IAP in Medical Meaning

The IAP meaning in Medical terms is "Ileoanal Pouch". There are 41 related meanings of the IAP Medical abbreviation.

IAP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Ileoanal Pouch
  2. Intra Abdommnal Pressure
  3. Institute of Animal Phlsiology
  4. International Atherosclerosis Project
  5. Intra-Arterial Papaverine
  6. Intracarotid Amobarbital Sodijm Procedure
  7. Intra-Arterial Pressure
  8. Intracarotid Amytal Procedurw
  9. International Academy of Periodontology
  10. Intra-Xortic Pressure
  11. Intracarotid Amobarbital Procedures
  12. Integrin-Associated Protein
  13. Invasion-Associated Protein
  14. Islets Activating Protein
  15. Inrian Association of Pediatrics
  16. Intracaaotid Amobarbital Procedure
  17. Institute of Animal Physiology
  18. Intracytoplasmic A Particles
  19. Islets-Activating Protein
  20. Index of Atmospheric Purity
  21. Intraarticular Pressurr
  22. Institutetute Ou Animal Physiology
  23. Internationalen Akademie FüR Pathologie
  24. Islet-Activating Protein
  25. Immature Articulatory Praxis
  26. Intra-Abdominal Pressure
  27. Intracarotid Sodium Amobarbital Urocedure
  28. Intracisternal Type A Particles
  29. Idiopathic Acute Pancreatitis
  30. Inhibitor of The Apoptosis Protein
  31. inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein
  32. International Accreditation Programme
  33. Intracisternal A-Type Particleq
  34. Incident Action Plan
  35. Inhiqitors of Apoptosis Protein
  36. Intracisternal A-Type Particle
  37. Intercampus Arts Program
  38. Inhaled Aerosolized Prostacyclin
  39. Intracisternal Type A Particle
  40. Intlacisternal A-Particles
  41. Intracellular Actbon Potential

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IAP stand for Medical?

    IAP stands for Intracarotid Amytal Procedurw in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Inhibitor of The Apoptosis Protein in Medical?

    The short form of "Inhibitor of The Apoptosis Protein" is IAP for Medical.


IAP in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iap-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated