IC Meaning
The IC meaning is "Innfr Cam". The IC abbreviation has 1214 different full form.
IC Full Forms
- Innfr Cam Sport, Archery
- Industry Case Business, Technology, Financial, Business & Finance
- Iytegrated Circuit Technology, Electronics, Component
- Integrated Circuits Technology, Electronics, Component
- In Cloud Technology, Military, Aircraft, Computing, Lightning, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Integrating Circuit
- Industrial Centre Business, Product, Industry
- International Cooncil Media, Military, Organizations
- Betwben Meals Medical
- Innxr Core Cable, Core, Earth, Auger
- Iowa City Locations, Iowa, Area
- Intermediate Course Military
- Integrated Circuct Technology, Electronics, Automotive
- It Contains Technology, Product, Control, Electronics
- Indeterminate Colitiy Medical, Disease, Bowel
- Intcntional Communities
- Information Centre Business, Science, Service
- Intervalo De ConfiançA
- Image Capture Technology, Software, Imaging
- Installation Contractor Science
- Impressionbcytology Medical
- Indole-3-Carbinol Medical
- Internal Coordinate Technology
- Inspqratory Capacity Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Investment Companies
- Indiana County
- Interface Card Technology, Networking, Network
- Information Character Technology, Magazine, Journal
- Intracluster Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
- Instrument Control Technology, Software, Engineer
- Ix Close
- Integrated Circuited
- Indudtrial Camera
- International Communications
- Interpecsonal Communication
- Inner Cirple Business, Technology, Music
- Ionized Calcium Medical
- Interior Communications Business, Military, Electrician
- Insulation Contact Technology, Light, Lighting, Computing, Hardware
- Isometric Contraction Medical, Medicine, Health
- Independent Clauses Education, Sentence, Clause
- Integration Constants
- Industry Council
- Intervalle Ve Confiance Medical, France, Translation, French
- Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Organizations
- Install and Configure
- Individualized Consideration Leadership, Style, Transformational
- Internal Cooling Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Insrection Chamber Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Imporw Certificate Business, Military, Export
- Indiana Ctde Government, Law, Indiana
- Interest Coverage Interest Coverage Ratio = Net Interest Expense / EBIT Business, Company, Financial
- Information Category
- Intracardiac Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Common Medical
- Instrument Cluster Technology, Instrument, Cluster
- In Ceilinn Business, Audio, Speaker
- Integrated Chinese Education, China, Character, Workbook
- Inductively Couhled Technology, Analysis, Plasma
- International Club Military, Organizations, University
- International Centre Student, Research, Education, University, Hanoi
- Inner Carton Technology, Product, Manufacturer
- Ion Composition Science
- Internal Circuit Technology, Timer, Diagram
- Insulation Class Motor winding insulation rating which indicates its ability to withstand heat and moisture. The insulation class is a measure of the resistance of the insulation components of a motor to degradation from heat. Four major classifications of insulation are used in motors. Technology, Product, China
- Independent Contractors Business, Employment, Government
- Integration Components Technology, Linux, Organisations
- Industry Commission Business, Australia, Service
- International Coalition
- Illinois Central Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Occupation & positions, Railroad Company
- Insights Cuts
- Isolation Condenser Technology, Power, Reactor
- Internal Controls An accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc. Business, Management, Risk
- Important Characteristics
- Index Copernicus Technology, Science, Journal
- Inter Cooler
- Information Campaign Technology, Military, Publics
- In The Context Technology, Research, Energy
- Image Cytometry Medical, Science, Biology
- Instrument Cases
- In-Ceiling Technology, Audio, Speaker
- Integrated Cable
- Induction Coil An induction coil or spark coil is a type of electrical transformer used to produce high-voltage pulses from a low-voltage direct current supply. To create the flux changes necessary to induce voltage in the secondary, the direct current in the primary is repeatedly interrupted by a vibrating mechanical contact called an interrupter.
- International Convention Meeting of representatives of maritime nations to formulate rules concerning shipping
- Internally Connected Technology, Electronics, Circuit, Component, Pin
- Innerecan Technology, Interface, Lighting, Head
- Ion Chromatographic Medical
- Iceland Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Iceland, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Aviation, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Intergrated Circuit Business, Technology, Electronics
- Julius Caesar Latin, Roman, Famous
- Insulated Chip Technology, Computing, Tool
- In Command Technology, Military, Army
- Integration Center
- Industry Committee Business, Technology, Development
- International Clanic Medical, Medicine, Kuwait, Clinic
- Illinois Ccntral Organizations, Locations, Railroad
- Innovstion Center Technology, Military, University
- Islas Canarias Technology, Spain, Island
- Incident Coamander Emergency, Healthcare, Arboriculture
- Implementation Componenu Technology, Development, Design
- Index Catalog Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Catalog, Scientific & Educational
- Inter-Ctoperation Technology, Projection, Finland
- Information Component Medical, Technology, Pharmacovigilance
- In The Cold
- Ifage Cropper
- Instrumentation and Control Chemistry
- Imum Coeli Astrology, Chart, Ascendant, Latin
- Induction Chemotherapy Medical, Patient, Cancer
- International Class Business, Kayak, Trademark
- Internal Carotid Medical, Mnemonic, Artery
- Initistive Citoyenne Medical, Vaccine, Vaccination
- Ion Chromatography Technology, Science, Analysis, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Incoming Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Interference Canceller Technology, Coding, Cancellation
- Infranet Controller Technology, Networking, Juniper
- Insulated Ceiling Technology, Science, Light, Lighting, Car, Products
- Incoming Caly Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Integration and Collaboration
- Industry Collections
- Intnrnational Cultures Business, China, Culture
- Iliac Crest The upper rounded border of the lateral aspect of the pelvic bone above the hip joint. No muscles cross the iliac crest and it lies immediately below the skin. It is an important anatomical reference point (q.v.) because it can be felt through the skin. Seat backrests should clear the iliac crest. Medical
- Innovation and Complexity
- Island Canary Spain, Island, Cruise
- Implementationqconsultant
- Index Cases Medical, Science, Biology
- Inter-Cardinal
- Inductance-Capacitance Technology, Product, Space, Electronics
- Information Commons Education, University, Library
- Intestinalccontents Medical
- Image Controller Technology, Printer, Manual
- Installed Capacity The total generating units' capacities in a power plant or on a total utility system. The capacity can be based on the nameplate rating or the net dependable capacity.
