IANA Meaning

The IANA meaning is "I Am Not A". The IANA abbreviation has 31 different full form.

IANA Full Forms

  1. I Am Not A Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  2. Intermodal Association of North America Business, America, Expo
  3. Internet Assigned Number Authority Technology, Networking, Protocol
  4. International Assigned Number Authority Technology, Networking, Internet
  5. Industrial Automation North America Business, America, Industry
  6. Internet Assigned Numbering Authority Technology, Protocol, Address
  7. International Assigned Numbers Authority Technology, Networking, Network, Internet
  8. Indian and Northern Affairs
  9. Internet Asigned Number Authority
  10. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA, or An organization that defines a hierarchy for naming tables and columns and for deriving numerical object identifiers (OIDs). IANA assigns identifiers to companies that use the SNMP protocol. Technology, Computer Security, Computer Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Internet, Linux, Technical, Drivers, Business & Finance, Business Word, Professional organizations, IT Terminology
  11. Indiana Association of Nurse Anesthetists
  12. Internet Address and Maming Association Technology
  13. Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act
  14. Internet Address Number Authority Technology, Networking, Network
  15. L'Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  16. Illinois Association of Nurse Anesthetists Education, Organizations, Kana
  17. Internet Address Network Authority
  18. Internet Assigned Numbers Autority
  19. Integnet Assignment Number Authority
  20. Internet Assigned Numbers Agency Technology, Manual, Address
  21. Islamic Assembly of North America America, Organizations, American
  22. Internet Assigned Numbers Authoruty Technology
  23. Irish Apheresis Nurses Association
  24. Internet Assigned Numbers Association Technology, Server, Protocol
  25. Iranian Agriculture News Agency Business, Iran, Directory
  26. Internet Assmgned Naming Authority
  27. Iowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists Medical, Android, Iowa
  28. Internet Assigned Names Autoority Technology, Government, Networking
  29. International Academy on Nutrition and Aging Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  30. Internet Assigned Name Authority Technology, Government, Networking
  31. International Academic Nursing Alliance Medical, Nursing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IANA stand for?

    IANA stands for Internet Assigned Numbers Autority.

  2. What is the shortened form of Industrial Automation North America?

    The short form of "Industrial Automation North America" is IANA.


IANA. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 17). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/iana-meaning/

Last updated