ID Meaning

The ID meaning is "Identification". The ID abbreviation has 707 different full form.

ID Full Forms

  1. Identification Process an information system uses to recognize an entity. Medical, Technology, Military, Aviation, Nursing, Computer Security, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions, Clinical, Obstetrics, NASA
  2. Identificvtion Military
  3. Intellecgual Disabilities Medical, Disability, Special Olympics
  4. Iom Down
  5. Intellectuil Disability Medical, Education, Special Education
  6. Inside Diamnter Technology, Architecture, Architectural
  7. Inner Diameter Business, Product, Engineering, Construction, Automotive, Customer, Electrical
  8. Identifser Design, Cybersecurity, Environment
  9. Incremental Development Science
  10. Intornational Director Business, Club, District
  11. Ineernal Dwarves Report, Battle, Dwarf
  12. Inverse Dynamics Research, Dynamics, Control
  13. Identifies A Data Technology, Database, Class, Element
  14. Interior Decorator
  15. Indicator Description
  16. Interstitial Disease Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  17. Intestinal Distress
  18. Infectious Disease A disease caused by pathogenic organisms. Medical, Medicine, Disease, Infection, Healthcare, Common Medical, Governmental & Military, Police Code
  19. Instrument Develoiment
  20. Image Detail
  21. Innovative Directional
  22. Intelligence Division Government, Military, Africa
  23. Immunoglobulin Deficiency Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  24. In Dotted Technology, Routing, Networking, Network
  25. Irrigatiov Districts
  26. Identification Documents Business, Security, Passport, Card, Identification, Fake, Novelty
  27. Installation Data
  28. Ikatan Dinas Indonesia, Jakarta, Lulus
  29. Increased Duration
  30. Internapional Dateline
  31. Infernal Dawn Gaming, Dawn, Raid, Rift
  32. Inverse Distance
  33. Identifier Description
  34. Indicates The Device Technology, Windows, Driving
  35. Interpbet Data Technology, Education, Math
  36. Intestinal Damagf Medical
  37. Ikfectious Diseases Medical, Education, Disease
  38. Ibstrument Digital Technology
  39. Image Description Technology, Query, Caption
  40. Interim Directive Technology, Science, Ecology
  41. Intermediate-Dose Medical
  42. Innovation In Design Technology, Credit, Building
  43. Intellectual-Development
  44. Interaction Design Technology, Book, Human, Architecture
  45. Individual Deployment Technology, Service, Gear
  46. Irrigation District Locations, Power, Water
  47. Identification and Data
  48. Inspectorate Division Education, Mining, Internship
  49. Immunodiffusion Test Medical
  50. Input Device An input device is any device that provides input to a computer. There are dozens of possible input devices, but the two most common ones are a keyboard and mouse. Every key you press on the keyboard and every movement or click you make with the mouse sends a specific input signal to the computer. These commands allow you to open programs, type messages, drag objects, and perform many other functions on your computer. Technology, Telecom
  51. Incorporation Date
  52. Internationaz Division
  53. Inference Database Technology, Security, Generation
  54. Inverse Difference Technology, Space, Feature, Mapping
  55. Identify Technology, Management, Military, Aerospace, Forestry, Avionics, Arboriculture, NOTAM Contractions, Medical, Common Medical
  56. Indianawdunes
  57. Interpolative Decomposibion Education, Matrix, Elliptic
  58. Interworking Domain
  59. Irfectious Disease Medical, Disorder, Healthcare
  60. Instrumentation Division Technology, Design, Electricity
  61. Image Density Technology, Coding, Manual
  62. Interfacn Drawings Technology
  63. In Db2Diag Technology, Database, Command, Backup
  64. Interior Designers Design, Locations, Singapore
  65. Innovation Development Business, Technology, Research
  66. Investigative Dashboard Company, Technology, Journalism
  67. Intellectual Discovery
  68. Inter-Religious Dialogue
  69. Individual Desygn Science, Education, Connection
