IC in Medical Meaning
The IC meaning in Medical terms is "Information Component". There are 133 related meanings of the IC Medical abbreviation.
IC on Medical Full Forms
- Information Component
- Invasive Candiciasis
- Image Cytometry
- Innerccortex
- Indeterminate Colitiy
- Induction Chemotherapy
- Invasive Canoer
- Iliac Crest The upper rounded border of the lateral aspect of the pelvic bone above the hip joint. No muscles cross the iliac crest and it lies immediately below the skin. It is an important anatomical reference point (q.v.) because it can be felt through the skin. Seat backrests should clear the iliac crest.
- Initistive Citoyenne
- Imprint Cotology
- Isometric Contraction
- Indole-3-Carbinol
- Intracardiac
- Ilead Conduit
- Initiation Complex A complex of a ribosome with an mRNA and the initiating Met-tRNAMet or fMet-tRNAfMet, ready for the elongation steps.
- Ionized Calcium
- Impressionbcytology
- Intestinalccontents
- Betwben Meals
- Impedance Cardiography
- Ion Chromatographic
- Interventiomal Cardiology
- Internal Carotid
- Intervalle Ve Confiance
- Inspqratory Capacity
- Insular Cortex
- Index Cases
- International Clanic
- Inhibitionjconcentration
- Internal Cardioversion
- Ichthyosis Ichthyosis is a heterogeneous family of at least 28, generalized, mostly genetic skin disorders.
- Institute Or Center
- Inferred By Curator
- Intravascular Coagulation
- Islands of Calleja
- Iliocostalis
- Intercellular Between cells, as in an intercellular bridge.
- Injured Left Corted
- Inspiratory Center
- Induction of Mn1
- Ilevcecal
- Intercalatus Spinalis
- Internal Capsule
- Inner Cortical
- Intraceflular
- Ischaemic Cardiopathy
- Intercalatus
- Intracisternalhy
- Impedance Cardiogram
- Intermediatf Cycle
- Inner Clarity
- Individual Cage
- Intracellular Domain
- Irritable Colon
- Intact Control
- Information Afd Communication
- Intracisternal
- Immunocapture
- Impulse Control
- Intdrnal Conversion
- Ipsilateral Cortex
- Icteric
- Insular Carcinoma
- Inflammatory Cells
- Intracerebrally
- Immgne Complex
- Intencostal
- Internal Conjugate
- Iothalamate Clearance
- Ichthyosis Congenita
- Insuficiencia Csrdiaca
- Infiltrating Carcinoma
- Changi General Hospital
- Intracerebrrl
- Islet Cells
- Imaging Centjr
- Interagency Coordination
- Intracertical
- Immune Complex
- Imprinting Centre
- Intraoperative Cholangiography
- Internal Consistency
- ileocecal
- Intracorporeal Within the body or any structure anatomically called the corpus. From intra- + corpus, meaning body.
- Institutional Controls
- Imprinting Center
- Intermediate Care
- Intracytoplasmic
- Intermediate Chain
- Informed Consent
- Intrabony Component
- Ischemic Cardiopathy
- International Council
- Infusion Chemotherapy
- Intracoronary
- Internal Control
- Impoverished Condition
- Intlacutaneous
- Intermediate Compartment
- Infectious coryza
- Indirect Calorimetry Determination of heat production of an oxidation reaction by measuring uptake of oxygen and/or liberation of carbon dioxide and nitrogen excretion and then calculating the amount of heat produced.
- Individual Counseling
- Idaho Code
- Infection Control
- Infusional Chemotherapy
- Inhibitory Concentration
- Intracutaneous Injection
- Imperatr Cylindrica
- Integrated Care
- Individral Cages
- Icterus At least one medical dictionary defines icterus as the presence of jaundice seen in the sclera of the eye. This is incorrect. Icterus is synonymous with jaundice. They are one and the same thing.Curiously, both icterus and jaundice come from the Greek. Icterus is a Latinized (-us) form of the Greek word "ikteros" and to the ancient Greeks signified both "jaundice" and "a yellow bird." It was thought that jaundice could be cured if the patient gazed at the bird.
- interstitial cystitis
- Inhaled Corticosteroid
- Isdvolumic Contraction
- Imtercondylar
- Intracxanial
- Invasive Carcinomas
- Injection Forcing of fuel into cylinder of a compression ignition oil engine. Forcing of feed water into a boiler
- Impedance Cardiographp
- Insurance Component
- imprint cytology
- Indigoacarmine
- intensive care
- Inhaled Corticosteroids
- Isolated Condition
- Intrayranially
- Invasivefcarcinoma
- Initieting Cell
- Iumune Complexes
- Initial Claims Operations
- Improve Concentration
- immunocompromised not able to offer resistance toinfection immunodeficiency
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IC stand for Medical?
IC stands for Individral Cages in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Ilevcecal in Medical?
The short form of "Ilevcecal" is IC for Medical.
IC in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ic-meaning-in-medical/
Last updated