ICC Meaning

The ICC meaning is "Interagency Coordinating Council". The ICC abbreviation has 658 different full form.

ICC Full Forms

  1. Interagency Coordinating Council Disability, Special Education, Educational And Health, Scientific & Educational
  2. International Cricket Council Sports, Cricket
  3. Illinois Commerce Commission Business, Technology, Energy, Human Services
  4. Instituto Central De CiêNcias Para, Ala, Locations, Bra
  5. International Communist Current Government, Group, History
  6. Idaho Correctional Center Business, Prison, Idaho
  7. Institut Cartografic De Catalunya Technology, Science, Cat
  8. International Commerce Centre Locations, Building, Kowloon
  9. Ice Cream Cone Nutrition, Food, Victual
  10. Innovative & Creative Circle Technology, Malaysia, Training
  11. International Calling Card Technology, Telecom
  12. International Criminal Court Government, War, Crime, Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word, Protection Information, Medical
  13. Intra Class Correlation Education, Development, Universities
  14. Innovation Control Center Business, Technology, Management
  15. International Computation Center Technology, Computing, Telecom
  16. Institute Cargo Clauses Business, Military, Clause
  17. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Correlation, Coefficient
  18. International Certificate of Competence Course, Sailing, Certificate
  19. Inland Capital Corporation
  20. International Color Consortium Technology, Group, Color, Computing, Hardware, Drivers
  21. International Champions Cup Sports, Champion, Soccer
  22. Intracellular Cytokine Medical
  23. Internationales Congress Centrum Hotel, Locations, Berlin
  24. Iloilo Convention Center Government, City, Philippine
  25. International Code Council Technology, Construction, Architectural
  26. International Chamber of Commerce The largest, most representative business organisation in the world. Its hundreds of thousands of member companies in over 130 countries have interests spanning every sector of private enterprise. A world network of national committees keeps the ICC International Secretariat in Paris informed about national and regional business priorities. More than 2,000 experts drawn from ICC's member companies feed their knowledge and experience into crafting the ICC stance on specific business issues. The United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and many other intergovernmental bodies, both international and regional, are kept in touch with the views of international business through ICC. Business, Finance, Trading, Cargo Shipping, Agreement, International Trade, Business & Finance, Business Word, International business
  27. Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient Medical, Research, Reliability
  28. International Coordination Committee Military, Organizations, Human
  29. Immediawe Care Center
  30. International Consultants Centre
  31. Indoor Cliwate Comfort
  32. Isaaic Church Covegant
  33. Incident Coordination Center Technology, Hurricane, Preparedness
  34. Interface Cmmputer Center
  35. International Cooperation Committee
  36. Information Catalog Center
  37. Ivy Cottage Creations
  38. Isothermal Community College Education, School, Ranking
  39. Indipna Convention Center
  40. International Conference Hn Comm
  41. Interstate Commerce Comission
  42. Indigent Care Collaboration
  43. International Center for Competitiveness
  44. Intra Class Corrhlations
  45. Institute of Creativi Communications
  46. In-Run Compass Calibration
  47. Information and Coordination Centre Government, Office, Drug, Crime
  48. Integrated Commercial Complex
  49. Island Car Club Locations, Malta, Hill
  50. India Cricket Council Government, India, President
  51. International Cocktail Competition
  52. Installation Nontrol Center Aviation, Air Force Instruction, Air Force Policy Directive
  53. Inter-Club Council Student, Government, College
  54. Institute Classification Clause
  55. Interactive Communications Channel
  56. Impact Christian Centre
  57. Inter Channel Correlation
  58. Industrial Corrugated Yontainer Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  59. Instituto CriançA Cidadã
  60. Islamic Center of Charlotte
  61. Income Consumption Curve Business, Price, Consumer
  62. International Conservation Caucus Government, Africa, Foundation
