I in Common Medical Meaning

The I meaning in Common Medical terms is "Information". There are 10 related meanings of the I Common Medical abbreviation.

I on Common Medical Full Forms

  1. Information 411 means information. It is a generic abbreviation used for information that comes from the phone number "411," which is used to get information.
  2. Industry 1. The portion of an economy that produces a particular related group of products; e.g., the motor vehicle industry, the tourism industry, the mining industry. A list of industries might well include agriculture. 2. One of three main sectors of an economy, the other two being the agriculture and service sectors. Industry in turn includes mining and manufacturing.
  3. Isoleucine A naturally occuring amino acid with a nonpolar side chain.
  4. Inventory Inventory is the stock of raw materials, work in progress or finished goods.
  5. Injection Forcing of fuel into cylinder of a compression ignition oil engine. Forcing of feed water into a boiler
  6. Instruct To give information or knowledge, usually in a formal setting such as a lesson or briefing. \nExample: The safety officer instructs employees on the use of the breathing equipment. The training captain instructs trainee pilots in the simulator.
  7. Institute
  8. International Mostly means something involving more than a single country.
  9. Center International Center
  10. Incomplete

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does I stand for Common Medical?

    I stands for Incomplete in Common Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institute in Common Medical?

    The short form of "Institute" is I for Common Medical.


I in Common Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/i-meaning-in-common-medical/

Last updated