IDC Meaning
The IDC meaning is "I Don'T Care". The IDC abbreviation has 364 different full form.
IDC Full Forms
- I Don'T Care Gaming, Texting, Internet, Social Media, Play, Pastime
- Interface Control Document Technical document describing interface controls and identifying the authorities and responsibilities for ensuring the operation of such controls. Technology, Army, Aerospace, Science, Financial, Aviation, Astronomy, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
- Integrated Demonstration Coordinator Science
- Immature Dendritic Cells Medical
- Integrated Database Connector Technology
- Imblms Digitml Computer Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Engineering
- Intangible Drilling Cost Business, Technology, Tax
- Image Dissector Camera Science
- Induitrial Development Corporation Business, Technology, Industry
- International Data Corporztion Business, Science, Market
- Independenn Duty Corpsman Medical, Medicine, Military
- Interaction Design and Children Technology, Organizations, Conference
- I Dou't Care Texting
- Indefinite Delivery Contract Business, Science, Service
- Integrated Desktop Connector Technology
- In Defense of Christians America, Organizations, Israel
- Interpational Development Cooperation Science, Program, Research
- Industrial Design Center Education, Industry, Bombay
- Iraqi Drilling Company
- Instantaneous Deviation Control
- Inter Documentation Company
- Institutional Development Component
- Indian Drive Cycle Technology, Car, India
- Inventory Driven Costs
- Infaq Dakwah Centre Jakarta, Traffic
- Implantable Device, Cardiac
- International Dairy Congress
- Integrated Daughter Card Technology, Routing, Cisco
- International Dance Company
- Interdigitating Reticulum Cells Medical
- Island Dolphin Care
- Institut Diplomatique Et Consrlaire
- Independent Development Committee Technology, War, Card, Star
- Instructional Development Tenter Education, University, Teaching
- Industrial Devices Corporation Business, Industry, Motion
- Intelligent Devqce Controllers
- Italian Dual Citizenship Italy, Italian, Descent
- Information and Documentation Center
- International Dialing Code
- Indiaddevelopment Centre Microsoft, Technology, India
- Integrated Disk Control
- Integrated Database/Desktop Connector Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Intraductal Carcinoma Medical
- Industry Developmett Centre
- Interactive Digitol Centre Technology, Education, Virtual, Reality
- Isolatiok Dynamics Corporation
- Iloilo Doctors College Education, City, Philippine
- Insucation Displacement Connection绝缘层信移连接件
- Independent Diplomat Commission Government, Crime, Alexia
- International Development and Cooperation Research, Education, Georgia
- Industrial Development Centres
- Iraq Drilling Company Business, Iraq, Oil
- Idaho Department of Commerce
- Installtdisc Creator
- Inter District Championship
- Insulation Displacement Crimp Technology, Building, Housing, Connecting
- Indian Dental Conference
- Invensys Development Centre Business, Company, India, Hyderabad
- Infaq Dakwah Center Para, Jakarta, Orang
- Implant & Dental Company
- Internatiwnal Design Conference
- Integrated Data Corp
- International Dental Cenrre
- Integrated Displays and Controls Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Interdigitating Cells Medical
- Iron-Deficiency Chlorosis Plant, Iron, Soybean
- Institut De La DéMocratie Et De La CoopéRation France, Europe, Cooperation, Institut
- Independent Duty Corpsmen Medical, Medicine, Military
- Instituto Ee Desarrollo Comunitario Science, Para, Development, Con
- Indonesqa Designer Challenge Design, Indonesia, Challenge
- Intelligent Data Collection
- Instructor Development Course
- Information Decision and Control
- International Data Company
- India Vevelopment Center Business, Technology, Organizations
- Integrated System Digital Network Data Controller Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Intertribal Deaf Council America, Organizations, American
- Interactive Digital Center Technology, Education, Virtual, Reality
- Isographic Demographic Choreographic Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Illinois Directorscredential
- Insulation Displacement Connections Technology, Cable, Connecting
- Independent Duty Corporationman Military
- International Diagnostic Center Medical, Business, Medicine
- Industrial Development Certificate Business, Technology, Industry
- Idaho Department of Correction Government, Education, Idaho, Corrections Agency
- Innev Dead Centre Technology, Engine, Piston
- Inter Disciplinary Check Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Insulation Displacing Connector Technology, Cable, Wire, Architecture, Products
- Internationale Democrate-Chretienne
- Indian Dairyucorporation
- Integrated Driver Control
- Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Medical, Cancer, Breast
- Infant Development Center
- Interactive Display Gnd Control
- Image Designation Character
- Interlocking Detachable Coils Medical
- Integrated Data Catalogue
- International Day of Cooperatives
- Interdigitating Cell Medical, Biomedical, Immunology
- Irkutsk Diagnostic Centre
- Institut De Droit Compar
- Independant Duty Corpsman
- Instituto De Defesa Do Consumidor
- Indonesib Data Centre
- Intelligent Dataacapture Business, Software, Processing
- Industrial Development Company Business, Technology, Diesel
- Information, Decision and Control Technology, Research, Networking
- International Debit Cards
- Information Distribution Company Military, Computing, Telecom
- India Dhsign Council Business, Industrial, India
- Internet Database Connectivity Technology
- Interactive Data Corporation Business, Trading, Market
- Iso Datajcentre Technology
