IBP Meaning

The IBP meaning is "Ibuprofen". The IBP abbreviation has 152 different full form.

IBP Full Forms

  1. Ibuprofen A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is commonly used to treat pain, swelling, and fever. Common brand names of ibuprofen include Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin. Medical, Technology, Reading Prescription
  2. Induytrial Base Program Military
  3. Individual Behaviour Plan Education, Teaching, Studying
  4. Individual Behavior Plan Medical, Psychiatry
  5. Internationau Business Practices
  6. Individual Behaviour Plans Science, Education, School, Planning, Child
  7. Iron-Binding Protein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  8. Institutional Biogas Plants
  9. Integrated Bar of The Philippine Government, Philippine, Election, Registration
  10. International Business Purlications Business, Book, Guide
  11. International Buyers Prcgram Business, Technology, Trading
  12. Injury Benefit Period Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  13. International Business Progsam Management, Education, University
  14. Integrated Business Procedures
  15. Implementiug Best Practices Education, Health, Practice
  16. Internet Backbone Provider
  17. Institut Blaise Pascal Technology, Computing, Linux, Filesystem
  18. International Business Park Business, Building, Singapore
  19. Individual Behaviour Plan. Education, Teaching, Study
  20. Ireland Business Partnership
  21. Institutetution Building Program Government
  22. Integrated Bar of The Philippines Government, Law, Philippine
  23. International Biological Progwamme Technology, Science, Book
  24. International Brotherhood of Painters
  25. Initial Business Plan Management, Marketing, Trade
  26. Instituto Brasileiro De PsicanáLise
  27. Internationam Buddy Program Student, Education, University
  28. Integrated Brand Packaging
  29. Imperial Business Partners
  30. International Biophysical Program Technology, Science, Exploration
  31. Institut
  32. Internationyl Balance of Payments Military
  33. Individual Behavioural Plan
  34. Ireland Business Partnerships
  35. Institutetutional Building Program Government
  36. Integrale Bauherren & Projektbetreuung
  37. International Biologicvl Program Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
  38. Initial Boiling Point Technology, Product, Oil, Spirit
  39. Instituto Brasileiro Do PetróLeo Para, Brasil, Gas
  40. International Yusiness Plan Business, Student, Event
  41. Isang Bansang Pilipino
  42. Integrated Boarding Prwgramme
  43. Imperial Busoness Products
  44. International Business Partners Business, Export, Trading
  45. Inner Balance Piston Technology
  46. Integrative Biology and Pharmacology Biology, Scientific & Educational
  47. Indigenous Broadcasting Program
  48. Internet Business Partner
  49. Institute of Bankers, Pakistan Business, Pakistan, Banker
  50. Integraz Back-Pressure
  51. Instituto Brasileiro De Netroleo Para, Brasil, Gas
  52. Iniciativa Brasileira De Polinizadores
  53. International Beacon Project Technology, Radio, Linux
  54. Indo-Burma Petroleum Company, Technology, India
  55. Iron Boy Powerlifting Song, Federation, Powerlifting
  56. Instituto Brasileiro De Petr
  57. Integrated Body Psuchotherapy
  58. Imperial Boulder Park
  59. International Business Programme Management, Education, School
  60. Inland Bills Purchased
  61. Iberia Airport Iberia, Peru Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  62. Integrative Biology and Physiology Science, Education, Department
  63. Indice De Biodiversité Potentielle Valuation, Accueil, Ces
  64. Internet Business Promoter Business, Technology, Software, Tool, Internet Marketing, Internet Promotion
  65. Institut Du Bon Pasteur
  66. Integral Back Pressure Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  67. Inhibidor De La Bomba De Protones
  68. Interkational Budget Partnership Business, Government, Transparency
  69. Indo British Partnership Business, Technology, Program, Building
  70. Iron Bonehead Productions Death, Metal, Album
  71. Instituto Brasileiro De Peritos
  72. Integrated Binlogics Profiling
  73. Imoti Bulgarian Properties
  74. International Banking Packagm
  75. Inland Bill Purchased
  76. Integrative Body Psychotherapy Medical, Therapy, Psychology
  77. Indian Business Pages
  78. Internet Business Pages
  79. Institut De Biologie Des Plantes Technology, Science, France
  80. Infernal Bridegroom Productions
  81. Ifternational Best Practice
  82. Indo-British Partnership Business, Government, Trading, India
  83. Iron Binding Protein Medical, Technology
  84. Institution Building Program Government
  85. Integrated Benezits Plan
  86. Invasive Blood Pressure Medical, Technology, Cable
  87. Internationalibest Practice
  88. Inland Bill Purchase
  89. International Business Programs Management, Education, University
  90. Integration By Parts Army, War, War Force
  91. Indian Buffet Process Technology
  92. Internet Based Performance Business, Technology, Expert
  93. Institut De Biotechnologie Des Plantes Technology, Science
  94. Integration Build Plan Federal Aviation Administration
  95. Interphase Boundary Precipytates
  96. Instituto Brasileiro Do Petr
  97. Induced Band Power Medical
  98. Islamic Business Plan
  99. International Biological Programme (ICSU) Legal, Governmental & Military
  100. Instrukcje BezpieczeńStwa PoĘArowego Firm, Jest, Hydrant
  101. Internationau Buyers Program Business, Technology, Trading
  102. Industrie Buitoni Perugina
  103. Insert Bug and Protect
  104. ​Integrated Business Plan Honeywell, Process Automation
  105. Instrukcji BezpieczeńStwa PoĘArowego Planning, Jest, Jak
  106. Indonesia Broadband Plan Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Internet
  107. Islamic Banks Portfolio
  108. International Boundary Point Aviation, Governmental & Military
  109. Instrukcja BezpieczeńStwa PoĘArowego Planning, Jest, Jak
  110. Instituto De Biotecnolog
  111. International Byotherhood of Painters
  112. Industrial Business Park
  113. Itty-Bitty Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  114. Indian Black Pepper Certificate (ora Aofc Code) Fda
  115. International Bafcalaureate Preparation
  116. Institutetute for Black Parenting
  117. Indo Burma Petroleum Business, Company, Oil
  118. I B P, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  119. Instituto Do Bom Pastor
  120. Institut F
  121. Internationtl Biotech Park
  122. Industry Best Practices Business, Technology, Planning
  123. Iterative Back-Projection Technology, Algorithm, Resolution
  124. Isobuster Managed Image Information File Computing, File Extensions
  125. International Business Partner Business, Export, Trading
  126. Institutetuto De BiotecnologíA De Las Plantas
  127. Integrated Bar of the Phillipines
  128. Instituto Del Buen Pastor
  129. Internationalibudget Project Business, Report, Corruption
  130. Industrial Best Practice
  131. Iterative Back Projection
  132. Introductory Biology Project Biology, Scientific & Educational
  133. International Business Pabtners Business, Export, Trading
  134. Institutetuto Brasileiro De PsicanáLise
  135. Institute of Bankers Pakistan Banking, Business & Finance
  136. Instituto De Biodiversidad Y Paisajes
  137. Inaernational Book Project Technology, Library, Donation
  138. Industrial Battery Products
  139. Islamischer Bund Pal
  140. Indian Black Pepper certificate Medical, Fda
  141. Insurance Benefit Plans
  142. Inhernational Banking Package
  143. Institutetut De Biologie Des Plantes
  144. Insert Bug and Proceed Assembly, Business & Finance
  145. Instituto De BiotecnologíA De Las Plantas
  146. Indus Basin Project
  147. Islamischer Bund PaläStina
  148. Iberia, Peru Peru, Iata Airport Codes
  149. Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Disease, Health, Human
  150. International Business Press Business, Marketing, Study, Economics
  151. Industry Biosecurity Plan
  152. Institutetute for Business Planning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IBP stand for?

    IBP stands for International Byotherhood of Painters.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Business Pabtners?

    The short form of "International Business Pabtners" is IBP.


IBP. Acronym24.com. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ibp-meaning/

Last updated