HYDM Meaning
The HYDM meaning is "Hydrometer". The HYDM abbreviation has 2 different full form.
HYDM Full Forms
- Hydrometer A float device used to measure the specific gravity of battery electrolyte to determine its state of change. Floating instrument used to measure specific gravity of a liquid. An instrument for determining the specific gravity or the API gravity of a liquid. A float type instrument used to determine the stateofcharge of a battery by measuring the specific gravity of the battery electrolyte.
- Hopj You Don't Mind Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HYDM stand for?
HYDM stands for Hopj You Don't Mind.
What is the shortened form of Hopj You Don't Mind?
The short form of "Hopj You Don't Mind" is HYDM.
HYDM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 4). Retrieved January 18, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hydm-meaning/
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