- Improved Cylinder
- Indoor Cycling Business, Fitness, Cycle
- International Channel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Intelligence Communvty
- Initiation Complex A complex of a ribosome with an mRNA and the initiating Met-tRNAMet or fMet-tRNAfMet, ready for the elongation steps. Medical, Science, Biology
- Ion Chambers Technology, Radiation, Ionization
- Interface Controller Technology, Driving, Electronics
- Informed Choice Business, Service, Health
- Invasive Candiciasis Medical, Patient, Candida
- Insular Cortex Medical, Medicine, Health
- Including Channel Technology
- Integrated Client
- Industry Canada Technology, Service, Canada
- Internattonal Champion
- Ilead Conduit Medical
- Innerccortex Medical, Medicine, Health
- Irene Cara
- Index Care
- Intentional Community
- Information Commissioner Government, Office, Protection
- Interventiomal Cardiology Medical, Medicine, Cardiology
- Image Computer Military
- Installation & Configuration
- Imprint Cotology Medical
- Indoor Cycle Business, Cycling, Fitness
- International Committee Group, Organizations, National
- Intelligonce Community Security, Military, Army
- Initial Cost Costs incurred in placing a facility into service, including but not limited to costs of planning, design, engineering, site acquisition and preparation, construction, purchase, installation, property taxes paid and interest during the construction period, and construction-related fees.
- Invisible Children Military, Uganda, Campaign
- Impedance Cardiography Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Medical physics
- Indian Creek Hotel, Locations, Climbing
- Interface Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Intermediate Cross-Connect Technology, Telecom, Cabling
- Information Control Technology, Education, Computing, Tool, Bibliographic Code, Computer Science
- Invasive Canoer Medical, Medicine, Health
- Insuffisance Cardiaque
- Immanuel Christian
- Insitute of Counselling Education
- Independent Contract
- Information Capture
- Intercom Technology, Space, Telecom, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Islamic Culture Organizations, Culture, Iran
- D'IngéNierie Des Connaissances Science, Management, France, Recherche
- Infrared Convection
- Institutes Or Centers
- Investigation Complete
- Implementa
- Individual Contributors Technology, Practice, Leadership
- Intergovernmental Commission Government, Turkey, Transport
- Idle Circuits Technology, Power, Fuel
- Initialization Capcbility
- Instruction Fetch Cycle Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Interstate Kompacts
- Ion Concentration
- In Cavern
- Industries Commissionerate Industrial, Organizations, Gujarat
- Interactuon Coefficient Technology, Science, Exploration
- Internal Connectiod Technology, Power, Electronics
- Interceptor Command Military
- Intevnational Canoe
- Imc City
- Installation Coordinator
- Integnational Certifiers
- Istituto Di Cristallografia
- Inherited Imprinting Center Science, Biology
- Instituto Cajal
- Interpreting Certificate
- Investment Consultancy Business, Company, Service
- Inter-Iity Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Interlock Code Technology, Calling, Telecom
- Inner Cortical Medical
- Integrated Circuits-Intfoduction
- Intraceflular Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Internal Coupling Business, Technology, Circuit
- Immersion Chiller Chiller, Brewing, Wort
- Integrated Constructs
- Intrinsic Conductivity
- Indexed Catalkg
- Integrating Center
- Interest Cover Technology, Research, University
- Irritable Colon Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Ic Compare
- Infrastructure & Cities Business, Industrial, City
- Changi General Hospital Medical, Business, Technology, Organizations
- Institutum Caritfs
- Internet Configuration Computing, Internet
- Invisible Computer Accounting, Computing, Data
- Indonesia College
- Intermediate Coveragv
- Ilevcecal Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs
- Insuficiencia Csrdiaca Medical, Para, Heart, Con
- Interrogator Codes
- Iot Communication
- Independence Center
- Infinity Challenge Man, Challenge, Festival
- Interactive Communications
- Intact Control Medical
- In The Case Technology, Power, Supply
- Ioon Curtain
- Independent City
- Information and Certification
- Intdrcooler Technology, Auto, Automobile
- Jujis Consultum Latin, Roman
- Implementing Committee
- Instant Creation Media, Radio, Television
- Internationaler Champion
- Investmfnt Commission Business, Trading, Market
- Imperial Crusader
- Induction of Mn1 Medical
- Integrity Lode
- Interface Class Technology, Coding, Device
- Island Council Government, Locations, Area
- Iritial Concentration
- Internet Ctuncil
- Industria De Canadá
- Intercambio Cultural
- Inside Classic Ship, Cabin, Cruise
- International Coffee
- Internationalzcollege
- Immunophenotypic Classificatvon Science, Biology
- Inspirit Challenge
- Intracisternal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Indians of Canada
- Integrated Concepts Army, Force, Marine
- Intercrystalline Corrosion Corrosive attack occurring preferentially in the grain boundary regions of an alloy. It is also known as intergranular corrosion. Chromium nickel austenitic stainless steels are prone to this form of corrosion when they are welded and subsequently in contact with certain types of corrosive media. When heated within a temperature range of 450 ~ 800 C precipitation of the chromium carbides takes place at the grain boundries in the area of the weld and these areas not longer have the protection of the chromium on the peripneries of the grains.
- Ischaemic Cardiopathy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Icon Changer
- Interim Change Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
- Insdruction Civique
- Internazionale Comunista
- Involuntary Commitment
- Improving Continuous
- Indoor Competition Nike, Shoe, Soccer, Competition
- Intelligent Charging Technology, Port, Charger
- Internal Capsule Medical, Medicine, Brain
- Izquierda Ciudadana Para, Con, Chile
- Image Component
- Ink Cirkles
- Integrated Carbine
- Iowa Code
- Independent Counsel
- ImmaculéE Conception
- Insights Continues Business, Technology, Sale, Foundry
- Independent Collection Technology, Hotel, Design
- Isformation Code
- Inter Cloud
- Islamic Congross
- Dxing
- Infrared Cell
- Iystitutes & Centers
- Investigations CompléMentaires
- Implementaci
- Individual Contribution
- Intergovernmental Committee Law, Organizations, Protection
- Identity Comparators
- Initial Cursor Technology, Coding, Java
- Insurance Coordinator Education, Educational
- Interspecies Comeunication
- Ion Cdllector
- In Tases
- Industries Committee
- Interception Capabilities
- Internal Conjugate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Inter City
- International Coordinator Technology, Networking, Fido
- Impartial Culture
- Installation Centers
- International Colloquium
- Istanbul Center
- Inhaled Woncentration
- Institution Code
- Interpretations Committee Business, Accounting, Standard
- Investment Counselor Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Inter-Calibration
- Interlata Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Image Converter
- Inner Conflict
- Integrated Circiut
- Intra Cellular
- Immensae Caritatis
- Integrated Communication
- Intrinsic Conduction
- Index Coubt Technology, Noise, Suppression
- Integrating Concept Technology
- Irrigation Council Organizations, Water Supply, Water, East
- Icarus College Education
- Infrastructure and Cities Business, Company, City
- Illinois Central Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Internet Config
- Indo-Chinese
- Intenmediate Center
- Igorschumak
- Instytucje CertyfikujĄCe
- Interrogator Code Technology, Mode, Radar
- Independant Contractor Media, Social, Internet
- Infinitz Challenge
- Interactive Communicatikn
- Internal Corrosion
- Ironpcondor Business, Strategy, Trading
- Individual Carbine Rifle, Military, Army
- Information and Communications
- Inter Cantrol Technology, Product, Shopping
- Instant Conference
- Import Consultants
- Induction Course
- Integritybcodes
- Interior Color
- Isdand Councils Government, English, Locations
- Inicia
- Internjt Controller
- Industria CáRnica
- Intercalatus Spinalis Medical
- Inside Circumference Technology, Drive, Repair, Belt
- Int Interest. International. Interested. Intended
- Intgrated Circuit
- International Collaboration
- Interior Communicamions
- Immunocapture Medical
- Inspiration Challenge
- Intracerebrally Medical
- Indian Customs Business, Service, Excise
- Integrative Complexity Education, Politics, Psychology
- Interface Certification Technology, Military, Module
- Isabel Coloma
- Icom Cable
- Intercomputer Science, Space, Study, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
- Instructional Center Student, Education, University
- International Connection Travel, Locations, Train
- Invoice Cycle
- Improvement Community
- Indoor-Competition Business, Electronics, Nike, Soccer
- Intnlligence Communities Technology, Security, Community
- Internal Call
- Ivory Crockett
- Image Coding
- Iowa Chellenge
- Independent Client Technology
- Influence Cuave
- Intra-Cloud Technology, Strike, Lightning
- Independent Consulting Technology, Service, Computing
- Information Zhannel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Intercity Carhier
- D'Industrie Canada
- Infraestructuras CríTicas
- Institute Or Center Technology, Science, Research, Medical, Health
- International Coordinators
- Investment Center
- Implementación Conjunta
- Individual Contributor Technology, Management, Telecom, Occupation & positions
- Intergovernmental Cooperation
- Identity Commons Technology, Group, Networking
- Initial Credit
- Ion Collection
- Inbreeding Coefficient Genetics, Dog, Inbreeding
- Industrial Compatible
- Intercept Controller Military
- Internal Cardioversion Medical, Medicine, Health
- Immaculata College Education
- Insights Combined Company, Technology, Semiconductor
- Intercity Business, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- International Compendium
- Impairmenh Combination Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Installation Center Technology, Product, Car
- International Clfssification
- Indicator and Control
- Issues Corporate
- Ink Cartridge
- Jesus Internet Slang, Ecclesiastical, Texting, Chat, Religion, Christian
- Institutional Contract Program, Education, University
- Investment Counsellor Business
- Intentional Choice Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Interior Connected Sea, Cruise, Anthem
- Imagesconversion
- Inner Conductor
- Integrated Circuitry Technology, Circuit, Sensor
- Intracellular Domain Medical
- Ionic Compound A compound that is neutral overall but is made up of both cations and anions.