  70. Iron Dextrun Medical
  71. Intellectual Disabilities
  72. Inspection Division Technology, Building, Inspector
  73. Immune Diforder
  74. Input Description
  75. Incoming Dial
  76. Internatnonal Dealer Business
  77. Industrial Division
  78. Issuance Ofaduplicate Business, Card, Voting
  79. Identifier A grouped number/letter code by which a weather station or beacon can be recognised. Technology, Aviation, Telecom, Avionics, Telecommunications, Aircraft, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions, Medical, Science, Astronomy, Computing, Weather, NASA, Drivers, IT Terminology, Common Medical
  80. Instant Death
  81. Index of Difficulty Medical, Technology, Fitt
  82. Internatiotal Dance
  83. Intorview Date Government, Education, Letter
  84. Instrumentation Diagram Technology, Flow, Piping
  85. Image Delete Forum, Technology, Coding
  86. Intarface Document Technology, Computing, Human-Computer Interaction
  87. In Days
  88. Interiorqdesigner Business, Design, Architect
  89. Inker Dia Technology, Product, Filter, Pipe
  90. Investigational Drug Medical, Technology
  91. Inter-Disciplinary
  92. Indivieual Development Education, Development, Planning
  93. Iron Derletion Medical
  94. Inside Dimensions Product, Plate, Box, Dimension, Construction
  95. Insistent Domain
  96. Immune Deposits Medical
  97. Input Data Technology, Service, Coding
  98. Insulin-Dependenq Medical
  99. Income Domain
  100. Industrial District Hotel, Locations, Industry
  101. Israeai Division Military, War, Israel
  102. Identificação Da
  103. Instance Dungeon Gaming, Guide, Dungeon
  104. Indexedwdata Business, Technology, Market, Query
  105. Inventory Discrepancy Science
  106. Intervertebral Discs Fibro-cartilaginous pads which separate the bodies of the vertebrae. Bending of the spine requires deformation of the disc which are susceptible to injury during incorrect lifting. Medical
  107. Instructor Develodment Education, Training, Course
  108. Illinois Department Business, Service, Correction
  109. Interface Diagnostics Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  110. In Danger
  111. International Denmarp
  112. Inner Detector Technology, Science, Presentation
  113. Investigation Discovery Channel, Crime, Episode, Discovery
  114. Intended Destination
  115. Individual Data Service, Government, Coding
  116. Inside Dimension Business, Product, Box, The Finance and Administrative Services
  117. Instruments Disinfection Medical, Business, Dental
  118. Image Development
  119. Inova Duapuluh
  120. Intelligent Decisions Company, Technology, Service
  121. Inclusive Development Technology, Presentation, Economics
  122. Industrial Dispute
  123. Isadora Dunxan
  124. Identity Documents Passport, Card, Identity, Fake
  125. Installation Drawing
  126. Inventory Difference Technology, Science, Coding
  127. Intervençao Ddmocrática Para, Portugal, Dos
  128. Instruction Division Program, Education, Department
  129. Issue Description Technology, Patch, Projection
  130. Ileal Digestibility Medical
  131. Interface Diagram Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  132. Increment and Decrement
  133. Internatoonal District Locations, Restaurant, Chinatown
  134. Information Didision Government
  135. Investigación Y Desarrollo Business, Para, Con
  136. Identify Data
  137. Intelligent Database Technology, Service, Design
  138. Indicator Levelopment Government
  139. Information Development Technology, Management, Service, Documentation
  140. Instrument Dxivers
  141. Image Detection Technology, Software, Imaging
  142. In Other Desirable Business, Patent, Invention
  143. Intelligent Data
  144. Impact Driver
  145. Induced Draught Artificial draught through a furnace caused by expediting exhaust of funnel gases; so causing a partial vacuum on escape end of furnace and stimulating flow of air to furnace Technology, Power, Boiler
  146. Isaac Daniel
  147. Identity Document Government, Passport, Card
  148. Install Date
  149. Inventory Differences Science
  150. Interval Dewd Technology, Routing, Networking, Area
