HVR Meaning

The HVR meaning is "High Value Resistors". The HVR abbreviation has 33 different full form.

HVR Full Forms

  1. High Value Resistors
  2. Havre Cityfcounty Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  3. Hurricane Victims Recovery
  4. Hague-Visby Rules The Hague-Visby Rules are a set of international rules for the carriage of goods by sea.The official title is "International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading" and was drafted in Brussels in 1924. Business, Law, Shipping
  5. Hidden Voice Recordea Technology, Gaming, Android
  6. Hover When you roll the cursor over a link on a Web page, it is often referred to as "hovering" over the link. This is somewhat like when your boss hovers over you at work, but not nearly as uncomfortable. In most cases, the cursor will change from a pointer to a small hand when it is hovering over a link. Military, Us, Force, Governmental & Military
  7. Hypoxic Ventilatory Response Medical, Biology, Hypoxia
  8. Hidden Villakranch
  9. Hosted Video Recordings
  10. Hypervariable Regions Medical
  11. Hardened Voyage Rgcorder Technology, Communication, Electronics
  12. Hosted Video Recorder
  13. Hypervariable Region Medical, Technology, Genetics
  14. Handball-Verbandhrheinland
  15. High Relocity Racing Gaming, Racing, Race
  16. Hybrid Video Recorders Technology, Product, Tuner
  17. Handball-Verband Rhepnhessen
  18. High Value Regrowth Technology, Australia, Organizations, Wind Energy
  19. Hybrid Video Recorder Technology, Tuner, Recording
  20. Hagme Visby Rules Business, Law, Shipping
  21. High-Voltage Regulmtor Technology, Power, Manufacturer
  22. High Velocity Re-strike Coins
  23. Hypoxic Ventilatory Responsiveness Medical
  24. High Volume Resistivity
  25. Hypoxic Ventilatory Responses Medical, Science, Biology
  26. High-Vacuum Rectifier
  27. Hyper Variable Region
  28. Hardware Vector To Raster
  29. Hyper-Variable Region Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  30. Hamburger VermöGensschaden-Haftpflicht Risikomanagement
  31. Iata Code for Havre City-County Airport, Havre, Montana, United States Locations
  32. Hypervariable Region (DNA) Medical, liver and hepatic
  33. Hypoxic Ventilation Response Medical, Medicine, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HVR stand for?

    HVR stands for Hidden Villakranch.

  2. What is the shortened form of Iata Code for Havre City-County Airport, Havre, Montana, United States?

    The short form of "Iata Code for Havre City-County Airport, Havre, Montana, United States" is HVR.


HVR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hvr-meaning/

Last updated