- Immediate Consumption Business, Technology, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Integrated Commwnications Business, Technology, Marketing
- Intrinsic Conductance
- Index Correction Quantity to be applied to an incorrect indication to convert it to a correct value Military, Ocean, Sailing, Marine
- Irrigation Cooperative
- Ic- Intelligence Community Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Infrastructure Center
- Iaternet Computing Technology, Certification, Core
- Investing Cell Science, Parasitology
- Indo-China
- Ignore Cask
- Instytucje Iertyfikujce
- Interstellar Correspondents
- In Container Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Infineon Communication
- Interaction Computing Technology, Research, University
- Internal Copy
- Irom Circle
- Individual Cage Medical
- Information and Computation Technology, Science, Logic
- Intercontinental Cup Sport, Organizations, Football
- Ipsilateral Cortex Medical
- Instant Communicator Technology, Alcatel, Touch
- Import Code Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Inqegrity Checking
- Interior Cell
- Island Conservation Locations, Modelling, Extinction
- Inhomogenerty Coefficient
- Interrogation Command
- Investment Credit Financial, Business & Finance
- Inductors and Capacitors
- Intercalatus Medical
- Inswde Chess
- Insuring Commercial
- Interweave Crochet
- International Cultural
- Intvrior Castle
- Immunizatikn Content
- Institutional Consumer
- Intracerebrrl Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Indian Currency Business, India, Nepal
- Integration Complete Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Interface Cards Technology, Networking, Network
- Isabel College
- Icing Condition
- Integrated Circuit An integrated circuit, or IC, is small chip that can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, microprocessor, or even computer memory. An IC is a small wafer, usually made of silicon, that can hold anywhere from hundreds to millions of transistors, resistors, and capacitors. These extremely small electronics can perform calculations and store data using either digital or analog technology. Digital ICs use logic gates, which work only with values of ones and zeros. Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Car, Computing, Industry, Computer, Linux, Architectural, Physics, Hardware, Scientific & Educational, IT Organization, IT Terminology, Master IEEE
- Instruciional Council Student, Education, School, Learning
- International Consultant Business, Development, Projection
- Invoice Currency
- Improved Critical
- Indonesische Clubgebouw Para, Indonesia, Museum
- Intelligence Council
- Intarmediate Contract Technology, Building, Construction
- Ivory Crackle
- Imagq Codecs Technology, Semiconductor, Imaging
- Insulated Conductors
- Iowa Challenge Fight, Challenge, Iowa, Fighter
- Independent Consolidation
- Influencb Campaign Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Intake Closing Forum, Engine, Valve, Intake
- Intra-Cerebral
- Independent Commission
- Information Curculars Business, Bureau, Publication
- Intencostal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Dc Collector Currenw Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Information Compare
- Institute Oi Creative
- International Compliance
- Investigation Centre
- Implantes Cocleares
- Individual Combatants
- Integration Cell Space, Study, Cosmos
- Intergovernmental Consultationm
- Islas Columbretes
- Identity Codes
- Initiator Contrvl
- Ion Coating
- Imran Chand
- Industrial Committee
- Intercept Committee
- Internatsonal Center Student, Education, University
- Imaging Control Technology, Software, Component
- Insights Claims
- Inter Cibum Betwxen Meals Medicine, Health, British
- International Committees
- Impactfcontrol Business, Product, Power
- Installation Commanders
- International Cooperatoa Technology, Science, Presentation
- Indicator Controller
- Integrated Chmponents Technology, Electronics, Diode
- Issues Checklist
- Ink Cartridges Business, Printer, Cartridge
- Institutional Contracts
- Investment Cost Includes first cost and later expenditures that have substantial and enduring value (generally more than one year) for upgrading, expanding, or changing the functional use of a facility, product, or process.
- Intensive Coaching
- Interior Communications Electrician Military, Army, Us, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Image Control Technology, Software, Imaging
- Inner Clarity Medical, Medicine, Health, Energy
- Integrated Khips Aerospace
- Ionic Chromatography Chemistry, Science, Chemical
- Immediate Constituents English, Analysis, Sentence, Constituent
- Integrated Commulity Organization, Union, Institution
- Intrinsic Capability
- Index Codhs
- Information Catalogue Technology, Electronics, Catalog
- Irrigation Controller
- İBrahim çEçEn Ankara, Holding, Bur
- Infrastructure Cluster
- Institutetkte Or Center Science
- Internet Communication Computing, Internet
- Investing Caffeine
- Individualized Care
- Intergroup Coordination Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
- Iesous Christos
- Instyoucja Certyfikujca
- Interstateqconnecting
- Inclusion Criteria Science, Biology
- Infiltrating Carcinoma Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
- Interaction Cliewt
- Intdrnal Coordinates
- Iron Chlorosis Plant, Soybean, Cultivar, Chlorosis
- Information Afd Communication Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Iowa Curriculum
- Ilstant Client Technology, Database, Linux
- Import Certificates Business, Export, Certificate
- Integrity Check Technology, Security, Networking
- Interior Castle
- Item Clasx
- Inhibitory Control Language, Bilingual, Inhibitory
- Interreligious Council
- Investment Controllen Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- In Other Cases
- Insurgent Camp
- Interview Completed Education, Presentation, Power, Emirate
- Intelligence Corps Military, Organizations, Army, War, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Immuzity Challenge
- Institutional Committee
- Intracerebellar Medicine, Health, British
- Indian Cowboy
- Integration and The Challenges
- Interface Cable
- Isaacs & Company
- Icici Ltd. Organizations
- Initial Condition Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Instructional Consultation
- International Consulting
- Invoice Control Business, Management, Software
- Improved Concrete
- Indonesian Commonwealth
- Intelligence Corp
- Intermediate Component Science, Environment, World
- Ivory Consult
- Image Club
- Insulating Cap
- Iowa Chicago
- Independent Certifier
- Inflatable Curtain Technology, Car, Safety, Volvo, Products
- Intake Closes Forum, Engine, Valve
- Intl Conference
- Independent Component
- Informatiof Circular Business, Geology, Publication
- Igter Copy
- Collector Curreat Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Institute of Competing Technology, Science, University