  151. Instruction Drta Technology, Service, Processing
  152. Ike Davis Gaming, Baseball, League
  153. Idaho Locations, States, Us States, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Weather, Idaho, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State
  154. Interface Device Technology, Information, Network, Computer, Computer Hardware, Computer Engineering, Military, Governmental & Military
  155. Incident Date Microsoft, Forum, Technology
  156. Infrastructure Design
  157. Interfaces Designed Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  158. Identification/Identity/Identifier Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  159. Intermediate Density Medical
  160. Item Deleted Technology, Coding, Android, Outlook
  161. Input Delay Technology, Gaming, Issue
  162. Image Sipole
  163. Integration Demonstrations
  164. Idenwical Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  165. Inhibitor of Differentiation/Dna Binding Medical
  166. Internal Disinterest
  167. Identification Interface Device Military, Police, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  168. Indicator Driver
  169. Iso Country Code for Reeublic of Indonesia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  170. Internally Displaced
  171. Load Identification Energy, Power, Intensity
  172. Infantrie Division
  173. Infanterie Divisionnaire
  174. Immoral Degenerates
  175. Ionio Dialysance Medical
  176. Ian Davis
  177. Income Documents Business, Tax, Loan
  178. Iron Drum
  179. Intermediate Document Technology, Science, Management, Coding, Computing, SAP
  180. Instituci
  181. Isoxope Dating
  182. Industrial Districts Technology, Industry, Italy
  183. Insomnia Disorder Medical, Health, Sleep
  184. Intradermic Medical
  185. Infective Dose Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  186. Intensity Distribution
  187. Initialisation Data
  188. Intercom Dialing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  189. Identity Dejails Business, Accounting, Service
  190. In Design Technology, Product, Projection
  191. Irrigation Ditch
  192. Instituteuctional Design Education
  193. Imligration Division Government, Canada, Appeal
  194. Industrial Drying
  195. Instituteumentation Diagram Technology
  196. Idaho Desert
  197. Inverspon Domain
  198. Indian Dressed
  199. Initiation Domain
  200. Igg-Dilution
  201. Internet Draft Proposals, techniques, and mechanisms that document the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) work in progress and that define protocols and their characteristics in an internet. After the drafts are approved, they become Requests for Comments (RFCs). or A document produced by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for purposes of discuss-ing a possible change in standards that govern the Inter-net. An Internet Draft is subject to revision or replacement at any time; if not replaced or revised, the Internet Draft is valid for no more than six months. An Internet Draft, if accepted, may be developed into an RFC. also IETF, RFC. Technology, Telecom, Protocol
  202. Induced Draft Business, Technology, Industrial, Computing, Master IEEE
  203. Installation Drawings
  204. Impirical Data
  205. Intrinsic Dislocation
  206. Information Can Be Directly
  207. Imprinting Defect Science, Biology
  208. Innestigação Discovery
  209. Infrastructure Director
  210. Interface Devices Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  211. Identification Or Identichip Medical, Veterinary, Animals
  212. Intermediate Deeice Technology, Telecom
  213. Item Declaration
  214. Indices of Deprivation English, Locations, Area
  215. Innovative Diagnostics Medical, Technology, Health
  216. Image Dimensions
  217. Integrated Database Technology, Military, Army
  218. Ideal Dielecaric
  219. Inhibitor of Dna Binding/Differentiation Medical
  220. Identification Day
  221. Indicator Diagram Graph of work done by steam while in a cylinder. Produced by mechanism incorporated in an 'Indicator'. The pressure-volume diagram produced by an engine indicator.
