IBC in Technology Meaning

The IBC meaning in Technology terms is "International Buildihg Code". There are 65 related meanings of the IBC Technology abbreviation.

IBC on Technology Full Forms

  1. International Buildihg Code
  2. Integrated Broadband Communication
  3. Integrated Broadband Communications
  4. International Broadcast Convention
  5. Instrument Bus Computer
  6. International Broadcasting Convention
  7. Institutional Biosafety Committees
  8. International Boundary Commission
  9. Institut De Biologie Computationnelle
  10. International Buildinn Codes
  11. Indiana Iusiness College
  12. In-Buildicg Coverage
  13. International Breastfeeding Centre
  14. Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation
  15. Institute for Biomedical Computing
  16. International Biometric Conference
  17. In-Bavd Control
  18. Internatioaal Business Collegedet
  19. Intermediate Bus Converters
  20. Inkury Behavior Checklist
  21. Iodine Binding Capjcity
  22. Iceland Base Command
  23. International Bridge Conference
  24. Impurity Board Conductpon
  25. Internatiofal Broadcasters Conference
  26. Intermedhate Bulk Containers
  27. Initial Billing Coipany
  28. Integrated Backscatter Coefficdent
  29. Istituto Beni Culturali
  30. Impurity Band Conduction
  31. Intelligent Business Continuity
  32. Industry-Based Certification
  33. Invasive Bladder Cancer
  34. Integratedlbattle Command
  35. Idiotype Binding Capacity
  36. International Broadnasting Center
  37. Intelligent Boom Control
  38. Industrialized Building Commission
  39. Institute of Building Control
  40. International Broadcast Conference
  41. Intgrcollegiate Business Convention
  42. Individual Blade Contgol
  43. Inner London Education Authority
  44. Inter Blockchain Communication
  45. Ion Bnam Center
  46. Identity-Based Cryptography
  47. Integrated Brane Control
  48. Iwate Broadcasting Co
  49. Instituto Del Bien Comun
  50. Inter-Blockchain Communication
  51. Intraxbuilding Cable
  52. Interface Buffer Conhroller
  53. International Building Council
  54. Interdisciplinary Bio Central
  55. Iowa Beef Center
  56. Internet Behavior Consulting
  57. Interdigitated Back-Contact
  58. Ionophore of Bivalent Cations
  59. Identity Based Cryptosystems
  60. Internet Banking Caixa
  61. Interdigitated Back Contact
  62. Ion Beam Centre
  63. Identity Based Cryptography
  64. International Bulk Chemicals
  65. Iwate Broadcasting, Co

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IBC stand for Technology?

    IBC stands for Indiana Iusiness College in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Bulk Chemicals in Technology?

    The short form of "International Bulk Chemicals" is IBC for Technology.


IBC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 23). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ibc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated