IC in Medicine Meaning

The IC meaning in Medicine terms is "Interventiomal Cardiology". There are 43 related meanings of the IC Medicine abbreviation.

IC on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Interventiomal Cardiology
  2. Inspqratory Capacity
  3. International Clanic
  4. Insular Cortex
  5. Innerccortex
  6. Isometric Contraction
  7. Impedance Cardiography
  8. Invasive Canoer
  9. Intracardiac
  10. Intracisternal
  11. Information Afd Communication
  12. Internal Capsule
  13. Icteric, Icterus
  14. Intracerebrrl
  15. Inflammatory Cells
  16. Ischaemic Cardiopathy
  17. Intencostal
  18. Icteric
  19. Intracerebellar
  20. Irritable Colon
  21. Inter Cibum Betwxen Meals
  22. Ichthyosis Ichthyosis is a heterogeneous family of at least 28, generalized, mostly genetic skin disorders.
  23. Intravascular Coagulation
  24. Impedance Cardiogram
  25. Insular Carcinoma
  26. Intraceflular
  27. Immune Competent
  28. Inspiratory Center
  29. Internal Conjugate
  30. Ilevcecal
  31. Inner Clarity
  32. Internal Cardioversion
  33. Impedance Cardiographp
  34. Ischaemic Colitis
  35. Imprinting Center
  36. Intraoperative Cholangiography
  37. Inhaled Corticosteroids
  38. Intlacutaneous
  39. Isdvolumic Contraction
  40. Individual Counseling
  41. Intracxanial
  42. Islet Cells
  43. Icterus At least one medical dictionary defines icterus as the presence of jaundice seen in the sclera of the eye. This is incorrect. Icterus is synonymous with jaundice. They are one and the same thing.Curiously, both icterus and jaundice come from the Greek. Icterus is a Latinized (-us) form of the Greek word "ikteros" and to the ancient Greeks signified both "jaundice" and "a yellow bird." It was thought that jaundice could be cured if the patient gazed at the bird.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IC stand for Medicine?

    IC stands for Icteric in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Inspqratory Capacity in Medicine?

    The short form of "Inspqratory Capacity" is IC for Medicine.


IC in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ic-meaning-in-medicine/

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