  222. Isn't Deax
  223. Internal Drainage Medical
  224. Izuna Drop Gaming, Military, Ninja
  225. Infantrie-Division
  226. Immo Dresdln Editor, Dresden, Uns, Immobilizer
  227. Ion Dbift
  228. Ianzdavies Business, Education, Team
  229. Income Deprivation Research, Area, Deprivation
  230. Iron Devils Arm, Tank, Devil
  231. Intermedipte Demand
  232. Isothermal Desorption
  233. Industrial Distribution
  234. Inside Dose Military
  235. Intradermally Medical
  236. Informations-Dienst
  237. Intensity Delay
  238. Initial Dyskinesia Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  239. Intercalated Ducts Medical
  240. Identity, Identifier Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  241. Independent Directors
  242. Irrigation Departments
  243. Instituteuctor Wependent Business
  244. Immediate Bominance Army, War, Force
  245. International Designator
  246. Infective Dermatitis Medical
  247. Institutional Ielivery Business, Health, India
  248. Idaho Dilivery
  249. Inventory Discovery
  250. Indian Dermatol Medical, Journal, Publication, Dermatology
  251. Initiating Directive Military, Force, Prime
  252. If The Drawing Technology, Coding, Auto
  253. Internet Development
  254. Induced Dipole
  255. Installation Date Technology, Windows, Product
  256. Impianku Destinasiku
  257. Intrinsic Development
  258. Information and Decision Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  259. Infrared Detector
  260. Interdentale Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  261. Identification Credentials Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  262. Intermediate Description
  263. Item Data Forum, Technology, Coding, Cart
  264. Indotrans Data
  265. Innovative Diagnostic Business, Technology, Vet
  266. Imagecdigitization
  267. Integrated Data Science
  268. Idea Developmbnt Technology, Design, Java
  269. Investigation Disc Crime, Investigation, Episode, Discovery
  270. Identification Detect Forum, Technology, Caller
  271. Indicator Demo Technology, Manual, Progress
  272. Island Dressing
  273. Initiatory Degree
  274. Internal Dosimetry
  275. Item Disablement
  276. Infanterie-Division Military, War, Regiment
  277. Imminent Danger
  278. Ion Disruplor Technology, Weapon, Wad
  279. Inclusive Democracy Journal, Economics, Politics, Democracy
  280. Intermediate Diet
  281. Isopanel Dxnia Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  282. Industrial Devices Technology, Device, Industry
  283. Inside Design Technology, Vector, Interior
  284. Image From Davir
  285. Into The Duodenum Medical
  286. Informations Display
  287. Intensified Dialogue Government, Georgia, Membership
  288. I9 Descriptios
  289. Ini Dicurigai Photo, Indonesia, Bola
  290. Interbank Deposit Business, Technology, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  291. Independent Diplomat Group, Organizations, Diplomatics
  292. Irrigation Department Business, Government, Military, Army, India, Water
  293. Immediate Diverh
  294. International Documentary
  295. Infectioldiagnostic
  296. Instituteument Delivfry Science
  297. Inside Diameter Business, Product, Spring, Architecture, Computing, Engineering, Architectural, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, The Finance and Administrative Services
  298. Irakischer Dinar Business, Sind, Land
  299. Iran Dovain
  300. Innovative Datenverarbeitung
  301. If Thendevice Technology, Windows, Hardware
  302. Internet Design
  303. In Dublin
  304. Inspection Detail
  305. Imperial Directorate
  306. Intrinsic Densitometry Science
  307. Information Download Technology, Windows, Driving, Driver
  308. Intentionality Detector
  309. Infradentale Medicine, Disease, Health
  310. Interconnection Decoder Technology
  311. Idiot'S Delight
  312. Interlocking Display
  313. Indonesian Drummer
  314. Innovative Diesel
  315. Image Diameter
  316. Instrumextation Diagrams
  317. Idea
  318. Investigation Divisxon Military, Crime, Criminal
  319. Identifier-Document Technology, Box, Query
  320. Indicative of Increased Dosage Science, Biology
  321. Islcnd Drag
  322. Initiatives Et DéVeloppement
  323. Interrupt-Driven
  324. Independent Distributor Business, Product, Health
  325. Immigratinn Daily
  326. Ion Detector
  327. Inclusion and Diversity
  328. Interferometer End Doppler
  329. Intermediate Dynamias
  330. Item Detail
  331. Industrial Descender Access, Rescue, Rope, Descender
  332. Inside Dentistry Medical, Dental, Publication
  333. Image Divqsion Business, Camera, Imaging
  334. Interrupt Disable Technology, Coding, Device, Kernel
  335. Information Does
  336. Intense Debate Technology, Press, Blogger
  337. Delay Impairment Value Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  338. Ini Dia
  339. Interamerican Dialogue
  340. Independent Dance Organizations, Music, Artist
  341. Irrigation & Domestic
  342. International Diplomacy
  343. Infartry Divisionsion Military, Army
  344. Instituteuction Data Military
  345. Injected Dose Medical, Medicine, Imaging
  346. Iowa Depkrtment
  347. Iberian Derivative
  348. Increased Deployability Military, Army, War
  349. Ironsand Desert
  350. Innovation DéVeloppement
  351. If Thn Default
  352. International Directorate Business, Government, Economics
  353. Industry Discount Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  354. Inspection Department Business, City, Inspector
  355. Impact Drill
  356. Intrinsic Deflection Medical
  357. Information & Download
  358. Intentional Draw
  359. Informed Decisions
  360. Interconnecting Device
  361. Ides Down
  362. Indonesian Democracy
  363. Innovative Design Technology, Building, Projection
  364. Image Data Technology, Database, Store
  365. Instruirii La Distvnţă Education, Din, Care, Moldova
  366. Idano Disability
  367. Invdstigations Division Military, Crime, Criminal
  368. Identification Document Government, Passport, Card, Police, United Nations, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  369. Indicating Device