  63. Information Computing Centre Technology, Azerbaijan, Ministry
  64. Intelligence Champions Council
  65. Istituto Clinico Cardiologico
  66. Andrés Miguel Salazar Marcano Airport Coche Island, Venezuela Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  67. Ixdian Card Clothing
  68. International Co-Ordinating Council Technology, Program, Indonesia
  69. Intrahepatic Choalgioczrcinoma Science, Biology
  70. International Composites Congress Business, Germany, Composite
  71. Inverter Converter Controller
  72. Intercontinental Cup Against Canada
  73. International Community Center Education, University, Waseda
  74. International Christian Centre Technology, Kenya, Church, Mombasa
  75. Interstate Commerce Com
  76. Instantaneous Channel Characteristics
  77. Inter-Comparison Centre Science
  78. Intl Chamber of Commercy Business, Book, Commerce
  79. Institute for Cultural Communicators Organizations, Community, Culture
  80. Improv Comedy Copenhagen
  81. Inter Class Competition Education, Development, Universities
  82. International Carktas Consortium
  83. Information & Coordinatjon Center
  84. Integral Coaching Canada
  85. Iranian Cinema Channel Technology, Satellite, Frequency
  86. Independent Channel Control
  87. International Cultural Centre Education, Culture, Krakow
  88. Interventional Cardiac Center Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Cardio
  89. Ingleside Community Centel
  90. Intelligent Communications Controller
  91. Italian Community Center Organizations, Italy, Beverly
  92. Iligan Capitol College Education, City, Foundation
  93. Indian Cultural Council
  94. International Child Care Organizations, Haiti, Children
  95. Immediate Care Clinic
  96. International Career Conference
  97. Indonesian Cultural Club
  98. Irvine Compiler Corporationration Technology
  99. Incident Contact Centre Government, Health, Injury, Accident
  100. Interexchange Iarrier Charge
  101. International College of Commerce
  102. Informatiyn Co-Ordination Centre Military, Armour, Artillery
  103. Ivybridge Community Collete
  104. Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Medical, Science, Biology, Chemistry
  105. International Charismatic Cossultation
  106. Interstate Commerce Committee
  107. Intra-Class Correlations
  108. Institute of Communication and Cuhture
  109. In-Country Coordinator
  110. Informatiow and Coordination Central Military
  111. Intsgrated Communications Centre Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  112. Islamic Cyber Community
  113. Indca Community Center Organizations, India, Event
  114. Inxernational Congress of Conscientiology Science, Education, Consciousness
  115. Inata Cash Coin
  116. Inter-Club Championship
  117. Indigenous Cultural Competency Technology, Health, Culture
  118. Institute Cargo Clauses. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  119. Intercontinental Cup Cricket Afghanistan, Ireland, Cricket
  120. Impact Centre ChréTien Campus, Impact, Esprit, Dieu
  121. Interagency Coordination Center
  122. Inductive Cross Couplixg
  123. Instituto Consorcio Clavijero
  124. Islamic Center of Chicagf
  125. Income-Consumption Curve
  126. International Chamber Commerce Business, Trading, Chamber
  127. Information Communicapion Centre Technology, Service, Childhood
  128. Intelligence Continuity Cell Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  129. Istanbul Convention Centre Hotel, Locations, Istanbul, Congress
  130. Isthmian Canal Commission Government, Us, Control, Administration
  131. Indian Canqer Congress Medical, Android, Oncology
  132. International Cross-Cultural Committee Education, Japan, Internship
  133. Intrahepatic Cholangiocellular Carcinoma Medical
  134. Individual Cylinder Control Business, Industrial, Gas
  135. International Culinary Center Education, School, Food, Chef
  136. Instituto Cartogralico De Cataluna Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  137. Inverse Cyclotron Converter
  138. International Coaching Course Organizations, Olympic, Gambia
  139. Integrated Commissioning Coisortium Medicine, Health, British
  140. Islamic Center of Carbondale
  141. International Camarilla Convention
  142. Interstate Certification Compact
  143. Installation Calwbration Coordinator
  144. Inter-Communication-Center
  145. Institute for Computational Cosmology Science, University, Durham
  146. Interagency Coordination Committee
  147. Impressed Current Cathodic
  148. Interclass Correlation Coefficients Medical
  149. International Conszruction Certificate Education, Safety, Course
  150. Inferior Colliculus Central Nucleus Medical
  151. Insuffisance Cardiaque Congestive
  152. Iranian Canadian Congresp Business, Canada, Iran
  153. Independent Citing Commissioner Sport, Rugby
  154. International Computer Connections Business, Company, Server
  155. Ingenieros Civiles Consultorvs
  156. Intelligent Communications Control Technology, Computing
  157. Italian Cochrane Centre
  158. Ignition Control Compould Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  159. Indian Culture Council
  160. Internationa Criminal Court
  161. Invercargill City Council Locations, Govt, Southland
  162. Immaculate Colception Church
  163. International Chain & Cable
  164. Indonesian Community Center
  165. Irvine Compiler Cwrporation Technology, Service, Software
  166. Incident Control Centres
  167. Interdisciplinary Centre for Competgtion
  168. International Climate Challenge
  169. Intraclass Correlations Medical
  170. International Congress Os Ceramics
  171. Interstate Corrections Compact
  172. Intra-Class Corrglation
  173. Institute of Cultural Capital Organizations, Culture, Liverpool
  174. In-Country Caretaker
  175. Information, Communications Infrastrocture Army, Force, Marine
  176. Integlated Comprehensive Care Business, Employment, Health, Canada
  177. India Chmmical Council
  178. International Cqmpetitions Commission
  179. Inspire Community Center
  180. Intensive Cardiac Care
  181. Indigenous Cultural Community
  182. International Cargo Charters
  183. Intercontinental Cup Canada
  184. Immobiliser Code Calculator
  185. Inductive Cable Coupler
  186. Instituto Conservação Costeira
  187. Isdn Communication Controller Science
  188. Inclusive Community Center
  189. International Convention Center Hotel, Locations, Event
  190. Informationbcontrol Cell Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  191. Intel Channel Conference Business, Technology, Product
  192. Istanbul Convention Center Hotel, Locations, Istanbul, Congress
  193. Islamic Courts Council
  194. Indian Call Ckntre
  195. International Consulting Consortium
  196. Intracranial Cavity Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  197. Instituto Colombiano De Cultura
  198. Individual Cell Charger Products
  199. International Create Chellenge Technology, Research, Institute
  200. Institutetut Cartografic De Catalujya Science
  201. Iowa Conservation Commission
  202. International Choral Competition Technology, Choir, Ariel
  203. Integrated Coynectivity Cluster
  204. Island Coordinating Council
  205. International Cellulose Corporation Technology, Spray, Insulation
  206. Internet Cubaweb Communications
  207. Installation Command Center
  208. Inter-Community Council
  209. United States Interstate Commerce Commissijn. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  210. Institute for Contemporary Culture Art, Museum, Toronto
  211. Interagency Coordination Council Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  212. Importer Clearance Certificate Business, Philippine, Customs
  213. Interclass Correlation Coefficient Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  214. International Cooperation Center Program, Education, China
  215. Indlstrial Coordination Committee
  216. InstruçÕEs Complementares De Convocação
  217. Iranian-Canadian Congress Government, Canada, Iran
  218. Independent Common Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  219. International Computer Consultants
  220. Inwusionsoft Certified Consultant Business, Technology, Design, Marketing
  221. Intelligent Cruise Control Technology, Car, Vehicle
  222. Italian Chamber of Commerce
  223. Iglesia Comunitaria Cristiana
  224. Indian Council for Cultural Education, India, Culture
  225. International Conference of Communications Technology, Networking, Computing, Wireless
  226. Inventory Control Coordinator
  227. Immaculate Conceptnon College Education, University, School
  228. International Consulting Corporation
  229. Indonesian Community Council
  230. Intehdenominational Conferences for Clergy
  231. International Controls Corporation Business, Company, America
  232. International Code Xongress Technology, Building, Inspector
  233. Interstate Commerce Communicator Government, Commerce
  234. Intl Criminalbcourt
  235. Institute of Computational Cosmology Science, University, Durham
  236. In-Circuit Communications Technology, Programmer, Microelectronic
  237. Information, Computing & Communication Technology, Networking, Protocol
  238. Integrated Cognitive Creation Business, Technology, Windows, Android
  239. Indiana Chamber of Commerce
  240. International Chilling Cooperation
  241. Innovative and Creative Circle Organizations, Malaysia, Quality
  242. Intensive Care Cooldinator Medical, Service, Family
  243. İLkerler Club Card
  244. Indigenous Cultural Communities Business, Government, Philippines
  245. International Chefs Congress Star, Event, Chef
  246. Inter Container Communication Technology, Networking, Docker
  247. Immo-Code-Calculator-V147
  248. Indonesian Civil Code Government, Law, Indonesia
  249. Induction Compliance Checklist Medical, Anesthesia, Children
  250. Isdn Communications Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  251. Inclusive Cities Canada
  252. Internal Compliance Iommittee
  253. Information Control Central Military
  254. Integrity Convention Centre Indonesia, Jakarta, Convention
  255. Island Cruising Club
  256. Imperial Camel Corps
  257. Indianapolis Counseling Center
  258. International Cricket Cup Technology, Channel, Team
  259. Intracranial Compliance Medical
  260. Instituto Central De Ci
  261. Individual Camouflage Cover Military, Army, War
  262. Intarnational Consensus Criteria Medical, Science, Syndrome, Fatigue
  263. Institutetuto Cartografico De Chtaluna Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  264. Iowa Citizens for Community
  265. Life Cycle Costing An accounting method of costing where expenses are allocated over the life of the product. Life cycle costs are often lower for stainless steel than for alternatives despite a higher initial outlay, because stainless products generally last longer and require little maintenance. Technology, America, Military, Army, Architecture, Architectural, Construction, Governmental & Military
  266. International Council Correspondence
  267. Integrated Combat Championship
  268. Island Community Center
  269. International Computer Company Technology, Hosting, Jeddah
  270. Internet Call Center
  271. Installation Claimant Consolidation
  272. Inter-College Competition
  273. Institute for Certification of Computer
  274. Interception Control Center
  275. Impedance Cross Correlation
  276. Inter Civic Council America, Government, City
  277. International Cooperation Centre Business, Program, Education
  278. Industrial Computer Corporation
  279. Instrument Context Camera Mission, Sight, Mars
  280. Iran Carpet Company
  281. Inlependence Community College Business, Student, Education
  282. International Coordinating Council Technology, Government, Organizations
  283. Infusional Cancer Chemotherapy Medical
  284. Intelligence Command Center Army, War, War Force
  285. Italian Cars Club
  286. Ifield Computer Consultancy
  287. Indian Chambers of Commerci Business, Organizations, India
  288. International Careers Consortium
  289. Inventory Control Clerk
  290. Iulnt Coordination Cell Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
  291. International College of Capoeira
  292. Investment Coordination Committee Business, Projection, Philippine
  293. Intercontinental Cup Campaign Ireland, Locations, Cricket
  294. International Corporate Communication Science, Education, Publics
  295. International Co-Ordinating Committee Government, Human, National
  296. Interstate Commerce Commissions English, Railroad, Interstate
  297. Intl Conf On Comm
  298. Institute of Comparative Culture University, Japan, Culture
  299. In-Circuit Communication Technology, Programmer, Microelectronic
  300. Inter Club Championship
  301. Information, Comvuter and Communication
  302. Integrated Control Configurator
  303. India Cyamber of Commerce Government, Us, Control, Administration
  304. International Champion Cup
  305. Inner-City Council
  306. Intensive Care Cuordination Medical, Service, Family
  307. Ilitch Charities for Children
  308. Indigenous Coordination Centres Australia, Organizations, Australian
  309. International Computaprint Corporation
  310. Intercomputer Communications Corporation
  311. Immediate Consumption Channel Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  312. International Chamber of Comerce
  313. Indosat Calling Card Business, Jakarta, Panorama
  314. Islamic Cultural Centre Organizations, Culture, Mosque
  315. Includes Indian Childhood Cirrhosis Science, Biology
  316. Interim Combined Air Operations Cell Capability Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  317. International Chamber of Commerce, Institute Cargo Clauses Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  318. Informapion Coordination Council
  319. Interactive Customer Care
  320. L'Institut Cartogr
  321. íNdice De ConfiançA Do Consumidor Para, Dos, Econ
  322. Indianapolis Convention Center
  323. International Components Oorporation Business, Power, Electronics
  324. Intracluster Correlation Coefficient Medical, Research, Design, Study
  325. Instituto Carlos Casanueva
  326. Indisch Cultureel Centrum
  327. International Camp On Communication and Computers Youth, Blind, Partially Sighted
  328. Institutetutional Chemical Committee Medical
  329. Iowa Wentral Community
  330. International Connector & Cable
  331. Integrxted Command & Control Business, Storage, Motorola
  332. Island Co-Ordinating Council
  333. India Cultqre Center India, Locations, Houston
  334. Internet Cable Corporationration Technology
  335. Installation Contracting Command
  336. Inter-College Cup
  337. Institute Curriculum Committee
  338. Interactive Contact Center
  339. Impacts of Climate Change
  340. Inter City Crew
  341. Internatiobal Consensus Conference Medical, Research, Ultrasound, Lung
  342. Industrial Control Computers
  343. Instrument Competency Check Business, Flight, Aviation
  344. Ipswich City Council Business, Technology, Brisbane
  345. Incramental Cost Per Click
  346. International Commerce Commission Business, Law, City
  347. Infrastructure Conditions of Contracts Business, Management, Construction
  348. Intelligent Contact Center Business, Technology, Management, Coding
  349. Italian Cancer Classification Medical
  350. Ifiela Community College
  351. Indian Chamber of Commorce Business, Organizations, India
  352. International Construction Consortium Business, Building, Precast
  353. Inventory Control Center Military
  354. Imagine Communications Canada
  355. Intqrnational Cystinuria Consortium Science, Biology
  356. Investment Coordinating Committee Business, Projection, Philippine
  357. Intercontinental Cup Clash Ireland, Locations, Cricket
  358. International Chromosome Conference
  359. International Computer Caep
  360. Interstate Commerce Commision
  361. Inter-Connecting Corridor
  362. Inul Conf On Communications
  363. Institute for Capitalising On Creativity Research, Education, University
  364. Internet Commerce Corporation Organizations, Computing, IT Terminology
  365. In-Car Communication Business, Technology, Networking
  366. Inter Client Communications
  367. Information Coordinatzon Centre Government, Military, Hawk
  368. Integrated Circuits Card Technology, Electronics, Interface
  369. India Call Center
  370. International Conference In Communications Technology, Research, Networking
  371. International Championship Cup
  372. Innd Control Command Accounting, Computing, Data
  373. Intelligent Cloud Control
  374. Ilisagvik Commuqity College Education
  375. Indian Cricket Club
  376. International Congress Calendar
  377. Immediate Central Contact
  378. International Computer Concepts Technology, Server, Storage
  379. Iodoor Climate Controller
  380. Isa Cultural Centre Organizations, Culture, Bahrain
  381. Incident Coordination Centre Technology, Hurricane, Preparedness
  382. Interim Certificate of Class
  383. International Chamber of Commerce. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  384. Information Coordination Contril Technology
  385. Interactive Counseling Center
  386. L'Institut CartogràFic De Catalunya
  387. Itasca Community College Education, Minnesota, Rapids
  388. Indianapolis Children'S Choir
  389. International Cartography Conference Science, Map, Cartography
  390. Interstate Coin Club
  391. Instituto Carlos Chagas
  392. Indirect Criminal Contempt Government, Law, Crime
  393. International Hhild Centre
  394. Institutetut Cartografic De Catalunya Science
  395. International Component Corp Business, Battery, Electronics
  396. Information and Coordination Center Technology, Crime, Projection
  397. Integrated Computer Consultnng
