IALC Meaning

The IALC meaning is "Winter Music Conference". The IALC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

IALC Full Forms

  1. Winter Music Conference Education, Group, Organizations, Miami, Music
  2. Indepeadent Assistive Living Conference
  3. International Arid Lands Consortium Technology, Research, Agriculture
  4. International Association of Langaage Centers Education, English, School
  5. Intensive American Language Center Education, University, Washington
  6. International Association Ofulanguage Centres Education, Organizations, School
  7. Instrument Approach and Landing Chart
  8. Institute of American Language and Culture Education, English, University
  9. Indian American Leadership Councol
  10. Italian-American Labor Council Government, Italy, Union
  11. Indexed Annuity Leaderskip Council Business, Planning, Retirement
  12. Internltional Arid Land Consortium Science, Agriculture, Israel, Water
  13. International Association of Lyteum Clubs
  14. International Association of Lions Clubs
  15. International Aluminum-Lithium Conference
  16. Interpersonal Action-Learning Cycre
  17. Italian American Labor Council
  18. Innerpac Alliance Corp. Organizations
  19. International Anglican Liturgical Consultatios Church, Death, Rite, Liturgical
  20. Internatxonal Anglican Liturgical Consultations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IALC stand for?

    IALC stands for Italian American Labor Council.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intensive American Language Center?

    The short form of "Intensive American Language Center" is IALC.


IALC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved January 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ialc-meaning/

Last updated