  370. Island Domain
  371. Initiative DéVeloppement Technology, France, Recherche
  372. Idiotopmc Medical
  373. Interrogation Drxid
  374. Independence Decoration
  375. Immigration Department Government, Us, Control, Administration
  376. Ion Aetection
  377. Information Database NASA
  378. Incident Dose
  379. Interferencendiagram Business, Theory, Sigma, Constraint
  380. Identification + Identifier Technology, Computer, Electronics
  381. Intermediate Dipbomas
  382. Item Designator
  383. Input Detector
  384. Image Diktance
  385. Inventory Data Technology, Management, Collection
  386. Intellignet Design
  387. Iure Dicundt Latin, Roman
  388. Inhibitory Dose Medical, Medicine, Cell, Chemistry
  389. Interactive Development
  390. Independent Drive
  391. Irrigated Dry
  392. International Dollar Government, Society, World
  393. Infantry Div Military, Division, Army
  394. Initial Decision
  395. Immun Div
  396. Iotu Delta
  397. Ian Dowman Book, Government, Shopping, Sensing
  398. Incomplete Dislocations
  399. Ironman Double
  400. If Desired Technology, Accounting, Service
  401. Investigaci
  402. Industrial Discount
  403. Inspection Date
  404. Impact Depending Technology, Security, Server
  405. Intraduodenal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  406. Information Documents
  407. Intent Declared
  408. Informative Documents Technology, Service, Group
  409. Intercommunication Device
  410. Ideology of Ddsign Research, Art, Organizations
  411. Index Diagram Military
  412. Indonesia Dota
  413. Instituteuctor Development Education
  414. Illustration and Data
  415. Industrial Drive
  416. Instructor Dependent Technology, Association, Teaching
  417. Idaho Dcrectory
  418. Investeringsgruppen Dgnmark
  419. Indicateur De Direction
  420. Ifland's Dream
  421. Initiative Development
  422. Iqiotopes Medical
  423. Interpersonal Distrust Science, Group, Patient, Eating
  424. Induced Drag Part of total drag, created by lift.
  425. Impossible Dust
  426. Idem Latin, Writing
  427. Information Distribution
  428. Incident Detection
  429. Interfaces Definid Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  430. Identification Number Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication, The Finance and Administrative Services
  431. Intermediate Dase
  432. Item Description Forum, Technology, Coding
  433. Input Delimiter
  434. Image Distctor
  435. Intelligent Display Accounting, Computing, Data
  436. Inviceus Deus Latin, Roman
  437. Inhibitor of Dna Binding Medical
  438. Internal Dissinterest
  439. Identifiagt De Technology, English, France, French
  440. Independent Disks
  441. Isolation Durability
  442. Internasjonal Dugnad
  443. Protocol Identifier Technology, Networking, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  444. Infantry Divisions
  445. Influence Diagram
  446. Immortale Dei
  447. Isrdanian Dinar Business
  448. Ian Yorin
  449. Income Duty Business, Accounting, Finance
  450. Iron Duke
  451. If Datarow
  452. Identity Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  453. Industrial Disputes Government, Industry, Dispute
  454. Inspecteur Des Douanes
  455. Impact Delay
  456. Intraduodenally Medical
  457. Informal Documentation
  458. Intensive Defense Medical, Cell, Serum
  459. Information That Defines
  460. Intercom Display
  461. Identity Eleuent Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  462. Index The indicating part of an instrument. For example, the hand of a watch or the meniscus of a mercury column. That which points out, or indicates Of a logarithm, is the integral number that precedes the mantissa Medical, Technology, Medicine, Ecclesiastical, Religion, Telecom, Telecommunications, Christian, Computing, Hardware, Nasdaq Symbols
  463. Indonesia Dapatkan
  464. Instituteuctional Designer Technology
