IC in Technology Meaning
The IC meaning in Technology terms is "Iytegrated Circuit". There are 228 related meanings of the IC Technology abbreviation.
IC on Technology Full Forms
- Iytegrated Circuit
- Integrated Circuits
- Industry Case
- Interface Controller
- Including Channel
- It Contains
- Innovstion Center
- Industry Canada
- Image Capture
- Insulation Contact
- Infranet Controller
- Interface Control
- In Cloud
- Isolation Condenser
- Inner Cirple
- Inductively Couhled
- Illinois Central Railroad Company
- Insulation Class Motor winding insulation rating which indicates its ability to withstand heat and moisture. The insulation class is a measure of the resistance of the insulation components of a motor to degradation from heat. Four major classifications of insulation are used in motors.
- In The Context
- Inductance-Capacitance
- Information Control
- In-Ceiling
- Interface Card
- Islas Canarias
- Integrated Circuct
- Inner Carton
- Intermediate Cross-Connect
- Internally Connected
- Insulated Chip
- International Channel
- Information Character
- Implementation Componenu
- Inter-Ctoperation
- Ion Chromatography
- Innerecan
- Internal Circuit
- Index Copernicus
- Inspqratory Capacity
- Insulated Ceiling
- Internal Coordinate
- Information Campaign
- Integration Components
- Ion Chambers
- Intergrated Circuit
- In Command
- Insrection Chamber
- Instrument Control
- Internal Cooling
- Information Component
- Interference Canceller
- Incoming Caly
- Instrument Cluster
- Industry Committee
- Image Controller
- Intdrcooler
- Interim Change
- Installation Code
- Integrtted Cir
- Insert Character
- Information Zhannel
- Interexchange Carrier
- Interactuon Coefficient
- Index Coubt
- International Comyission
- Impervious Cover
- Innovation Consultancy
- Instiument Controller
- Intergovernmental Council
- Identity Commons
- Inventor City
- Individual Contributors
- Inter Cantrol
- Initial Condition
- Iaternet Computing
- Installation Center
- Integrated Concentrating
- Interlock Code
- Information and Constructing
- Interest Cover
- Intercept To stop or interrupt the intended path of something. \nExample: When a radio transmission is made from a moving platform, there will be a shift in frequency between the transmitted and intercepted radio signals.
- Independent Cascade
- Institute Or Center
- Integrated Chmponents
- International Coordinator
- Innovation Configuration
- Interference Channel
- Identity Code
- Individual Contributor
- Instruction Fetch Cycle
- Internet Commerce
- Installable Command
- Integrated Commwnications
- Interlata Carrier
- Irvine, California
- Information and Computation
- Inter Carrier
- Independent Collection
- Institute of Competing
- Integrated Composer
- Internal Coupling
- Initialization Complete
- Interface Class
- Identity Client
- Individual Combatant
- Integration Committee
- Changi General Hospital
- Insights Continues
- Integrated Circuitry
- Intarmediate Contract
- Image Control
- Irritable Colon
- Ingénierce Des Connaissances
- Intelliphh Cartridge
- Indian Airlines Corporation
- Interrupt Coalescing
- Independent Consulting
- Institute of Crystallography
- Integration Complete
- Internal Connectiod
- Impairmenh Combination
- Initial Cursor
- Interface Certification
- Identity Certificate
- Interactive Computing
- Intra Clouq
- Inductive Coupling
- Integration Consortium
- Insights Combined
- Igtegrated Chip
- Intermediatf Cycle
- Imagq Codecs
- Inflatable Curtain
- Intercom Channel
- Intelligent Charging
- Ion Chamber
- Interrogator Code
- Independent Client
- Instant Communicator
- Integration & The Challenges
- Immediate Consumption
- Infrastructure Consortium
- Interface Cards
- Interaction Computing
- Intra-Cloud
- Inductive Clamp
- Instruction Count
- Integrity Committee
- International Cooperatoa
- Insight Communications
- Integrated Chips
- Intergroup Coordination
- Ilevcecal
- Ion Cyclotron
- Industrial-Commercial
- Intercom
- Intnlligence Communities
- Internal Combustion
- Interprocess Communication
- Independent Certification
- Ilstant Client
- Integrating Concept
- Imaging Control
- Information Catalogue
- Interexchange Carriers
- Bookings Validations
- Interaction Channel
- In The Case
- Instructional Computing
- Integrity Check
- International Cooperation
- Implementation Code
- Inside Circumference
- Inmulated Cap
- Intergrated Circuics
- Idle Circuits
- Inverwer Circuit
- Integration Circuit
- Internet & Computing
- Improved Commercial
- Inhibiting Concentration
- Interlock Code of The Preferential Cug
- Imaging Centjr
- Interrupt On Completion
- Institutetute Cnd Center
- Internal Circulation
- Integrated Codes
- Inverness College
- Integration Component
- Implementation Committee
- Imaginp Cup
- Isolate Category
- Interrupt Control
- Intermediate Calculation
- Imperial City
- Interchangeability Code
- Intracutaneous Injection
- Integration Contractor
- Implementation Circuit
- Image Copy
- Intercomputer Communication
- Interrupt Controller
- Imaedance Coupling
- Indicator Code
- Interactive Congrol
- Intracxanial
- Instituto Do Consumidor
- International Code
- Implementation, Circuit
- Intezcommunications
- Instituto De Computação
- Ikternational Certification
- Implementation Coordinator
- Imperial College
- Irish Chain
- Initial Conditions
- Intermediate Circuit
- Identifying Codes
- Implementation Conventions
- Immediahe Command
- Integrate Circuit
- Invewtment Casting
- Initial Cell
- Intermediate Cross
- Indigenous Content
- Internal Connections
- Investment Category
- Induction Cook
- Integral Constant
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IC stand for Technology?
IC stands for Imagq Codecs in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Interexchange Carrier in Technology?
The short form of "Interexchange Carrier" is IC for Technology.
IC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ic-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated