HUMS Meaning

The HUMS meaning is "Health, Usage & Monitoring System". The HUMS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

HUMS Full Forms

  1. Health, Usage & Monitoring System
  2. Health, Usage, and Monitoring System Technology, Health, Usage
  3. Health Usage Monitoring System Technology, Aircraft, Helicopter
  4. Health & Usage Monitoring Systems Technology, Aviation, Helicopter
  5. Health Usage Monitoring Systems Technology, Aviation, Helicopter
  6. Health & Usage Monitoring System Technology, Aircraft, Helicopter
  7. Health Usage and Monitoring System Technology, Software, Aerospace
  8. Health and Usage Monitoring System Technology, Helicopter, Vehicle
  9. Health Usage and Monitoring Systems Technology, Helicopter, Westland
  10. Health and Usage Monitoring Systems Technology, Aircraft, Helicopter, Aviation, Software, Computing, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  11. Health and Usage Management System Technology, Helicopter, Aerospace
  12. Hormozgan University of Medical Science Development, Study, Universities
  13. Health & Usage Management Systems
  14. Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences Science, Medicine, Education
  15. Heterostructural Uncooled Magnetic Sensors Military
  16. Health Usage Management System
  17. Health Usage and Management System
  18. Hrvatska Udruga Medicinskih Sestara Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  19. Health and Usage Management Systems Business, Control, Aerospace
  20. Humanities Science, Education, Development, University, Literature, School, Language, Study, Linguistics, Universities, Clarkson School
  21. Hrvatske Udruge Medicinskih Sestara

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HUMS stand for?

    HUMS stands for Health and Usage Monitoring System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Health and Usage Management Systems?

    The short form of "Health and Usage Management Systems" is HUMS.


HUMS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated