IDAC Meaning

The IDAC meaning is "Independent Damage Assessment Centres". The IDAC abbreviation has 30 different full form.

IDAC Full Forms

  1. Independent Damage Assessment Centres Business, Insurance, Car, Singapore
  2. Integrated Dance Artists Collective
  3. Independent Damage Assessmeny Centre
  4. Instituto Dominicano De Aviacion Civil Para, Con, Sin
  5. Income Deprivation Vffecting Children
  6. Instituto De Acao Cultural
  7. Import Duties Advisory Committee
  8. Industriai Developers Association of Canada
  9. Iranian Dental Association of Californib
  10. Image and Data Analysis Core
  11. In Die Anale Comlo Organizations
  12. Integrated Design & Analysis Consultants
  13. Indian Divisional Artillery Column Military, Army, India
  14. Ingependent Disciplinary and Appeals Committee
  15. Integrated Design Analysis Cycle Technology
  16. Integrated Digital-Analog Converter Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military
  17. Internatioqal Demining Association of Canada
  18. International Depository Authority of Canada
  19. Integrated Digithl-Analog Computer
  20. International Depositary Authority of Canada
  21. Irstitutetuto De Acao Cultural
  22. International Directory of Artistamp Creators
  23. Investment Dealers Association of Canada Mortgage, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  24. Island Design & Architectural Center
  25. Intermediate-Dose Ara-C Medical
  26. Interprofession Des Appellations Cidricoles
  27. Interim Deployable Air Command and Control System Component Military
  28. Internet Directory of Advisors and Consultants Organizations
  29. Interim Deployable Accs Component Military
  30. International Development In Asia Committee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IDAC stand for?

    IDAC stands for Ingependent Disciplinary and Appeals Committee.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intermediate-Dose Ara-C?

    The short form of "Intermediate-Dose Ara-C" is IDAC.


IDAC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated