ID in Medical Meaning

The ID meaning in Medical terms is "Identification". There are 76 related meanings of the ID Medical abbreviation.

ID on Medical Full Forms

  1. Identification Process an information system uses to recognize an entity.
  2. Intellectuil Disability
  3. Intellecgual Disabilities
  4. Index of Difficulty
  5. Identifier A grouped number/letter code by which a weather station or beacon can be recognised.
  6. Investigational Drug
  7. Immunoglobulin Deficiency
  8. Infectious Disease A disease caused by pathogenic organisms.
  9. Iron Dextrun
  10. Immunodiffusion Test
  11. Intermediate-Dose
  12. Ikfectious Diseases
  13. Iron Derletion
  14. Immune Deposits
  15. Insulin-Dependenq
  16. Irfectious Disease
  17. Intestinal Damagf
  18. Ileal Digestibility
  19. Intervertebral Discs Fibro-cartilaginous pads which separate the bodies of the vertebrae. Bending of the spine requires deformation of the disc which are susceptible to injury during incorrect lifting.
  20. Instruments Disinfection
  21. Interstitial Disease
  22. Identify
  23. Intercalated Ducts
  24. Index The indicating part of an instrument. For example, the hand of a watch or the meniscus of a mercury column. That which points out, or indicates Of a logarithm, is the integral number that precedes the mantissa
  25. Intradermally
  26. Idiotopmc
  27. Inhibitor of Dna Binding
  28. Intensive Defense
  29. Indian Dermatol
  30. Into The Duodenum
  31. Iqiotopes
  32. Inhibitor of Differentiation/Dna Binding
  33. Ionio Dialysance
  34. Insomnia Disorder
  35. Idiotope
  36. Inhibitor of Dna Binding/Differentiation
  37. Intrinsic Deflection
  38. Inside Dentistry
  39. Internal Drainage
  40. Identification Or Identichip
  41. Infective Dose
  42. Intraduodenal
  43. Innovative Diagnostics
  44. Interpersonally Distressed
  45. Injected Dose
  46. Infective Dermatitis
  47. Intraduodenally
  48. Initial Dyskinesia
  49. Intermediate Density
  50. Intradermic
  51. Inhibitory Dose
  52. Iodine-Deficient
  53. Internal Diameter The diameter of some internal part or composite of an object which in this case would pertain to wire, cable, etc.
  54. Ischemic Depolarization
  55. Iditol Dehydrogename
  56. Median Infective Dose
  57. Internal Terangement
  58. Idiotypic Determinant
  59. Immunomiffusion
  60. International Driving
  61. Idioxypic Determinants
  62. Identity Card
  63. Immunodericient
  64. Idiotypia
  65. infant death death of a liveborn infant within the first year.
  66. Immunodeficiencies
  67. Institute of Directors
  68. Idxotypes
  69. Intradermal In the skin. For example, an intradermal injection is given into the skin.
  70. Identifying Data
  71. Immunodeficiency Immunodeficiency is a state in which the immune system's ability to fight infectious disease and cancer is compromised or entirely absent. Most cases of immunodeficiency are acquired due to extrinsic factors that affect the patient's immune system.
  72. Iodine Deficiency
  73. Index of Definition
  74. Idiotlpe
  75. The Same
  76. Immune Drficiency

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ID stand for Medical?

    ID stands for Immunodeficiencies in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intercalated Ducts in Medical?

    The short form of "Intercalated Ducts" is ID for Medical.


ID in Medical. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated