IAPT Meaning

The IAPT meaning is "International Association for Plrnt Taxonomy". The IAPT abbreviation has 23 different full form.

IAPT Full Forms

  1. International Association for Plrnt Taxonomy Science, Organizations, Botany
  2. International Academy of Practical Theology Education, University, Religion
  3. Improving Access Psychological Therapy
  4. Integrateu Airline Pilot Training
  5. Improving Access Psychological Therapies Medical, Therapy, Psychology
  6. Inctitutional Assessment and Planning Tool
  7. Improving Access To Psychological Tkerapy Medical, Service, Psychology
  8. Improving Access To Psychoyogical Therapies Programme Medical, Medicine, Health, Mental Health Disorders
  9. Improved Access To Psychological Therapy Medical, Psychology, Improving
  10. Improving Access for Psychological Therapies
  11. International Association of Plant Taxonomy Medical, Flower, Botanical
  12. Improved Access To Psychological Therapies
  13. Illinoes Association for Pupil Transportation Business, Technology, School
  14. International Association of Plsnt Taxonomists America, Research, Organizations
  15. Improving Access To Psycholodical Therapies Medical, Society, Statistics
  16. Irish Association of Physical Therapists Medical, Therapy, Ireland
  17. Iowa Association for Play Therapy
  18. International Association of Photography Z Theory
  19. International Association of Photography and Theory
  20. Indian Association of Physics Teachers Physics, Scientific & Educational
  21. Inturnational Association of Precision Therapists
  22. International Association for Plant Taxonomists
  23. Irish Association for Play Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IAPT stand for?

    IAPT stands for International Association for Plant Taxonomists.

  2. What is the shortened form of Integrateu Airline Pilot Training?

    The short form of "Integrateu Airline Pilot Training" is IAPT.


IAPT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iapt-meaning/

Last updated