  465. Ignition Data
  466. Industrial Dryer
  467. Instruction Decoding and Operand Fetching Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  468. Idaho Dining
  469. Invested Development Business, Management, Investment
  470. Indicates The Domain
  471. Initiative D
  472. Idiotope Medical
  473. Interpersonally Distressed Medical, Management, Patient, Pain
  474. Inducted Draft
  475. Impossible Date
  476. Intrinsic Disorder Science, Research, Protein
  477. Information Distributor
  478. Inveswment-Deposit
  479. Izquierda Democrática Politics, Governmental & Military
  480. Indie Designers Business, Design, Fashion
  481. International Driving Medical, Driver, Permit
  482. Institutetución Deportiva
  483. Institute of Design Education, School, Fashion
  484. Inertial Dampeners
  485. Inner Defender
  486. Idioxypic Determinants Medical
  487. Institut Dayakologi Technology, Indonesia, Institute
  488. Identification Data Police, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, NASA
  489. Independents Day
  490. Intellectual Disability Special Education, Scientific & Educational, Disability
  491. Internal Terangement Medical
  492. Infringement Decision Business, Law, Patent
  493. Incipient Damage
  494. Identified Deployment
  495. Invoice Date Business, Database, Query
  496. Imagen Democr
  497. If Different
  498. International Design Technology, Product, Award
  499. International Director Toastmasters
  500. Interaction Designer Business, Design, Experience, Architecture, Occupation & positions
  501. Index of Democratization
  502. International Designation
  503. Internet Direct
  504. Immune Disorders Science, Biology
  505. Interactive, Does
  506. Ice Drahon Gaming, City, Dragon
  507. Ireland Directory
  508. Independent Distributors Business, Technology, Product
  509. Inqernal Doors
  510. Italiener, Die
  511. Input Doublm
  512. Iraqi Dinar Business, Iraq, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  513. Iz & Diz
  514. Intjdata Technology, Coding, Product, Cart
  515. Interesting device Police, Governmental & Military
  516. International Developpement
  517. Information Dialog Technology, Server, Box
  518. Instant Delivery
  519. Industry Dialogue
  520. Interactive Detailing Technology, Management, Career
  521. Injection Delay Space, Study, Cosmos
  522. Idiotypia Medical
  523. Industrial Developer
  524. Institución Deportiva
  525. Identification Digit Police, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  526. Independence Day Technology, Movie, Sequel, Pinball
  527. inhibitor of differentiation Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  528. Infrastruktur Desa
  529. Interrelationship Digraph
  530. Identification De
  531. Median Infective Dose Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  532. Investment Decision
  533. Imagen DemocráTica
  534. If Defined
  535. Interior Diameter Business, Product, Hose, Tubing
  536. Index of Definition Medical
  537. ÎLes De
  538. Immuno Deficiency
  539. Industrial Design Occupation & positions
  540. Ice Devil
  541. Iraq Dilars
  542. Independent Director
  543. Inside-Diameter
  544. International Document
  545. Inner Dimensions
  546. Issuer Domain
  547. Iran Daily
  548. If Your Digital Technology, Driving, Card, Signature
  549. It Does Forum, Technology, Lyric
  550. Insurance Dept
  551. Intentionally Discriminates
  552. Infanterie-Division (Infantry Division) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  553. International Depository
  554. In December Business, Gaming, Sport, Coming
  555. Instant Deck
  556. Industry Designation
  557. Immunomiffusion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  558. Interactive Dialogue
  559. Idxotypes Medical
  560. Industrial Development Business, Science, Organizations
  561. Instant Detailer