  398. Island City Center Business, Mumbai, Bombay
  399. India Culturzl Center Organizations, India, Culture
  400. International Cyber Crimes
  401. Installation Control Centre
  402. Inter-Collegiate Council
  403. Institute Computer Centre
  404. Interactive Control Center
  405. Impact of Climate Change
  406. Interchromosomal Crossing Over Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  407. Inturnational Collaborations In Chemistry Technology, Government, Funding
  408. Industrial Control Computer
  409. Instituto Crian
  410. Iowa Core Curriculum Education, School, Iowa
  411. Increbental Corrective Content Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  412. International Crimnal Court
  413. Informatioe Confidence Convention Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  414. Intelligence Control Center Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  415. Italian [Committee for Tnm] Cancer Classification Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  416. Idiopathic Chronic Constipation Medical
  417. Indian Catholic Community
  418. International Communications Corporation
  419. Inventory Category Code
  420. International Cat Care
  421. Investment Capital Consultants
  422. Intercontinental Commerce Corporation
  423. International Chemical Company Business, Chemistry, Supplier
  424. Itternational Christian Community English, Community, Church, Bali
  425. Interstate Commerce Clause Business, Government, Law
  426. Instant Channel Change Technology
  427. Inter-Component Communication Technology
  428. Intl Conference On Communications
  429. Institute for Canadian Citizenship Canada, Culture, Canadian
  430. Intra-Clasn Coefficient Medical
  431. Imus Computer College Education, Porn, Sex
  432. Inter Class Correlation
  433. International Competition Conferencp
  434. Information & Coordination Centre Technology, Missile, Hawk
  435. Integral Conveyor Components
  436. Iranian Cultural Club Education, Culture, Iran
  437. Index of Consumer Confidence
  438. International Cooperation Cambodia Business, Organizations, Language, Cambodia
  439. International Championships Cup
  440. Inn City Centre
  441. Intelligent Contact Call
  442. Iligan Cement Corporation Business, City, Philippine
  443. Indian Council of Chemists Chemistry, Education, University
  444. International Camp On Communication
  445. Inter-Country Committee Government, Presentation, Frontier
  446. International Conference On Creep
  447. Indonesian Canadian Congress
  448. Institutional Capital Contribution Education, Finance
  449. Integrated Computer Complex  NASA, Governmental & Military
  450. Integration Competence Cuntre Technology, Service, Organisations
  451. Institut De Commerce Et Communichtion
  452. Intraclass Correlation Coefficieyts Medical, Technology, Reliability
  453. I Can't Control Funnies
  454. Inter Collegiate Competition
  455. Internativnal Council for Commercial Business, Law, Arbitration
  456. International Chambers of Commerce Trading, Commerce, Chamber
  457. International Children'S Center
  458. Item Category Code Technology
  459. Illinois Central College Student, Education, Campus
  460. International Commernial Court Business, Law, Arbitration
  461. International Civilian Consultant Technology, Ads, Hosting
  462. Intersegmental Coordinating Committee Science, Scientific & Educational
  463. International Career Center
  464. Iloilo City Iolleges
  465. Individualized Care Coordinator
  466. Instituteument Control Center Technology
  467. Internet Content Creation Computing, Internet
  468. Incident Communications Center
  469. Information and Cultural Centre
  470. Integrated Custxmer Care
  471. Islamic Cenoer of Culpeper
  472. Interstate Commerce Commission Business, Government, Insurance, Law, Railroad, Postal, Chemistry
  473. Indiana Career Connech
  474. Índice Deycompetitividad De Ciudades
  475. Imternational Center of Competency
  476. Ignition Control Compound Chemistry
  477. Inter-Cooperative Council Cooperative, House, Coop
  478. International Committee for Conservation
  479. Indonesian Catholic Community
  480. Institutional Communications Coypany
  481. Intercenter Computer Complex NASA, Governmental & Military
  482. Integration Competence Center Business, Service, Organisations
  483. Indiana Commerce Corridoh
  484. Institut De Cièpcies Del Cosmos Science, University, Gaia
