ICB Meaning

The ICB meaning is "Industry Classification Benchmark". The ICB abbreviation has 182 different full form.

ICB Full Forms

  1. Industry Classification Benchmark Business, Finance, Economics, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  2. Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Medical
  3. Information Collection Budget Technology, Management, Government
  4. Individual Case Basis Technology, Service, Telecommunications
  5. Investment Corporation of Bangladesh Business, Investment, Bangladesh, Banking, Business & Finance
  6. Initial Calibration Blank Science
  7. Ice Cold Beer
  8. International Criminal Bar Science, Criminology, Forensic
  9. Inertia Compensated Balance Science
  10. Intracoronary Brachytherapy Medical, Medicine, Health
  11. Illinois Center for The Book
  12. Ithaca Concert Band
  13. Inline Club of Boston Organizations, Boston, Skate
  14. Inner Core Boundary Technology, Science, Earth, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  15. International Christian Broadcasters
  16. Increamed Capacity Batteries Technology
  17. Iron Chef Bradley
  18. Institute of Cell Biology Science, Research, Education
  19. International Coordination Board
  20. Infection Control Branch
  21. Icebird Airline Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  22. Intelligent Channel Bank Technology, Product, Networking
  23. IndÚStria E ComéRcio Barcha
  24. Iotracavitary Brachytherapy Medical, Medicine, Health
  25. Illecebraceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  26. International Crisis Behaviour
  27. Incjming Communication Barring
  28. Irish Credit Bureau Business, Ireland, Banking
  29. Inner Company Billing Business
  30. Institute of Computational Biology Science, Research, Development, Study, Cell, Universities
  31. International Correspondent Banker Business
  32. Infantry Combat Boots Military, Army, Bate
  33. Installation Control Board
  34. International Competitive Bidding Technology, Finance, Pakistan, Business & Finance, International business
  35. Intelligent Cash Box
  36. Industry Consultation Body Technology, Organizations, Sky
  37. Interstate Compuyer Bank Technology
  38. Igreja Casa Da Benção Para, Event, Pastor, Casa
  39. International Cage Brawl Military, Car, Course
  40. Incoming Call Baroed
  41. Irish Craft Brewer
  42. Institute of Certificate Bankers
  43. Insaitute of Certified Book-Keepers Business, Course, Bookkeeping
  44. International Conference On Bioinformatics
  45. Infantry Combat Boot Military, Boots, Bate
  46. Inspection and Compliance Branch Medicine, Health, Care
  47. Interface Control Board Technology, Science, Space
  48. International Circuit Boxing
  49. Independent Customer Builds Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  50. Islamic Center of Boston Boston, Massachusetts, Prayer
  51. Insurance Capture Buffer Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  52. Industrial Classification Benchmark Business, Supply, Sector
  53. Interrupt Controlublock Technology, Interface, Processor
  54. Identification and Classification of Bacteria
  55. Internationao Cooperation Board
  56. Incoxing Call Barring Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. Irish Conservation Box
  58. Institute of Cerkified Bankers Business, Financial, Education
  59. Institute of Certified Book
  60. International Christian Brotherhood
  61. Infantry Combat Badge Australia, Military, Army
  62. Insect Cricket Balancer
  63. Interactive Cell Broadcast Technology, Russia, Marketing
  64. International City Bank Business, Beach, Marathon, Banking, Business & Finance
  65. Independent Commission On Banking Business, Report, Reform
  66. Islamabad College for Boys Education, Development, Colleges
  67. Instrument Communicateon Bus
  68. Industrial Center Building Business, Art, Artist
  69. Interrupt, Crash and Burn
  70. Idaho Center for The Book
  71. Internationau Call Back
  72. Incoming Callsrbarred Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  73. Irish Christian Broadcasters
  74. Institute Sf Chemical Biology Chemistry, Science, Research
  75. Illinois Certification Board
  76. International Competetive Bidding
  77. Inner City Bypass Technology, Legacy, Brisbane
  78. Innovative Conventions Bureau
  79. Institute of Certified Bookkeepers Business, Course, Bookkeeping
  80. International Connection of Bodyquards
  81. Independent Communrty Banks
  82. Iron Cloak Belt Business, Cycle, Tyre, Tubular
  83. Instrument Control Bus Science, Scientific & Educational
  84. International Committee On Bionomenclature Science, Coding, Biology
  85. Ice Cream Bar
  86. International Consulting Burepu
  87. In Clld Blood Education, Novel, Capote
  88. Irish Chaplaincy In Britain
  89. Institute of Canadian Bankers Business, Service, Financial