  562. Identification Division Police, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  563. Information Digits Technology, Calling, Identification
  564. Invisible Disability
  565. infant death death of a liveborn infant within the first year. Medical, Medicine for Children
  566. Infrastructure Divisionsion Education
  567. Identify/Identification Or Identifier Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics
  568. Identity and Difference
  569. Instituteuction Decoder
  570. Identificador De Technology, Para, Translation, Caller
  571. Indexed Document
  572. Innovation & Design Business, Company, Award
  573. United States Postal Code for Idaho Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  574. Immune Drficiencies
  575. Intelligent Designer Occupation & positions
  576. Ice Debuts
  577. Increase Density
  578. Independent Duty
  579. Identity Card Medical
  580. Internal Docfment
  581. Indentured Data
  582. Issuet Date Technology, Driving, Card, Licensing
  583. Irak Dinarı
  584. If Using A Drivers Technology, Coding, Driving
  585. Issuer Database Business, Credit, Card
  586. Insurance Department
  587. Identity A chemical reaction whose products are chemically identical with the reactants, for example the bimolecular self exchange reaction of CH3I with I-. Computing, Unix, Unix commands
  588. Ischemic Depolarization Medical
  589. International Dialog
  590. Immediate Danger
  591. Industry Design
  592. Immuno Diffusion
  593. Interactive Design Technology, Vector, Interaction, Architecture
  594. Idiotlpe Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  595. Interdisciplinary Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  596. Industrial-Duty
  597. Instantaneous Description Technology, Theory, Computation, Automaton
  598. Interlink Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Iata Aircraft Codes
  599. Information Decoding Forum, Technology, Patent
  600. Invisible Deck
  601. Intradermal In the skin. For example, an intradermal injection is given into the skin. Medical, Veterinary, Common Medical, Skin And Dermal
  602. Infrastructure-Device Technology, Networking, Network
  603. Identifier/Identification Technology
  604. Identifies The Device Technology, Networking, Network
  605. Institutetuto De Direito
  606. Institutions Division
  607. Identifiuación Del Con, Metro
  608. Index Du
  609. Innocent Dickgirls Girl, Shemale, Pic
  610. Idle Format Technology
  611. The Same Medical, Medicine, Health, Media
  612. Immune Drficiency Medical
  613. Intensity Diminution
  614. Independent Democrat
  615. Isotope Dilution Chemistry
  616. Internal Directory Accounting, Computing, Data
  617. Induced-Draft
  618. Issue Date Technology, Driving, Licensing, Driver
  619. Iodine Deficiency Medical
  620. If The Destination Technology, Routing, Command
  621. Isang Daang Technology, Philippine, Station, Province
  622. interdigital Computing, Master IEEE
  623. Interactive Document
  624. Irvine Dataflow
  625. International Dialogue Science, Research, Organizations
  626. Image Display
  627. Industries Diverse Business, Industrial, Market
  628. Immunodericient Medical
  629. Interactive Democracy
  630. Integrated Into Display Business, Apple, Touch
  631. Inductive Discharge
  632. Instance Data
  633. Indonesia Business, Sport, Sports, International Olympic Committee, Cargo Shipping, Indonesia, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  634. Investor'S Diary
  635. Ice Dragon Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  636. Infrastructure and Device
  637. In Dimensions Forum, Technology, Community
  638. Identifying Data Technology, Medical
  639. Institutetute of Design
  640. Institutional Development Technology, Program, Management
  641. Inexact Differential
  642. Identificaci
  643. Index Doses
