HVF Meaning

The HVF meaning is "Hard, Valuable, Fun". The HVF abbreviation has 23 different full form.

HVF Full Forms

  1. Hard, Valuable, Fun Business, Startup, Pal
  2. Heavy Vehicle Fee Technology, Switzerland, Transport
  3. Hoffmann Von Fallersleben
  4. Humphrey Visual Field Medical, Medicine, Glaucoma
  5. Heavy Vehicle Factory Business, Card, Semi
  6. Hoffmann-Von-Fallersleben
  7. Heavy Vehicles Factory Business, Vehicle, Semi
  8. Histogram Variances Face
  9. Health Verification Form
  10. Hillary Victory Fund Government, Money, Campaign
  11. Harmonic Voltage Factor
  12. Heavy Viscosity Fuel
  13. Hard Valuable Fun Business, Startup, Pay, Pal
  14. Heavy Viscosity Fuel Oil Business, Cargo Shipping
  15. Home Value Forecast Business, Building, Market
  16. Human Values Foundation Education, School, Teaching
  17. High-Viscosity Fuel
  18. Hungarian Village Finder
  19. Human Volunteer Force Organizations, Drama, Zombie, Flesh
  20. Hotel Villa Fontaine
  21. humprey visual fields Medical, Common Medical
  22. Hope Valley Farms
  23. Highly Volatile Fuel Army & Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HVF stand for?

    HVF stands for Heavy Vehicle Factory.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hard, Valuable, Fun?

    The short form of "Hard, Valuable, Fun" is HVF.


HVF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hvf-meaning/

Last updated