I in Aviation Meaning

The I meaning in Aviation terms is "Horizontal Situation Indicator". There are 12 related meanings of the I Aviation abbreviation.

I on Aviation Full Forms

  1. Horizontal Situation Indicator A cockpit navigation display, usually part of a flight-director system, which combines navigation and heading.
  2. Information 411 means information. It is a generic abbreviation used for information that comes from the phone number "411," which is used to get information.
  3. Italy
  4. Input Whenever you enter data into your computer, it is referred to as input. This can be text typed in a word processing document, keywords entered in a search engine's search box, or data entered into a spreadsheet. Input can be something as simple as moving the mouse or clicking the mouse button or it can be as complex as scanning a document or downloading photos from a digital camera.
  5. Inner
  6. Infrared  Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 7500 A, the limit of the visible light spectrum at the red end, and centimetric radio waves. 
  7. Independent “Independent” means that a piping or venting system, for example, is in no way connected to another system and that there are no provisions available for the potential connection to other systems, (IBC Code).
  8. Indicator A compound that changes color at a particular pH, or over a particular narrow range of pH, used or In intelligence usage, an item of information which reflects the intention or capability of an adversary to adopt or reject a course of action. A mechanical device with points to a scale to provide a visual perspective of the state of a component.
  9. Increment Quantity, usually variable, that is added to an independent variable in an invariable expression When very small it is termed a 'differential'
  10. Inspection Visual examination. Entering a table with known data and abstracting a tabulated resultant.
  11. Increase Become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
  12. International Mostly means something involving more than a single country.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does I stand for Aviation?

    I stands for Information in Aviation terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Increase in Aviation?

    The short form of "Increase" is I for Aviation.


I in Aviation. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/i-meaning-in-aviation/

Last updated