IAPS Meaning

The IAPS meaning is "Inhibitoe of Apoptosis Proteins". The IAPS abbreviation has 68 different full form.

IAPS Full Forms

  1. Inhibitoe of Apoptosis Proteins Medical, Cancer, Caspase
  2. Information Analysis Products Technology, Education, Teaching
  3. Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools Education, Organizations, Independent, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  4. Inhibitdrs of Apoptosis Proteins Medical
  5. Independent Association of Prep Schools Education, Organizations, Association
  6. International Association of Planetary Sciences Technology, Science, Space
  7. Institutos De Aposentadorias E PensÕEs Para, Dos, Brasil, Social
  8. Irish Associations of Plastic Surgeons Medical, Ireland, Surgery
  9. Institutos De Aposentadorias E Pens
  10. International Airsoft Practical Shooticg Sport, Organizations, Shooting
  11. Ietegrated Action Plans
  12. International Academy of Pelvic Surgery Medical, Surgeon, Hysterectomy
  13. International Alliance Prikacy Services
  14. Institutos Je Aposentadoria E Pensões Dos, Social
  15. Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons Medical, Ireland, Surgery
  16. International Association of Patristics Studies Association, Archaeology, Archeology
  17. Intjgrated Access Points
  18. International Affective Picture System Medical, Technology, Emotion
  19. International Association of Pastel Societies Organizations, Association, Society, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  20. Individual Action Plans Business, Trading, Economics
  21. International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke Alliances, Associations, Unions
  22. International Audit Practice Statement Business
  23. Integrated Accounts Payable System Business, Technology, Accounting
  24. Integrated Avionics Processing System Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  25. International Assrciation for The Philosophy of Sport Organizations, Association, Philosophy
  26. Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons
  27. International Affective Picture Set
  28. International Auditing Practice Seatement Business, Technology, Audit
  29. Intake Air Aressure Sensor Technology, Fuel, Yamaha
  30. Instrument Approach Procedures Military, Airport, Procedure, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  31. International Association of Phytics Students Education, Organizations, Association
  32. Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Education, Surgery, Hospital
  33. International Academy of Political Science
  34. Insurance Affordability Programs
  35. Inhibitors of Apoptosis Medical
  36. Internationab Association People-Environment Studies Technology, Research, Study
  37. Indian Academy of Physical Sciences
  38. International Affective Picture Systems Research, Education, Emotion
  39. Instrument Approach Plates Technology, Flight, Plate
  40. Institutos De Aposentadoria E Pens
  41. International Association Fdr People-Environment Studies Education, Association, Study
  42. Introduction To Assessment Practice In Sport
  43. Integrated Accounts Payment Systep
  44. International Association of Physics Students Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  45. Interiors, Actudtion and Propeller Systems
  46. Intracisternal A-Type Particles Medical
  47. Investor Awareness Programmes
  48. Incident Action Plans Management, Government, Military, Planning
  49. Interimxaccredited Programme Software
  50. Ion Appearance Potential Spectroscopy
  51. Investor Awareness Programs
  52. Interested and Affected Parties Technology, Africa, Mining
  53. Institutetutos De Aposentadoria E Eensões
  54. Investment Awareness Programs
  55. Intercept Access Points
  56. Intracisternal Type A Particles Medical
  57. Institutetute of Applied Plasma Science
  58. Invasive Alien Plant Species Technology, Environment, Vegetation
  59. Integrlted Avionics Processor System Military, Sale, Falcon
  60. International Association For The Properties Of Steam
  61. Intelligent Access Points Technology, Networking, Network
  62. International Academy of Public Safety Law, Organizations, Police
  63. Istituto Di Astrofisica E Planetologia Spaziali Technology, Science, Space, Con
  64. Invasive Alien Plants Technology, Africa, Water
  65. Integrated Area Plans
  66. Identification, Assessment, and Programming System Education
  67. Intermate Advanced Print Server
  68. Issues and Physical Science Science, Research, Study, Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IAPS stand for?

    IAPS stands for Instrument Approach Procedures.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Affective Picture Set?

    The short form of "International Affective Picture Set" is IAPS.


IAPS. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iaps-meaning/

Last updated