ICGC Meaning

The ICGC meaning is "Indian Cyber Gaming Championship". The ICGC abbreviation has 22 different full form.

ICGC Full Forms

  1. Indian Cyber Gaming Championship
  2. Inter Cultural Greek Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  3. Imperial College Gliding Club
  4. Intercommunity Child Guidance Center
  5. Instituto Cubano De Geodesia Y Cartografia Geography, Location, System
  6. Institute for Conscious Global Change Development, Study, Institutes
  7. Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati America, Organizations, Event, Mosque
  8. Institut CartogràFic I GeolÒGic De Catalunya Technology, Map, Cat
  9. International Cancer Genome Consortium Science, Research, Projection, Medical, Human genome
  10. Indocyanine-Green Clearance Medicine, Disease, Health
  11. International Central Gospel Church Education, Ghana, Temple
  12. International Citrus Genome Consortium
  13. Irish Cont.unit Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  14. International Conference In Gravitation and Cosmology
  15. Ipswich Community Gospel Choir
  16. International Conference On Gravitation and Cosmology
  17. Inventors Connection of Greater Cleveland
  18. L'Institut CartogràFic I GeolÒGic De Catalunya Institute, Rose, Mes
  19. International Certified Gambling Counselor Technology, Certification, Addiction
  20. International Colored Gemstone Commission
  21. International Citrus Genomics Consortium
  22. Istituto Calasanzio, Genova Insect and Spider Collections

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ICGC stand for?

    ICGC stands for Imperial College Gliding Club.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ipswich Community Gospel Choir?

    The short form of "Ipswich Community Gospel Choir" is ICGC.


ICGC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/icgc-meaning/

Last updated