Unit Technology, Control, Pump
- Heliopolis University
- Hours Ufits
- Harmony University Organizations, Language, Barbershop
- People Old name for a ship's company Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Modern Slang, Forum, Computing, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Hampton University Student, Education, University, United States, Hampton Institute And University
- Highly Unsatisfactory
- Hulboldt-Universitã¤T
- Hashemite University Student, Education, Rank
- Healing University
- Habitat Inits Technology
- Honor Unit Technology
- Hyderabad University
- Helicopter Utility Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Hounsfield Ünitgsi Medical, Presentation, Turkish
- Handle Universal
- Hungarian Technology, Information Technology, Education, University, School, Locations, Study, Language Codes
- Highly Un
- Hub Unic
- Harvard Universityrsity Education
- Healev Unite
- Habib University Education, Pakistan, Karachi
- Hsngrie Ungarn
- Hu University Development, Study, Universities
- Hounsfield Godfrey Hounsfield, a key contributor to the creation of the CAT scanner. The unit measuring the brightness of images that appear on a CAT scanner. Medical
- Hamline Universityrsity Education
- Hope University
- Hemagglutination Units Medical
- Htlv-1 Uveitis Medical
- Harvard University Education, Development, Universities, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Head Usher
- Hwndu Unity
- Homosoxual Unions
- Hdmboldt Universit
- Heated Undsrblanket
- Hounsefieqd Units
- Hamline University Education
- Hainan Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Hopcroft and Ullman
- Hydroxyurea A drug that inhibits the synthesis of DNA and so is classified as an antimetabolite. Hydroxyurea is used to treat a number of diseases, including chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), polycythemia vera, carcinoma of the head and neck, ovary, and cervix, melanoma, and sickle cell disease. Hydroxyurea is taken orally. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Helwan University Education, Engineering, Faculty
- Howard Universityrsity Education, University, United States
- Hartlepool United
- Headset Unit Army, War, War Force
- Haritadaki Uzunluk Turkish, Baz, Tam
- Home Use Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Humboldt UniversitäT Education, University, Berlin
- Hatyai University
- Heat-Unstable Nucleoid Protein Medical
- Houndsfield Units Medical
- Hamline Univ
- Hook Upe
- Hydrologic Units Locations, Water, Basin
- Helsinki University Technology, Education, Library
- Howard Ungerleider Famous
- Harran University
- Heads Up Business, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
- Hypoglycemia Unawazeness Medical, Diabet, Insulin
- Hollins Universityrsity Education
- Humboldt Universitt Education, Development, Universities
- HasznáLati ÚTmutató
- Hydrostatic Unloading
- Hokkaido Universityrsity
- Hugh You Texting
- Hebrewtuniversityrsity Education
- Hubbell Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Horizontal Up Patent, Encoding, Pixel
- Hyperuricosuria Hyperuricosuria is a medical term referring to the presence of excessive amounts of uric acid in the urine. For men this is at a rate greater than 800 mg/day, and for women, 750 mg/day. Notable direct causes of hyperuricosuria are dissolution of uric acid crystals in the kidneys or urinary bladder, and hyperuricemia. Notable indirect causes include uricosuric drugs, rapid breakdown of bodily tissues containing large quantities of DNA and RNA, and a diet high in purine. Medical
- Hungary (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Hotel Ujited
- Hohai University Education, China, Nanjing
- Hudson United Bancorp Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Hebrew Universitw Education, Israel, Jerusalem
- Horizons Unlimited Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Huron University Education
- Hyperuricemia Excessively high levels of blood urate; hyperuricemia can induce gout. Medical
- Helicogter Unit Military, War, Force
- Hungarian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Host Fnit Technology, Force, Base
- Hiroshima Universityrsity
- Huddersfield University Education
- Hebrew Union
- Humidifier A device to add moisture to air. Metal straps that are nailed and secure the roof rafters and trusses to the top horizontal wall plate. Sometimes called a Teco clip. An appliance normally attached to the furnace, or portable unit device designed to increase the humidity within a room or a house by means of the discharge of water vapor. Technology, Aviation, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Hopup-Unit
- Huntington University Student, College, Education
- Hyperemia Unit Medical
- Helicopter, Utility Military, Helicopter, Bell
- Harbor Unit Police, Governmental & Military
- Hospital Univeroit
- Higher Universal German, Machine, Tool
- Haupt-Untersuchung Technology, Service, Sind, Auto
- Heat Use
- Humboldt-UniversityrsitäT
- Cytidine A pyrimidine nucleoside found in DNA and RNA. Medical, Science, Genetics, Biochemistry, Nucleic Acid, Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Hungary Sports, Locations, Countries, Country, Aviation, Computing, Internet, Hungary, European Union, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Hyogo University
- Heidelberg Univeraity
- Hook Up Computing, Telecom
- Hospitol Unit Medical, Military, Health
- Hanyang Universityrsity
- Haugh Units Medical, Quality, Egg
- Hosei Universityrsity
- Humboldt University Education, Berlin, Germany
- Hefei University
- Halo Underground Computing, Internet
- Hose Union
- Iso Country Code for Hungarian People'S Republic Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Hongshan Universityrsity
- Humboldt-UniversitäT Education, University, Berlin
- Hebron University Medical, Science, Palestine
- High Utility Products
- Hosei University
- HøRehaemmet Ungdom
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HU stand for?
HU stands for Howard Universityrsity.
What is the shortened form of Heating Unit?
The short form of "Heating Unit" is HU.
HU. (2021, March 9). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from
Last updated