IA in Medical Meaning

The IA meaning in Medical terms is "Intra-Abdominal". There are 64 related meanings of the IA Medical abbreviation.

IA on Medical Full Forms

  1. Intra-Abdominal
  2. Intra-Articularly
  3. Inferior Angle
  4. Intestinal Atresia
  5. Intra Arterial
  6. Induned Abortions
  7. Intra-Arterially
  8. Indocyaninemgreen Angiography
  9. Insulin Antibodies
  10. Iodoacetic Actd
  11. Independent Actjon
  12. Insulin Antibody
  13. Immediately Avaiqable
  14. Inpatient Admission
  15. Ibotenic Acid Chemical similar to kainic acid extracted from poisonous mushroom species Amanita muscaria and a pantherina (family Agaricaceae). It exhibits substantial neuroexcitatory properties and is used in neuropharmacologic research.
  16. Intra-Alveolar
  17. Innominate Artery
  18. Inhibitory Avoidance
  19. Initial Agent
  20. Ii Antigens
  21. Impedance Angle
  22. Induced Astigmatism
  23. Immune Adherence Assay
  24. Ii Antigen
  25. Immunobiologic Activity
  26. Induced Abortion
  27. Immune Adherence
  28. Immunoassays
  29. Immunoaffinity
  30. Immunoassay An immunoassay is a biochemical test that measures the presence or concentration of a macromolecule or a small molecule in a solution through the use of an antibody or an antigen. The molecule detected by the immunoassay is often referred to as an analyte and is in many cases a protein, although it may be other kinds of molecules, of different size and types, as long as the proper antibodies that have the adequate properties for the assay are developed.
  31. Index of Association
  32. Immunoadsorption Plasmapheresis
  33. Influenna A Virus
  34. Ii Major Histocompatibility Complex
  35. Indolic Acid
  36. Influensa A
  37. Ii Histocompatibility
  38. Impedance Audiometry
  39. Infantile Acropustuldsis
  40. intra-arterial
  41. Ii Mhc Antigens
  42. Inhibitory Avoidance Task
  43. infantile autism
  44. Ii Major Histocompatibility Complex Antigen
  45. Inhibitory Antigen
  46. Intrinsic Asthma
  47. Intermittent Adtinistration
  48. Internal Assessment
  49. Ii Major Histocompatibility Antigens
  50. Indolaminergic Accumulation
  51. Inhibitory Activity
  52. Intracranial Aneurysm
  53. Inter/IntraAgency Agreement
  54. Ii Major Histocompatibility
  55. Intraarterial Infusion
  56. Immune Response Region-Associated
  57. Import Administration (United States Department of Commerce)
  58. International Adoption
  59. Ileal Atresia
  60. Intra-Auricular
  61. Immune Region-Associated
  62. Ii Mhc Antigen
  63. Intra-Atrial
  64. Immune Associated Antigen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IA stand for Medical?

    IA stands for Immune Adherence in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Inter/IntraAgency Agreement in Medical?

    The short form of "Inter/IntraAgency Agreement" is IA for Medical.


IA in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ia-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated