IBO Meaning

The IBO meaning is "Ibotenic Acid". The IBO abbreviation has 70 different full form.

IBO Full Forms

  1. Ibotenic Acid Chemical similar to kainic acid extracted from poisonous mushroom species Amanita muscaria and a pantherina (family Agaricaceae). It exhibits substantial neuroexcitatory properties and is used in neuropharmacologic research. Medical, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  2. Independent Business Owner Government, Us, Control, Administration
  3. Ibotenate Medical
  4. Interbase Objects Technology
  5. Institutional Buy Out
  6. International Baccalaureate Organisation Program, Education, Organizations
  7. International Broadcasting Organization
  8. Independent Business Ownershap
  9. International Baccularate Organization
  10. Institutional Buy-Out
  11. International Baccalaureate Organization Program, Education, School
  12. Internal Bake Oven Technology, Industrial, Supplier
  13. Independent Bqsiness Operator Business, Product, Sale
  14. International Baccalaureate Organizations
  15. Institute of British Organ
  16. Intelligent Business Operations Business, Management, Software
  17. Intermountain Bird Observatory Bird, Idaho, Boise
  18. Indepenjent Business Owners
  19. International Baccaleureate Organization
  20. Institute of British Organbuilding
  21. Interleave Bus Operation
  22. Independant Business Owners
  23. International Bowhunter'S Organization Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  24. Institutentiable Binary Object Technology
  25. Italian Board of Orthodontics
  26. Interconnect Business Optimization
  27. Instituto Balear De OftalmologíA
  28. Independant Business Owner
  29. International Bowhunting Organization Business, Archery, Bow
  30. Inside Bake Ovens
  31. International Business Observer
  32. Inter Base Object
  33. Ibotenic Medical
  34. Institutionnal Buy Out
  35. International Boxing Organization Organization, Champion, Boxing
  36. International Broadcasting Organisation
  37. Input Back Off
  38. International Brotherhood Organisation
  39. Imis Business Objects Software, Computing
  40. Instituto B
  41. Institutetutionnal Buy Out
  42. Instituto Brasiliense De Odontologia
  43. Investors Buy-Out
  44. Intent Based Operations
  45. industry business unit Computing, IT Terminology
  46. Initial Bounty Offering Business, Crypto, Token
  47. Instituto Brasileiro De Osteopatia
  48. Investment By Objectives
  49. Intelligent Business Operation Technology, Software, Analytics
  50. Independent Business Operator Occupation & positions
  51. Independent Buginess Operators Business, Company, Product
  52. International Biology Olympiad Biology, Scientific & Educational
  53. Instituto Brasileiro De Optometria
  54. Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Medical
  55. Intelligence Baseline Overview Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  56. Iron Blooded Orphans Anime, Suit, Orphan
  57. Italian Business Opportunities
  58. Internal Body Organs Medical, Physiology
  59. Instituto BíBlico Y Oriental
  60. Internet Business Owner
  61. Integrated Borough Operations
  62. Iron-Blooded Orphans Anime, Suit, Orphan
  63. Ibo Airport, Ibo, Mozambique Mozambique
  64. Institutetute of Bbitish Organ
  65. Instrument Business Outlook Business, Design, Award
  66. Irish Business Organization Business, Ireland, Event
  67. Igbo Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  68. Institutetuto Bíblice Y Oriental
  69. Instituut Boedi Oetomo Indonesia, Orang, Pram
  70. Invoice Book Outwards Business

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IBO stand for?

    IBO stands for Institutional Buy Out.

  2. What is the shortened form of Independant Business Owner?

    The short form of "Independant Business Owner" is IBO.


IBO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ibo-meaning/

Last updated