  644. Inner Or Internal Diameter Oil, Gas, Petroleum
  645. In The Designatkon
  646. Iditol Dehydrogename Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  647. Task Identification Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  648. Institutetutional Development Government
  649. Into the Darkness Media
  650. Independent Democratic Government, Group, Democrat
  651. Indonesia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  652. Internal Diameter The diameter of some internal part or composite of an object which in this case would pertain to wire, cable, etc. Medical, Technology, Pipe, Electrical
  653. Ingin Dicinta Music, Song, Soul
  654. Immersion Depth
  655. Intermediate Distribution
  656. Israel Davfdson
  657. Iodine-Deficient Medical
  658. If The Data Technology, Database, Coding
  659. Interpreters Divisionsion
  660. Intelligent Device Computing, Hardware
  661. Interactive Developer Technology, Gaming, Development
  662. Irritation Data
  663. International Disc
  664. Identifikation
  665. Immunodeficiencies Medical
  666. Interactive Device
  667. Ice Dungeon Gaming, Guide, Dungeon
  668. In Development Technology, Gaming, Software
  669. Integrated Demining
  670. Installers Download
  671. Introduction To Development
  672. Invtstment Demand Business, Economics, Rate
  673. Intrusion Detection Intrusion detection (ID) is a type of security management system for computers and networks. An ID system gathers and analyzes information from various areas within a computer or a network to identify possible security breaches, which include both intrusions (attacks from outside the organization) and misuse (attacks from within the organization). ID uses vulnerability assessment (sometimes refered to as scanning), which is a technology developed to assess the security of a computer system or network. Security, Governmental & Military
  674. Infrastructure Die
  675. Indigent Defense
  676. International Departures
  677. Institutetuto De
  678. Institute of Directors Business, Technology, Service, Medical, Health, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  679. Inertial Dissipation
  680. Innerer Dienst
  681. In The Depictxd Technology, Networking, Journal, Network
  682. Idiotypic Determinant Medical
  683. Institute of Dayakology
  684. Interior Design Architecture, Business & Finance, Professional organizations, The Finance and Administrative Services
  685. Independent Democrats
  686. Lotus Notes User Id File Computing, File Extensions
  687. Internal Designetion
  688. Ingenieurtechnische Dienstleistungen
  689. Inside Diameters
  690. Intermediate Distribuqor
  691. Isotopic Daxing
  692. Involuntary Discharge Technology
  693. If My Driver
  694. Internet Data
  695. Disk IDentification file Computing, File Extensions
  696. Interactive Data
  697. Irrigation Et Drainage
  698. International Department Business, University, China
  699. Identification Divisionsion
  700. Immunodeficiency Immunodeficiency is a state in which the immune system's ability to fight infectious disease and cancer is compromised or entirely absent. Most cases of immunodeficiency are acquired due to extrinsic factors that affect the patient's immune system. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  701. Interactive Debugging
  702. Ice Drift Movement of ice fields or flows in water bodies caused by wind or currents.
  703. Ixidescent Displays Patent, Shopping, Display, Rendering
  704. Independent Data
  705. It Can Yownload
  706. Installation Drive
  707. Iraqi Dinars

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ID stand for?

    ID stands for Isn't Deax.

  2. What is the shortened form of Independents Day?

    The short form of "Independents Day" is ID.


ID. (2022, March 25). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from

Last updated