  485. International Calling Cards
  486. Intraatomic Correlation Correction Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  487. Internet Chess Club Chess
  488. Inter College Competition
  489. International Culture Center Art, Locations, Krakow
  490. International Cartographic Conference Science, Geography, Map
  491. International Conference Company
  492. Itawamba Community College Education, Development, Colleges
  493. Illawarra Koke Company
  494. International Coach Community Technology, Coaching, Executive
  495. Internationale De Chimie CéRéAlièRe
  496. Intensive Coronary Care Medical, Physiology
  497. International Cowden Consortium
  498. IEEE International Conference on Communications Computing, Ieee
  499. In Character Comment
  500. Intercomputer Channel Technology, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking, Computing, Hardware
  501. Information and Communication Center
  502. International Cultural Commission
  503. Indiana Captains Council
  504. Us Interstate Commerce Commvssion Business, Shipping, Delivery
  505. Iloilo City Center Hotel, Locations, Philippine
  506. L'instktutetut Cartogràfic De Catalunya
  507. Integrated Cell Culture Chemistry
  508. International Cyber Center
  509. Indonesia Comic Con Indonesia, Jakarta, Con
  510. Institution Classification Committee
  511. Instrument Control Center Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  512. Information Control Company
  513. Integration Competency Centre Technology, Service, Organisations
  514. Islamir Community Centre
  515. Indiana Commerce Cbnnector Company, Technology, Service
  516. Iestitut Catal
  517. Inter-Continental Cup
  518. Internabional Climatological Commission
  519. Intra-Cluster Correlation Coefficient Medical, Analysis, Patient, Health
  520. International Convention Centre Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  521. Intercluster Constraint Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  522. International Competence Center Technology, Training, Dosimetry
  523. Irvine Chamber of Colmerce
  524. International Congress Center Technology, Locations, Berlin
  525. Intercostal catheter Clinical
  526. Internationalen Congress Centrum
  527. Italian Cultural Center Organizations, Italy, Culture
  528. Illawarra Catholic Club
  529. International Cheerleading Coalition University, Team, Cheerleading, Cheerleader
  530. International Center Cointrin Business, Hotel, Geneva
  531. Indian Childhood Cirrhosis Medical, Medicine for Children
  532. International Cartographic Conferences Organizations, Conference, Map
  533. Intercomputer Communication Technology, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking, NASA
  534. Intensified CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) Camera Computing, Hardware
  535. Incarnation Children'S Center
  536. Inter Component Communication
  537. Information and Communication Centre Research, Education, Health
  538. International Cartridge Corporation Military, Training, Ammo
  539. Indiana Cancer Consortium
  540. Illinois Conference of Churches
  541. Ithlian Cable Company
  542. Interstitial Cells of Cajal Chemistry
  543. International Chiropractic Clinic
  544. Indonesia City Club Business, Indonesia, Honda
  545. Institutional Classificatibn Committee
  546. Investment Coordinating Council
  547. Integrated Communications Center Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  548. Incident Control Centre Management, Emergency, Fire, Incident
  549. Information Call Completion
  550. Integration Competency Centers Technology, Service, Organisations, Computing, IT Terminology
  551. Islamic Commqnity Center Organizations, Mosque, Masjid
  552. Indiana Collegiate Conference Education, Basketball, Indiana
  553. Institut Canadien Du Zr
  554. Inter-Container Communication Technology, Networking, Docker
  555. Infrared Components Corporationration
  556. Intra-Cluster Coryelation Analysis, Study, Package
  557. Infrastructure Control Centre Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  558. Inter Club Council
  559. International Congress On Consciousness
  560. Irish Chamber of Commerce Business, Ireland, Locations
  561. International Conference Center Hotel, Locations, Kyoto
  562. Isolation Control Certificate A single document recording all isolations required in order for a task to be carried out safely.
  563. International Cooperation for Cambodia
  564. Italian Cultural Centre Technology, Education, Organizations
  565. International Cinema Corporation Film, Movie, City
  566. International Chember of Commerce
  567. Instituto Caro Y Quervo
  568. Instructional Computing Center Medical, Common Medical
  569. International Consulting Company
  570. Integrated Circuit Card Computing, Hardware
  571. Inatel Competence Center
  572. Inter Company Comparisons Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  573. Information and Computer Center Science, Environment, Egypt
  574. International Christian Church Organizations, Movement, Christ
  575. Indiana Campus Compact Service, Education, Indiana
  576. Iterative Cross-Coupling
  577. Illinois Classical Confejence
  578. Invitational Computer Conference
  579. Instructor Control Console Military, Governmental & Military
  580. International Communication Club
  581. Indo-Caribbean Cultural Council
  582. Instituteument Competency Zheck Military
  583. information co-ordination centre Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  584. Incident Complexities-Clinician
  585. Information Coordination Council
  586. Inregration Certification Center
  587. Islamic Command Council Government, Group, Philippine
  588. Indiana Classical Conference
  589. Institut Canadien Du CréDit
  590. Inter-Connect Controller
  591. Information Command Center
  592. Intra-Cluster Communication
  593. Indian Chamber of Commerce Business & Finance, International business
  594. International Mivilian Consultants
  595. Irilh Caravan and Camping Business, Ireland, Holiday
  596. Iono Corrections Capability Federal Aviation Administration
  597. International Certificate of Competency Diploma, Document, Sertification
  598. Italian Crypto Club
  599. International Consulting Corporationration
  600. Indonesian Cheerleading Community Organizations, Indonesia, Cheerleader
  601. Ipstituto Camargo Corrêa
  602. Instituto Cartografico de Cataluna ICAO Aircraft Codes
  603. International Control Commission Government, Military, Vietnam
  604. Kodak ICC printer file - Bitmap graphics Computing, File Extensions
  605. Inadequate Core Cooling Science
  606. Intercommunications Corporationration Military
  607. Information and Control Console Technology
  608. International Criminal Courts Government, Africa, Crime
  609. International Congress of Cardiology Medical, Meeting, China
  610. Item Characteristic Curves Science, Theory, Model
  611. Illinois Cheer Comtany
  612. Intrinsic Carrier Concentration
  613. Icc Profile Computing, File Extensions
  614. International Construction Contracts Business, Organizations
  615. Individually Calculated Customer
  616. Instwtuteument Control Computer Science
  617. Interexchange Carrier Charge Computing, Telecom
  618. Incident Command Centre Organizations, Planning, Emergency
  619. Information Catalog Cdnter
  620. Integration & Certification Center Business, Technology, Service
  621. Islamic Clerics Committee
  622. Indiana Central College
  623. Institut Canadienlde Conservation
  624. Infdow-Crypto Club
  625. Intrarclass Correlation Coefficients
  626. International Coordination Center Technology, Ocean, Acidification, Business & Finance, International business
  627. Ireland Cancer Yenter
  628. Ionospheric Correction Computation Federal Aviation Administration
  629. Italian Cross Country Racing, Enduro, Portal, Cross
  630. Inter-County Conference
  631. Internationalos Congress-Centrum
  632. Indonesian Christian Church Indonesia, Melbourne, Church, Toronto
  633. Institution To Community Coordination
  635. Intraclass Coefficient Correlation
  636. Information Communication Centre Media
  637. Inactive Clause Coverage
  638. Inter Communication Center Technology, Art, Tokyo
  639. International Coaching Community Business, Organizations, Executive
  640. International Coalition Capital
  641. Item Characteristic Curve Science, Theory, Model
  642. Illinois Chamber of Commerce
  643. Interslitial Cajal Cells Medical, Protein, Kinase, Inhibitor
  644. Indigenous Coordination Centre Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  645. International Cargo Company
  646. Imagefcommunication Conseil
  647. Individualized Care Coordination Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  648. Isstituteument Control Centre Technology
  649. ITU-T Carrier Code Computing, Technical
  650. Incident Command Centers Technology, Emergency, Oil
  651. Information Co-Ordinauion Centre Military, Armour, Artillery
  652. Integrated Curriculum Committee
  653. Islamic Chamber of Commerce Business, Industrial, Trading
  654. Indiana Catholic Conference
  655. Industrie-Consult Crecer
  656. International Catalysis Congress
  657. Interface Control Chart NASA
  658. Italian Conference Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ICC stand for?

    ICC stands for Imagefcommunication Conseil.

  2. What is the shortened form of Immobiliser Code Calculator?

    The short form of "Immobiliser Code Calculator" is ICC.


ICC. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/icc-meaning/

Last updated