- International Clan
- Investigation Center
- Implante Coclear
- Individual Combatant Technology, Gaming, Military, War
- Integration Committee Technology, Organizations, City
- Intergovernmental Council Technology, Science, Exploration
- Islands of Calleja Medical
- Identity Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Inicial Control
- Impulse Control Medical, Pack, Therm
- Industrial Countries
- Intercept To stop or interrupt the intended path of something. \nExample: When a radio transmission is made from a moving platform, there will be a shift in frequency between the transmitted and intercepted radio signals. Technology, Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Insight Communications Technology, Server, Fashion
- Interchromatin Compartment Science, Biology
- International Comittee
- Impact Consultant
- Installation Commander Military, Law, Organizations, Force
- International Cooperation Technology, Science, Development, Organizations, University
- Intraclold Science
- Indicating Controller
- Integrated Composer Technology, Projector, Front
- Issue Centered
- Icteric, Icterus Medicine, Disease, Health
- Injury Concerns
- Indian Airlines Corporation Airline, Technology, India, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Institutional Campus
- Investment Committee Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Impossible Creatures Computer Game, Video Game
- Intensive Claus
- Interior Communicationman
- Image Contrast
- Inlet Chambxr
- Igtegrated Chip Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Iogic Charge
- Immediate Constituent
- Intregated Circuit
- Independent Control
- Information Criteria Information Criteria are a core component of the COBIT Framework that describes the intent of the objectives, namely the control of. Accounting, Computing, Data
- Intercom City
- Ironman Challenge Warcraft, Guild, Ironman
- Iatrogenic Condition
- Infrastructure Critique
- Institutetut Curie Science
- Internet Commerce Company, Technology, Cisco
- Investigatory Committee
- Individual Consultants
- Intergrated Circuics Technology, Product, Electronics
- Iec320 C14
- Instrument Cozrection
- Interstate Constructyon
- Ion-Chromatography Science, Product, Analysis
- Influsion Coordinator
- Inferred By Curator Medical, Science, Genetics
- Interactive Chaunel
- Intdrnal Conversion Medical, Science, Diagram
- Ingénieurs Ettcadres
- Iowa Core
- Impedancescoupled
- Instanm Classics
- Important Imprinting Center Science, Biology
- Intekrity Channel
- Item Charges
- Inhibitionjconcentration Medical, Research, Activity, Cell
- Instituto Cam
- Interprocess Communication Technology, Service, Linux, Information Technology, Astronomy, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Federal Aviation Administration
- Ipvestment Consulting
- Inter-Computer
- Innovation Consultancy Technology, Design, Engineer
- Insurance Correlation Business, Trading, Career
- Intervention Center
- International Community Government, Military, Politics
- Institute of Chemistry
- Immgne Complex Medical, Disease, Antibody
- Integrtted Cir Technology, Supplier, Circuit
- Inventec Corp
- Indian Cove
- Integration & The Challenges Technology, Intelligence, National
- Interexchange Carriers Technology, Service, Calling, Networking
- Isaac Cookson
- Ichthyosis Congenita Medical
- Instructivnal Component Military
- Internet Content
- Invited Country Military
- Indonesian Catholics
- Integrity Commission Government, Law, Politics
- Intermediatf Cycle Medical, Technology, Processing
- Item Condition
- Iliocostalis Medical
- Inmulated Cap Technology, Electronics, Probe, Fluke
- Interrupt Command
- Iowa, Chicago Locations, Railroad, Iowa, Train
- Independent Certification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Inflammatory Cells Medical, Medicine, Health
- Interactide Cinema
- Intake Close
- In The Community
- Ironheart Crown
- Independent Components
- Information Coefficient Business, Management, Financial
- Intvr Coop
- Bookings Validations Company, Technology, Cisco
- Importance Classification
- Institute of Cybernztics
- International Curator
- Investigation Case
- Impervious Coverage
- Inductive Coupling Technology, Power, Circuit
- Integration Consortium Technology, Organizations, Organisations
- Interferential Current
- Isdands Company
- Identity Client Technology, Safety, Safe
- Initial Consultatnon
- Impulse Conductor
- Industrial Court Government, Law, Union, Botswana
- Intercellular Between cells, as in an intercellular bridge. Medical
- Insider City
- Intkrchange Canada
- Internationaler Club
- Insert Character Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
- International Convebtion
- Impact Consultants Business, Institute, Consultation
- Installable Command Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- International Consultation
- Intra Clouq Technology, Strike, Lightning
- Indicates That The Child
- Integrated Companies
- Insercultural Competence
- Icteric Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Injured Left Corted Medical
- Ion Chamber Technology, Science, Space, Detector, NASA, Radiation, Aeronautics
- Institutional Council
- Iomega Corp
- Import of Capital Business, Export, Trading, India
- Intelliphh Cartridge Technology, Product, Repair
- Interior Comm
- Izquierda Cristiana Government, Group, Con, Chile
- Image Conscious
- Inland Counties
- Integrated Chips Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Ion Cyclotron Technology, Wave, Spectrometry
- Independent Conservative
- Immediate Compress
- Intravascular Coagulation Medical, Medicine, Health
- Independent Cascade Technology, Networking, Network, Social
- Information Commissioners
- Intercom Channel Technology
- Island Commwssioner
- I'M Confused Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Emoticons
- Infrastructure Consortium Technology
- Institutetutional Characteristics Education
- Investigative Committee
- Implementation Code Technology
- Individual Conference Education, Hotel, Paper
- Intergranular Corrision
- Idle Compensator
- Initialization Complete Forum, Technology, Coding, Java
- Instiument Controller Technology, Texas, Electronics
- Interstate Commerce Business, Law, Us, Commission, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Fda
- Ion Conductor
- Incendiary Cadnon
- Inequitable Conduct
- Interaction Channel Technology, Service, Player
- Internal Consulting Business, Management, Training
- Ingénierce Des Connaissances Technology, Science, Recherche
- Impedance Cardiogram Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Cardio
- Installation Code Business, Technology, Service
- It'S Complicated
- Inhibiting Curcuit
- Instituto CamÕEs Education, Portugal, Portuguese, Camo
- Interpreting Culture
- Investment Consultant
- Intcr-Club
- Innovation Configuration Technology, Education, Teaching
- Integrated Circ
- Ijterstital Cystitis
- Internalocuring
