HUM in WhatsApp Meaning

The HUM meaning in WhatsApp terms is "Hear U Me". There are 6 related meanings of the HUM WhatsApp abbreviation.

HUM on WhatsApp Full Forms

  1. Hear U Me 'Hum' is an acronym in WhatsApp, and it stands for 'Hear U Me'.
  2. Have you missed? The acronym "hum" in WhatsApp stands for "have you missed?" and is used to ask if the recipient has seen or read something that was sent earlier.
  3. Hurry Up Message It is a message that is sent to prompt someone to respond quickly or to remind them that they haven't replied to a previous message.
  4. understanding or agreement 'Hum' is a word often used in messaging, particularly in WhatsApp chats, to express understanding or agreement.
  5. Happily Unmarried Man The acronym "HUM" stands for "Happily Unmarried Man," which is a phrase used to describe single men who are content and proud of their relationship status
  6. Thinking about how to respond "Hum" is a term used in WhatsApp to indicate that someone is thinking, or has seen the message and is thinking about how to respond.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HUM stand for WhatsApp?

    HUM stands for Hurry Up Message in WhatsApp terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of understanding or agreement in WhatsApp?

    The short form of "understanding or agreement" is HUM for WhatsApp.


HUM in WhatsApp. (2023, February 15). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated