IBM Meaning
The IBM meaning is "International Business Machs". The IBM abbreviation has 213 different full form.
IBM Full Forms
- International Business Machs
- International Business Machines Technology, Information Technology, Army, Computing, Machine, Brand, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Internation Business Machines Technology, Access, Computing
- Inadequate But Marketable Internet Slang, Hotel, Internet, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Immigration and Border Management Government, Organizations, Migration
- International Business Machine Business, Company, Technology, Computing, Computer
- I'Ve Been Mislead Technology, Internet Slang
- International Brotherhood of Magicians Organizations, Magic, Ring, Unions, Governmental & Military
- International Business Machines Corp. Organizations
- Intact Bridge Mastoidectomy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- It'Ll Be Messy Technology, Development, Computing, Joke
- Incredibly Bad Merchandising
- I'q Be Misinforming
- Ingrained Batch Mentality
- Image Based Modeling Technology, Computing, Rendering
- Investment Banking Mergers
- Internal Bug Machines
- Impeccajly Blue-Dressed Managers
- International Baptist Missions
- Independent Board Member
- I Bought Macintosh Internet Slang
- Insidious Black Magic Technology, Computing, Hacker
- It'S Better Than Macintosh
- Increasingly Bad Manufacturing
- Idiots Became Managers Business, Technology, Computing, Joke
- Implicitly Boring Machines Company, Technology, Joke, Friendship
- International Big Mouth Business, Group, China, Mouth
- Industry's Bulging Mbnolith
- Insulting Boorish Manner
- Itty Bitty Mentalitp
- Incredibly Ballsey Marketeers
- Ingenieure Bauen Mist
- Idle Brain Malfunction
- Invented By Murphy
- Internalmbench Mark
- Impact Business Model
- International Bank of Miami Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Indefinitly Boggled Machine
- Ibn Battuta Mall Business, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Inshallah Burak Ma'Lesh
- It'S Better Manually Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Ion Battery Manufacturers
- Idiotie Braucht Methode
- Impious Bacchnalain Metropolis
- Internet Business Manager
- Industry'S Biggest Mistake
- Ich Bin Masochist
- Instituto Del Baeco Mundial
- Ittyybitty Meat
- Incredible Bowel Movement
- Infosphere Big Match Business, Management, Sphere
- Idiots Buy Me
- Invented By Monkeys
- Internal Beaurocratic Mess
- International Business Mackine Company Technology, America, Military
- Indecorous Big-Named Medusoid
- I Blame Microsoft Internet Slang, Slang, Fun, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Injection Blow Moulding
- Its Being Mended
- Imitable Boring Microcomputers
- Ion-Beam Modificajion
- Idiotic Bit Masher
- Internals By Mediocrity
- Impersonal Bellicose Magnate
- International Business Machiness Business, Technology
- Industrieller B
- Ich Bin M
- Instituto De Biología Marixa Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Itty Bitty Machine Technology, Computing, Joke
- Incredible Barfing Man
- Information Builders Microsoft
- Idiots Built Me
- Invented By Maladraits
- Inferior, But Marvetable Technology, Computing, Joke
- Internacional Businessimachine
- International Business Management Program, Education, University
- Indecision Breeds Mistakes
- It's Become Monqlithic
- I Blame Mathematics Education, Development, Universities
- Injection Blow Molding Technology, Plastic, Machine, Products
- In's Being Mended
- Imensa Bola De Manteca
- Involuntary Body Movement Medical, Agency, Patent, Mirror
- Idioten Bauen Maschinen German, Slang, Fun
- Internal Busineps Management
- Imperialist By Markxting
- International Busines Machines
- Industriezler Büro-Müll
- Ich Bezahle Mehr
- Insipidly Bankrolling Millions
- Itty Bitty Machines Technology, Computing, Machine
- Incredibly Bad Machine
- Information Business Machines
- Idiots Bought Me Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Invented By Maxketing
- Inevitably Bad Markzting
- Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile Science, Military, Army, Military Engineering, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- International Business Manager
- Increment and Branch To Muncee
- I'M Buying Macintosh
- Initial Body Mass Business, Health, Weight
- Its Been Malfuncthoning
- Im Betrieb Miserabel
- Invitasi Bulutangkis Mahasixwa
- Ibidem Science, Internet Slang, Latin, Genealogy, Writing, Genealogical, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