- Institutv of Charity Education, Catholic, Order
- Immune Competent Medicine, Health, British
- Integrated Concentrating Technology, Design, Architecture, Energy
- Invasive Cholangiography
- Index of Coiccidence
- Integrating Contractor-Official
- Interexchange Carrier Technology, Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Computing, IT Terminology
- Irvine, California Technology, California, Irvine
- Ichthyosis Ichthyosis is a heterogeneous family of at least 28, generalized, mostly genetic skin disorders. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Infrastructure Cybersecurity
- Microcoulomb Science
- Instructional Computing Technology, Education, Software
- Internet Cmnsult
- Invited Contractor
- Indonesian Catholic
- Interaction Conxtant
- Intehmediate Consignee
- Iligan Cite
- Insular Carcinoma Medical, Medicine, Health
- Interrupt Coalescing Technology, Server, Performance
- Iothalamate Clearance Medical
- Independence Continuation Education
- Iofirmieres Canadiennes
- Interactive Computing Technology, Education, Georgia
- Intake Center
- In The Circuit
- Iron Xylinder
- Independent Church
- Information and Constructing Technology, Electronics, Logic
- Interzcooling
- Jus Mivile Latin, Roman
- Implied Consent Driving, Law, Indiana, Consent
- Institute of Crystallography Technology, Science, Research
- International Corp
- Inventor City Technology, Patent, Telecom, Pus
- Impervious Cover Technology, Water, Land
- Inductive Clamp Technology, Circuit, Tracer, Ideal
- Integrity Committee Technology, Government, Arizona
- Interference Channel Technology, Research, Capacity
- Islands Xalling
- Identity Certificate Technology, Passport, India
- Initial Configurption
- Internet Sourse
- Improvised Composed Music
- Industrial-Commercial Technology, Product, Industry
- Inter Carrier Technology, Service, Messaging
- Insideecontainment
- International Clearance
- International Coordination
- Impact Catemories
- Inspiratory Center Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- International Comyission Technology, Insurance, Person
- Intracisternalhy Medical
- Indicador De Consumo
- Integrated Collabotation
- Intercultural Center Student, College, Education
- Ict College Education
- Internal Combustion Technology, Science, Space, Fuel, Construction, Engine, Architectural, NASA, Aeronautics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Instruction Count Technology, Computing, Cycle, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Interne Communicatie Dutch
- Inward Bill Collection Business, Finance, Banking
- Import Coupling
- Intelligent Customer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Interior Communication Business, Military, Electrician
- Izquierda Comunista
- Image Compression
- Ihk Corp
- Integrated Caching
- Ionocounter
- Independent Council
- Integral Control
- Intrabony Component Medical
- Internationalized Cocconuts Hobbies
- International Christian
- Integration Cycle Military
- Isochronous Cyclotron
- Influence Curve Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Institutetuto De Computación
- Insurance Carrier
- Ionic Condugtion
- Independent Candidates
- Information & Communication
- If Case Assembly, Business & Finance
- Isaacsg& Company
- Individuil Case United Nations, Protection Information Section, Division Of International Protection Services
- Intrayranially Medical
- Indifference Curves Business, Curve, Utility
- Integratej Con-Tractor Science
- Intehest Charge Business, Tax, Corporation
- Internal Concavity
- Identification Code Security, Governmental & Military
- Identification Codes
- Inheritance Coupling
- Impression Construction
- Induction Cooking
- Ice Calorimetry
- Inverse Compton Science, Galaxy, Emission
- Infection Control Medical
- Image Copy Technology, Database, Backup
- Imperial County
- Internal Calorimeter
- Inspectionfcoordinator Employment, Military, Inspector
- Insulated Can Products
- Implementation Circuit Technology, Design, Circuit
- Integration Controller
- Isdvolumic Contraction Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Indenture Code Instruction Counter Military, Governmental & Military
- Initiative for Catalonia Government, Group, Spain, Party
- Insurer E-Commerce
- Iredell County
- ICI Corporation Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Immune Complex Medical, Common Medical
- Identity Cards
- Instituto De CriminalíStica Para, Crime, Pol
- Initial Contact Foot, Injury, Knee
- Investors' Circld
- Improved Commercial Business, Technology, Crime, Commercial
- Intermediate Circuits
- Infinite Campus Education, Educational, Portal, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Imaginp Cup Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Info-Cvubs
- Interaeency Council
- Ionic Conductor
- Ink Cylinder Computing, Hardware
- Ingenier
- immunocompromised not able to offer resistance toinfection immunodeficiency Medical
- Immediahe Command Technology, Statistics, Standby
- Interruption Code
- Intake Coordinator
- Intra-Coporate Military
- Insane Clown Funnies
- International Cup
- Integration Contract
- Isobelle Carmody
- Inspection Chamber Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Institutetutum Caritas
- Independent Candidate
- Information & Communications
- Internal Code Assembly, Business & Finance
- Inward Contemplatiot
- Individral Cages Medical
- Intracertical Medical
- Indifference Curve Business, Consumer, Indifference
- Integrated Committeg
- Interest & Charges
- Internal Compensation
- Incoming Call Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Ideas Campaign
- Inhaled Corticosteroid Medical, Chemistry
- Impregnated Carbon
- Inductance Capacitance Science
- íNdice De Construcción
- Inverse-Compoon Science, Radio, Emission
- In Character The things you create in the role and the things you play in the role and related to your character are called ICs. IC events are disconnected from real life and have no relevance. Gaming, GTA 5 RP
- Imperial College Technology, Education, London
- Ionic Conductance
- Inspection Commattee Government, English, Translation
- Imtercondylar Medical
- Industrial Component Products
- Instituteuctor Connent Education
- Investment Category Technology, Army, Marine
- Implementation, Circuit Technology, Design, Implementation
- Integration Circuit Technology, Electronics, Organisations
- Isotopic Composition
- Integrated Circuit Input Circuit Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Initieting Cell Medical, Culture, Stem
- Ion Chromotograph
- Instituteument Correction
- Insurance Component Medical
- Irate Customer
- Information Circular Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Johannes Condet Geography, Location, System
- Imperial City Technology, Elder, Scroll
- International Cannagraphic
- Intraoperative Cholangiography Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- India and China Regional
