IBID Meaning

The IBID meaning is "India Business Insight Database". The IBID abbreviation has 16 different full form.

IBID Full Forms

  1. India Business Insight Database
  2. Ibidem Science, Internet Slang, Latin, Genealogy, Writing, Genealogical, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  3. Institute for Business and Industry Development
  4. Institute for Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases
  5. Institute for The Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases
  6. Innisfil Bradford Information Database Education, Development, Universities
  7. Indian Business Insight Database
  8. Ibidem (In the same place) Latin
  9. International Bank for Investment and Development
  10. The Same Reference As Previously Noted Environment, Habitat, Setting
  11. Ironbound Business Improvement District
  12. Ion Beam Induced Deposition Technology, Material, Electron
  13. Ion Beam-Induced Deposition Material, Electron, Beam
  14. In The Same Place Medicine, Education, Disease, Health, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  15. International Biotechnology Issues Database Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  16. International Burn Injury Database

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IBID stand for?

    IBID stands for In The Same Place.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Biotechnology Issues Database?

    The short form of "International Biotechnology Issues Database" is IBID.


IBID. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ibid-meaning/

Last updated