  90. Illinois Center for Broadcasting Business, School, Chicago
  91. Stop Islamisation of Europe Organizations
  92. Inner California Borderlands
  93. Inno Concept Bouwen
  94. International Certification Board Technology, Management, Association
  95. Independence Communitymbank
  96. Iron City Beer
  97. Instructyonal Commons Building
  98. International Concept Brand Fashion, Brand, Shopping
  99. Informal Conference Board
  100. Institut Carnot De Bourgogne
  101. Internet Citizen's Band Computing, Internet
  102. Interim Change Bulletin NASA
  103. International Chapel Brooklyn
  104. Iwdianapolis City Ballet
  105. Islamic College of Brisbane Education, School, Brisbane
  106. Interference Calibration Blank
  107. IngéNieurs Conseils En Brevets
  108. Institute for Certified Bookkeepers Education, Course, Bookkeeping
  109. Italian Cheese Bread
  110. Islamic Center Bangkinang
  111. Immune Checkpoint Blockade
  112. Institutetute of Canadian Bankers
  113. Instant Credit Builders Business, Tube, Loan
  114. Targa Bitmap graphics file Computing, File Extensions
  115. Ionized Cluster Beam Chemistry
  116. International Competetivl Bidding
  117. Indexing Citation Board
  118. Islamic Center of Broward
  119. IngéNierie Des Croyances De Base
  120. Insurance Corporationration of Belize
  121. Institute for Capacity Building Science, College, Education
  122. International Collaboration Board Technology
  123. Industial Center Building
  124. Istituto Di Chimica Biomolecolare
  125. Inventory Cleaner Bet
  126. Immobilized Cell Bioreactor Chemistry, Science, Chemical
  127. Insan Cinta Bangsa
  128. Intercontinental Correspondence Band Amateur radio
  129. Targa Icb Bitmap Image Computing, File Extensions
  130. International College of Broadcasting Development, Study, Colleges
  131. Independent Certification Board
  132. Islamic Center of Burlington
  133. Infusion Coffee Brewer Technology, Product, Manual
  134. Insurance Corporationration of Barbados
  135. Institute for Computational Biomedicine Development, Study, Institutes
  136. International Correspondent Hanker Business
  137. Individual Competence Baseline Technology, Management, Projection
  138. Israel College of The Bible Education, Study, Israel
  139. Intracerebral Bleed Medical, Clinical
  140. Immediate Command Busy
  141. Infrastructure Coordination Board
  142. Icb Fin Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  143. Integrative and Comparative Biology Biology, Scientific & Educational
  144. Infrastructure Capacity for Biology
  145. Instituto Da Cerveja Brasil Para, Brasil, Beer
  146. Institute for Collaborative Biotechnology Research, Education, Engineering
  147. Invalid Character Bug Software, Computing
  148. International Charity Bazaar Bazaar
  149. International Conference On Bioznformatics
  150. Individual Commercial Brokerage
  151. Island Craft Bulletin
  152. Interrupt Control Bit
  153. Image Capture Board Technology, Software, Viewer
  154. Uk Independent Commission On Banking Business, Finance, Banking, Fund
  155. International Certification Bureau Business & Finance, International business
  156. Information Collection Burden
  157. Instituteument Control Bus
  158. Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies Technology, Science, Research
  160. International Council Board Medical
  161. International Chriptian Brotherhood
  162. Indiviaual Case Bases Business, Technology, Service, Agreement
  163. Islamic Council of Britain
  164. Internal Common Bus
  165. Institute for Computational Biology Technology, Science, Research
  166. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Income Securities, Inc. Organizations
  167. Institute of Certified Bankers
  168. Immunology and Cell Biology Medical, Science, Genetics
  169. Information Control Block Technology, Computing, Storage
  170. Institutetut Carnot De Bourgogne
  171. Institut Commercial Du BÂTiment
  172. Internet Connection Benchmark Computing, Internet
  173. Interrupt Control Block NASA
  174. International Carrier Bonds Business, Insurance, Customs
  175. Indian Pricket Board
  176. Islamic Commercial Bank Business, University, Bangladesh
  177. Interleave Cell Buster
  178. Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering
  179. Item Counter Borrow
  180. Internet Client Bank
  181. Immunology & Cell Biology
  182. Institutetute for Capacity Building

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ICB stand for?

    ICB stands for Internet Connection Benchmark.

  2. What is the shortened form of Identification and Classification of Bacteria?

    The short form of "Identification and Classification of Bacteria" is ICB.


ICB. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/icb-meaning/

Last updated