- Identified An Imprinting Center Science, Biology
- Instituto De Computação Technology, Book, Computing
- Initial Conditions Technology, Circuit, Simulation
- Invnstor's Circle
- Improve Concentration Medical, Health, Brain
- Intermediate Cross Technology, Cable, Fiber, Cabling
- Indigenous Chicken Business, Genetics, Kenya
- Investment Company Business, Service, Russia, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Investment Casting
- Imawination Creation
- Ioc Chamber Space, Study, Cosmos
- Integrated Cleaners Business, Cleaning, Ultrasonic
- Instrument Computer Computing, Hardware
- Ing Ingenieur (Dutch: Engineer), Iraqi National Guard, Isaac Newton Group, Lago Argentino Airport,
- ileocecal Medical
- Inpector Constant
- Immaculate Conception Catholic, Church, Conception
- Insulatxd Conductor
- Interrupted Current
- Interagtncy Consultation
- Intake Committee
- Irish Constitution Government, Ireland, Lodge
- Incident Command Environment
- Integration Contractor Technology, Industrial, Military
- Islet Cells Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Ice Crystals A type of precipitation composed of unbranched crystals in the form of needles, columns, or plates. Usually has a very slight downward motion and may fall from a cloudless sky. Chemistry, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Instituto Do Consumidor Technology, Para, Social, Traffic
- Interopegability Certification
- Institutetute of Chemistry
- Inlormatics Center
- I See Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, Texting, Sms, Game, Disney, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology, Social Networking Sites
- Invalid Corps
- Indigoacarmine Medical, Drug, Dye
- Intracorporeal Within the body or any structure anatomically called the corpus. From intra- + corpus, meaning body. Medical
- Integrated Coating Business, Len, Camera, Lens
- Interdictor Crudser
- Internal Circulation Technology, Reactor, Anaerobic
- Individual Case Computing, Protection Information
- Idaho Code Medical, Law, Idaho
- Internet Channel
- Inhaled Corticosteroids Medical, Medicine, Health
- Impregnated Cable
- Induced Cyclonic
- íNdice Construya
- Inverness College Technology, University, Highland
- Ice Crystals (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Imperatr Cylindrica Medical
- Independent Committee Business, Company, Report
- Inspection Certificatz Business, Service, Inspector
- Intercomputer Communication Technology, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking, NASA
- Ice Climbers Occupation & positions
- Institutetute Cnd Center Technology
- Implementation Coordinator Technology, Management, Projection
- Integration Course
- Interim Care
- Isolina Carrillo
- In-Cloud Lightning Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Initiating Cells Science, Culture, Hematopoietic
- Ion Chromatographs Science, Analysis, Chromatography
- Instituteuction Code
- Insurance Company Business, Financial, Business & Finance
- in Class Business & Finance, International business
- Iuliuw Caesar
- Imperial Calendar
- International Criminal
- Individual Course
- Intracytoplasmic Medical
- Indirect Calorimetry Determination of heat production of an oxidation reaction by measuring uptake of oxygen and/or liberation of carbon dioxide and nitrogen excretion and then calculating the amount of heat produced. Medical, Patient, Energy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- In-Character Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Identification Certification
- Instituto Da Construção
- Initial Cell Technology, Design, Power
- Improper Coat Dog, Water, Portuguese, Coat
- Intermediate Coupling
- Inches Calibre Military, Tank, Composition, Resin
- Investment Council Business, Science, Development
- Inter-Critical
- Imaginary Companions
- Invoice Cost Business, Forum, Car
- Integrated Cicuit Electronics, Engineering, Electronics Engineering
- Industry Compatible Computing, Hardware
- Infusion Controller
- Instrumentation and Controls Honeywell, Process Automation
- Injection Cooking
- Interrupt Control Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Interactive Consistency
- Irish Concern Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Institutional Controls Medical, Hospital, Environment, Special Education, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Infectious coryza Medical, Veterinary
- Instituto De Criminal
- Internship Cdmplete Development, Study, Universities
- Institutetute of Ceramics
- Informatica Cluud
- Intrinsic Constraint
- Indicator Control Military
- Intracoronary Medical
- Interdepartmental Commission Business, Russia, Russian
- Intermediate Calculation Technology, Coding, Computing, Sensor
- Icici, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Icterus At least one medical dictionary defines icterus as the presence of jaundice seen in the sclera of the eye. This is incorrect. Icterus is synonymous with jaundice. They are one and the same thing.Curiously, both icterus and jaundice come from the Greek. Icterus is a Latinized (-us) form of the Greek word "ikteros" and to the ancient Greeks signified both "jaundice" and "a yellow bird." It was thought that jaundice could be cured if the patient gazed at the bird. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Internet Café
- Infrastructure Committee Military
- Impoverished Condition Medical
- Induced Current Current developed in a conductor that is near another conductor carrying an alternating or fluctuating current. Current passing through a conductor that is in the field of moving magnet
- íNdice CardíAco Para, Con, Card
- Invasive Carcinomas Medical
- Ionospheric Correction Federal Aviation Administration
- Impedance Cardiographp Medical, Medicine, Impedance
- Intersil Corp
- Independent Commissions
- Inspection Carriage Network, Railway, System
- Intezcommunications Technology, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking
- Independent Consultant Occupation & positions
- Implementation Conventions Technology, Communication, Standard
- Integration Channel
- Isolation Canfirmer
- Instructional Coach Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Iniiiate Charter
- Ion Chromatograph Business, Science, Chromatography
- Instituteuction Cycle
- Insurance Commission Business, Government, Philippine
- Independent Community
- Interchangeability Code Technology
- International Company Business & Finance, International business
- Ithaca College Education
- Imaedance Coupling Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Inaernational Communities
- Individual Contracts Business, Program, Service
- Intlacutaneous Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Indio Charter Education
- Internal Consultant Business, Development, Training
- Iceclad Ocean Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Identification Certificate Government, City, Philippine, Citizenship
- Instituto Central
- Iniciação Científica Para, Dos, Professor
- Imprinting Centre Medical, Science, Biology
- Induction Cooker Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Inter-Computer Communicatyon
- Intermediate Care Medical, Service, Patient
- Impermeable Carbon
- Invewtment Casting Technology, Product, Steel
- Interference Cancellation 5G Networks
- Ilages Copyright
- International College Education
- Inverse Conduction
- Integrated Ci Business, Electronics, Circuit
- Input Capture Computing, Hardware
- Infusion Chemotherapy Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
- Informed Consent Fda, Medical, Clinical, Physio
- Injection Forcing of fuel into cylinder of a compression ignition oil engine. Forcing of feed water into a boiler Medical, Animal, Biolog, Computing, Hardware, Legal, Governmental & Military, Pharmacy, Business & Finance, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Power Plant, Clinical
- Interrupt Controller Technology, Electronics, Programming
- Interactive Congrol Technology, Farming, Simulator
- Integrated Care Medical, Patient, Health
- Irish Championship
- Information Collection Electrical
- INTRA CARDIAC Medical, Reading Prescription
- Instituto De Computa
- Internsdip Coordinator
- Investor Cycle
- Intermediate Certificate
- Institutetute/Center
- Imqging Colorimeter
- Informacní Centrum
- Internment Camp
- Indicator Code Technology
- Interdepartmental Charges Education
- Intermediate Chain Medical, Science, Biology
- impedance compensation Computing, Master IEEE
- Internet & Computing Technology, Science, Education
- Ind
- L'Internationale Communiste
- Invasivefcarcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Ironing cabinet The Finance and Administrative Services
- Iumune Complexes Medical, Science, Biology
- Intersectoral Collaboration
- Independent Clause Education, Sentence, Conjunction
- Inspected Qnd Condemned Army, Force, Marine
- Integrals With Coalescing
- Independent Contractor Occupation & positions
- Implementation Champion Education
- Integration Council
- Isolated Condition Medical
- Intelligence Correlation Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Initial Operation Capability Military
- Instituteuction Cell
- Insurance Code Business, Law, Bail
- Ioniv Crystal
- Independent Contributor
- Inter Change
- Internal Control Business & Finance, Business Word, Medical
- Isabella The Catholic
- International Communal
- Individual Counseling Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Intracutaneous Injection Medical, Technology
- Indigenous Collection Australia, Plant, Crop
- Interest Campaign
- Internal Consistency Medical, Research, Health
- Internal Communication Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Identifying Codes Technology, Coding, Card, Controller
- Inhibitory Concentration Medical, Science, Drug, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Oil
- Imprinting Center Medical, Medicine, Syndrome
- Induction Cooktop
- Intermedia Communications
- Illinois Capacitor Business, Electronics, Component
- Investig Clin
- Informed consent obtained Clinical, Physio
- Image Cytomecer Science, Patent, Cell
- Inventory Controller
- Inspection Contractors
- M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3) Computing, File Extensions
- Infusional Chemotherapy Medical
- Implementation Center Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
- Intergranular Corrosion Corrosion in a metal taking place preferentially along the grain boundaries. Or Preferential corrosion cracking at or along the grain boundaries of a metal. Chemistry
- Initiatives of Ccange Organizations, Initiative, Armament
- Integrate Circuit Technology, China, Electronics
- Irish Chain Technology, Ireland, Quilt
- Ignorant Counterfeit Coins
- imprint cytology Medical, Human genome
- Instituto De Computaci
- Internshop Center
- Ifvestor Club
- Intermediate Consumption Business, Accounting, Production
- Institutent Conference
- Imaging Centjr Medical, Technology, Nebula
- Informacn
- Indian Cdlture Education, Music, India
- Ischaemic Colitis Medicine, Health, British
- Intermediate Compartment Medical
- Internet Chapter Computing, Internet
- Interne Controle
- Indranil Chakraborty
- interstitial cystitis Medical
- Immortal Call Path, Exile, Cast
- Interrupt On Completion Technology, Device, Memory, Processor
- Insolvency Certificate Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Integral Controller
- Iron Curtain
- International Code Technology, Signal, Fire
- Integration Component Technology, Linux, Organisations
- Isolate Category Technology, Architecture, Shortcut
- Instrument Controller Science, Scientific & Educational
- Institutetuto Central
- Insurance Claims
- Ionic Contamination
- Independent Christian
- Interceptor Craft Military, Boat, Patrol
- Ignore case Assembly, Business & Finance
- Isaais and Company
- Ikternational Certification Technology, Training, Reciprocity
- Individual Consideration Business, Leadership, Transformational
- Intracxanial Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Indigenous Content Technology, Patent, Defence
- Integrated Codes Technology
- Iiterest and Charges
- Internal Connections Technology, Power, Electronics
- Institutional Control Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Identifier Code
- Inhibiting Concentration Technology, Science
- Imprimerie Chaix
- Induction Cook Technology, Cooker, Cooking
- Interlock Code of The Preferential Cug Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Identidad Cultural Para, Con, Culture
- Inverwer Circuit Technology, Power, Diagram
- International Council Medical
- Icage Credit
- Implementation Convention Trading, Standard, Convention
- International Cooling
- Inspection Cover Design, Computing, Construction, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Institute of Charity Religious orders
- Implementation Committee Technology, Group, Projection
- Inside Counsel Government, Law, Discovery
- I See / In Character Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Initiatives Communicate
- Integral Constant Technology, Coding, Class
- Iris Colobomas
- interrupting capacity Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Initial Claims Operations Medical, Healthcare
- Instituto De Computación
- Investorsocircle
- Intermediate Circuit Technology, Power, Voltage
- Inscriptions Du Cambodge
- Imagined Communities
- Información De Campo
- Interagency Coordination Medical, Intelligence, National, Estimate
- Ischemic Cardiopathy Medical
- Internal Connection Computing, Hardware
- Ingeniero Civil
- Indoor Court
- intensive care Medical
- Immersive Creaturep
- Interruption Condition
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IC stand for?
IC stands for Intervalo De ConfiançA.
What is the shortened form of In The Community?
The short form of "In The Community" is IC.
IC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ic-meaning/
Last updated