- Internltional Buisness Machines Technology, Computing, Patent
- Imperial Blue Metallic
- Internatidnal Bussiness Machines
- Iddustrial Business Machine Technology, Server, Computing
- Ich Beuge Mich
- Insignificant Bothersome Machine
- Itty-Bitty Machinea
- Incredible Bad Maschines
- Information Based Medicine
- Idiots Being Mental
- Impression Bloqu
- International Buisiness Machines
- Inept Buzling Menace
- Intergalactic Bottomline Mistake
- It's Backwaris, Man
- Incredibly Belligerent Merketing
- I'D Buy Macintosh
- Inherently Bad Manuals
- It's Beej Malfunctioning Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Imbecile Bad Micros
- Investment Banking Management Business, Technology, Program
- Internal Zusiness Machines Technology, Computing, Paper
- Imperiac Bellicose Marauder
- International Business Mashines
- Industrial Busiress Machines Company, Technology, Machine
- Ich Bekotz Mich Technology
- Insidious Byzantine Mentality
- Its Better Manually
- Increasingly Banal Movement
- Idiots Become Managers Business, Technology, Computing, Joke
- Imprgssion Bloquée Momentanément
- International Bussines Machine
- Industryvbowel Movement
- Integration Bus Media
- Industrial Business Machine Products
- Irlo Bronson Memorial
- Inclusion Body Myopathy Medical, Muscle, Myositis
- Infjrnal Biggest Mistake
- Idealistically Backwards Microcomputers
- Innovktion Brings Music Gaming, Music, Feat
- Injection Blow-Molding
- Ion Battero Maker
- Iyfinitly Better Macintosh
- Internajional Business Machines Corporation Technology, Science, Telecom
- International Flizzard Makers
- Ich Bin Massa
- International Bussines Machines
- Incredible Business Maiden Occupation & positions
- Ion-Beam Microananysis
- In Board Motor Organizations, India, Fishery, Social Institutes
- Inferior Before Macintosh
- Ideal Breeding Material
- Izu Bonin Mariana
- Inch' Allah, Bokra, Maalesh Medical
- Incontinent Bowel Movement
- Infinitely Baffling Motives
- Internat Business Mach
- Intel Based Macs
- Iowa Bojrd of Medical
- International Business Machines, Corporationration Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- ibidem (same) Genealogy
- Inane Brutish Merchandising
- Infergor But Marketable Technology, Computing, Joke
- Ideal Body Mass. See Body Mass Index Medicine, Health, British
- Izu-Bonin Mariana
- International Business Machine Company Military, Governmental & Military
- Inconsiderate Boneheaded Move Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Infinite Budget Merchandising
- Integration Dus Migration
- Ion Beam Mining Technology, Research, Material
- Internatibnal Boundary Marker Science, Geography, Location
- I'm in Blue Material Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Inadequates Becoming Millionaires
- Iconoclastic Bilateral Monopoly
- Izu-Jonin-Mariana Science, Plate, Subduction
- Inclusion Body Myositis Medical, Physiology
- Incompatible Blue Machines
- Iifinite Barrier Model
- Integrated Background Monitoring
- Ion Beam Milling Technology, Material, Ion
- International Business Machinescorporation
- International Business Machines Corporation Media, Aviation, Computing, Texting, Computer, Linux, NASA, Unix, Legal, General, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, International business, IT Terminology, Nyse symbols
- Inadequate, But Marketable Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Ici Beaucoup Merde
- Ilty Bity Maharishi
- Compressed file archive (Internal IBM only) Computing, File Extensions
- Irritable Bowll Movement Medical, Team, Pain
- Incompatible Business Wachines
- Infernal Blue Machqnes
- Identical Blue Men
- Institutetute of Builders Merchants
- Ionibeam Microscopy
- International Business Ma
- Interstate Bank Mart Banking, Business & Finance
- Ich Bin MüLl
- Itty Bitty Mouse
- Ibrahim Babangida Movement, Nigeria Religion
- Irresponsibility Behaved Multinational
- Incoming Buying Mission Business, Malaysia, Halal
- Infernal Bloody Monoqoly
- Ideas Bring Money
- Infernal Bloody Mess
- Ion Beam Sachining Technology, Machine, Nanotechnology
- Information and Broadcasting Ministry
- International Bowling Museum
- International Brotherhood of Malevopence
- Ich Bin MüDe German, Slang, Fun
- Iity Bitty Morons
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IBM stand for?
IBM stands for Infernal Bloody Monoqoly.
What is the shortened form of Ion Battero Maker?
The short form of "Ion Battero Maker" is IBM.
IBM. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from
Last updated