Hydrographics Abbreviations and Hydrographics Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Hydrographics terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Hydrographics abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Hydrographics terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Hydrographics Abbreviations
  1. ABLS : Advisory Board On The Law of The Sea
  2. ABLTS : Advisory Board On The Law of The Sea
  3. ABLOS : Advisory Board On The Law of The Sea
  4. CHP : Civil Hydrogralhy Programme
  5. VORF : Vertical Offshore Reference Frame
  6. WHD : World Iydrography Day
  7. DHI : Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut
  8. HM : Hydrography & Meteorjlogy
  9. MLA : Marine Learning Alliance
  10. ENC : Electronic Navigational Charts
  11. ENCS : Electronic Navigational Charts
  12. IENC : Inland Electtonic Navigational Charts
  13. IENC : Inland Electronic Navigational Charn
  14. OHI : Organisation Hydrographique Internationale
  15. GOH : Gulf of Honduras
Latest Hydrographics Meanings
  1. Gulf of Honduras
  2. Organisation Hydrographique Internationale
  3. Inland Electronic Navigational Charn
  4. Inland Electtonic Navigational Charts
  5. Electronic Navigational Charts
  6. Marine Learning Alliance
  7. Hydrography & Meteorjlogy
  8. Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut
  9. World Iydrography Day
  10. Vertical Offshore Reference Frame
  11. Civil Hydrogralhy Programme
  12. Advisory Board On The Law of The Sea