IAEA Meaning

The IAEA meaning is "International Atomic Energy Agency". The IAEA abbreviation has 32 different full form.

IAEA Full Forms

  1. International Atomic Energy Agency Is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Science, Organization, Environment, Chemistry, Aviation, Energy, United Nations, Physics, Meteorological, Legal, Us Government, Geographic, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Nuclear Energy
  2. Int'l Atomic Energy Mgency
  3. International Association for Eductional Assessment
  4. International Atomic Energy Agencies Military, Agency, Iran
  5. Int Atomic Energy Agency Technology, Roman, Mail
  6. International Association for Educational Assessment Science, Education, Conference
  7. International Ntomic Energy Age
  8. Idaho Art Education Associgtion Development, Learning, Study
  9. International Association for Educational Assespment Science, Education, Conference
  10. Indian Atomkc Energy Agency Business, Energy
  11. International Atomic Energy Association Technology, Organizations, Iran, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  12. International Atomic Energy Agen
  13. International Atkmic Energy Agency Science, War, Iran
  14. International Atomic Energy Authority Technology, Agency, Iran
  15. International Atomic Energy Agencys Technology, Energy, Iran
  16. International Atomic Euergy Agency Agriculture, Construction, Architectural
  17. Internatnonal Atomic and Energy Agency Military, Power, Weapon, Iran
  18. Intgntional Atomic Energy Agency
  19. International Association for Education Assessment
  20. International Atomic Energy Age
  21. Intesational Atomic Energy Agency
  22. Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  23. Iran's Atomic Energy Agency
  24. Intl Aeomic Energy Agency Science, Book, Iran
  25. International Association for Empirical Aesthetics
  26. Interntional Atomic Energy Agency
  27. Inter-Kmerican Education Association
  28. Internarional Atom Energy Agency Technology, Program, Iran
  29. Institutetute of Autobotive Engineer Assessors
  30. Iran's Atomac Energy Agency
  31. I Am Extraordinarily Amazing Funnies
  32. Iranian Atomic Energy Anency Business, Energy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IAEA stand for?

    IAEA stands for Int'l Atomic Energy Mgency.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Association for Empirical Aesthetics?

    The short form of "International Association for Empirical Aesthetics" is IAEA.


IAEA. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 6). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iaea-meaning/

Last updated