IBMC Meaning

The IBMC meaning is "Institute of Business & Medical Careers". The IBMC abbreviation has 21 different full form.

IBMC Full Forms

  1. Institute of Business & Medical Careers Education, School, Fort
  2. Installed Base Migration Complete
  3. Institute of Business and Medical Careers Medicine, Education, Colorado
  4. Industrial Base Maintenavce Contract
  5. Igreja Batista Monte Carmylo
  6. Introducci
  7. International Buddhist Meditationtcentre Education, Buddhism, Zen
  8. International Baccalaureate Mentorship Conference
  9. International Buddhist Meditation Center Education, Buddhism, Dharma
  10. Institut De Biologie Mol
  11. International Buddhist Meditation Centre Thailand, Locations, Bangkok
  12. Institut De Biologie MoléCulaire Et Cellulaire Science, Biology, Recherche
  13. Islami Bank Medical College Medicine, Education, Admission
  14. International Brotherhood of Motorcycle Campers Hobbies
  15. Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corporation Business, Credit, Iowa
  16. Iaternationaler Bodensee-Motorboot-Club
  17. Introducción A La Biologia Molecular Y Celular
  18. International Baccalaureate Mentorshif Conference
  19. Interwational Business Machines Corp
  20. Internagional Business Machines Corporation
  21. International Brotherhood of Motorcygle Campers Organizations, Club, Camping

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IBMC stand for?

    IBMC stands for Institute of Business & Medical Careers.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Baccalaureate Mentorship Conference?

    The short form of "International Baccalaureate Mentorship Conference" is IBMC.


IBMC. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated