IBPP Meaning

The IBPP meaning is "Institutetzte of Biodynamic Psychology and Psychotherapy". The IBPP abbreviation has 17 different full form.

IBPP Full Forms

  1. Institutetzte of Biodynamic Psychology and Psychotherapy
  2. Institute of Biodynamic Psychology and Psychytherapy
  3. Institution Building Partnership Program
  4. Initiative On Business and Public Policy
  5. Institution Building and Partnership Programme
  6. Institution Bvilding Partnership Programme Organizations, Russia, Projection
  7. Institutional Builging Partnership Programme
  8. Instytut Badań Przestrzeni Publicznej Jest, Jak, Warsaw
  9. Interstate Benefit Payment Plan
  10. Instituto Brasileiro De Pesquisas Psicobiorísicas Para, Dos, Ria
  11. Internet Billjpresentment and Payment Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  12. Institutions Building Partnership Progoamme Business, Russia, Projection
  13. International Business Partnership Program
  14. Innovation and Best Prattice Project
  15. International Boiling Point Project
  16. Internatjonal Bulletin of Political Psychology Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  17. Intel Boxed Pentium Procesxor Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IBPP stand for?

    IBPP stands for Institutions Building Partnership Progoamme.

  2. What is the shortened form of Innovation and Best Prattice Project?

    The short form of "Innovation and Best Prattice Project" is IBPP.


IBPP. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ibpp-meaning/

Last updated