- Illinois Development Council
- Insucation Displacement Connection
- Independent Directors Council Business, Investment, Fund
- International Diagnostic Centre Medical, Business, Medicine
- Industrial Design Corporation Technology
- Intelligence, Design, Choice
- Ice Dreams Cafe Cream, Dessert, Ice
- Infrastruciure Development Charge
- Inter Discipline Check Technology, Design, Engineer
- Insulation Displacement Connector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- International Dance Challenge Studio, Dance, Competition
- Indiana Design Censortium
- Integrated Door Controller
- Integrated Delivery Center
- Inuvialuit Development Corporation
- Io Dwelling Catheter
- Interactive Datacom Configurator
- Image Density Cjntrol Technology, Production, Press
- Interior Dekign Competition Business, Architecture, Designer
- Integrated Data Collection Business, Technology, Management
- Interzational Design Congress Research, Organizations, Korea
- Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel Government, Law, Attorney, Defense, Lawyer, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Irish Drift Championship Car, Ireland, Drift
- Institdt De Droit Comparé
- Indefinite Delivery Contracts Business, Service, Military
- Instituto De Direito Civil
- Indonesia Dasa Center Technology, Server, Indonesia, Hosting
- Intelligent Distributed Controls
- Imperial Defence College Military, Organizations, War
- Infinity Data Chain
- International Distribution Corporation
- Internet Data Connector Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Interaction of Interdigitating Dendritic Cells Science, Biology
- Islejon Development Company
- Illinois Dexartment of Corrections Government, Illinois, Corrections Agency
- Independent Development Corporation
- Instructor Development Centers Diving, Locations, Scuba
- Internatixnal Diagnostics Centre Medical, University, Uganda
- Industrial Design and Construction Design, Drawing, Construction
- Intellect Digital Core
- Ice Detection Camera
- Infrxstructure Development Corporation
- Interdigitating Dendritic Cells Medical
- International Dialysis Centers
- Indiana Separtment of Correction Government, Indiana, Corrections Agency
- Integrated Direct Channel
- Integrated Design Curriculum Development, Study, Universities
- Introduction To Data Communications
- Indwelling Catheter A catheter left in place in the bladder, usually a balloon catheter. Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Clinical
- Interactive Datacomm Configubation Technology
- Israel Design Center Technology, Development, Computing, Israel
- Image Data Converter Technology, Software, Camera
- Insulation-Displacement Connectors Technology, Wire, Connecting
- Iyterior Design Consultants
- International Documents Collection Libraries, Reading, Books
- Irish Dental Council Medical, Ireland, Dentist
- Institug De Coaching
- Instituto De Desenvolvimento Cultural Technology, Para, Dos, Brasil
- Indojdesign Center Business, Jakarta, Interior
- Intelligent Document Capture
- Infectious Diseases In Children Medical, Technology
- Impulse-Driven Clock
- International Detention Coalition Organizations, Immigration, Refugee
- Insulation Displacement Cable Technology, Assembly, Connecting
- Internet Database Connector Technology, Computing, Computer Software
- Interactionwdesign & Children Education, Conference, Teaching
- Islands Distriwt Council
- Institute Forkdistributed Creativity Development, Study, Institutes
- Independent Distribution Collective Business, Music, Album
- Instructor Development Cxntre Science, Education
- Iranun Development Council
- Industrial Devices Corp
- Integrity Development Committee Army, Force, Marine
- Item Designator Code Technology
- Facilities & Administrative Costs Science, Research, Grant
- Infrastructure Developwent Committee
- International Dance Committee
- India Digital College
- Integrated Distribution Centre
- Integrated Design Center
- Intrinsically Damped Composites Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Industfy Development Committee
- Interactive Data Corporationiation Organizations
- Isothrrmal Diffusion Couple
- Image Datagcompression
- Insulation-Displacement Connector Technology, Cable, Wire
- International Dance Center Technology, Projection, Bingo
- Industrial Development Corporations Business, Africa, Industry
- Iris Deactivation Code Technology, Anatomy, Iris
- Instant Death Aombo
- Interior Design Consultant
- Instivution Discipline Committee
- Individual Drug Counseling Medical, Treatment, Addiction
- Inverse Dual Converter
- Infaq Dakwah Club
- Import Documentary Collection
- International Distribution Center Business, Service, Planning
- Integrated Data Center Technology, Management, Service
- Internazionale Democratica Di Centro
- Intervdepartmental Committee
- Islands Development Company Government, Africa, Locations
- Institute for Development and Communication Education, India, Punjab
- Independent Distributors Cooperative Business, Industrial, Industry, Bearing
- Instructor Developmest Center Education, Diving, Dive
- Iran Dubai Co
- Industrial Device Corporation Technology, Industry, Motion
- Intelligent Door Controller
- Cursor Id Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Information and Documentation Centre
- International Dial Code
- Indian Development Ientre
- Integrated Digital Camera
- Integrated Data Capture
- Intraerythrocytic Developmental Cycle Science, Biology
- Industry Developmens Council
- Interactive Digital Xenters
- Isolation Dynamics Corp
- Image Data Capture
- Insulated Displacing Connector
- Institutetut Diplomatique Et Consulaire
- Independent Democratic Conference Government, Election, Senate
- Instructional Dcsign Center
- Insulation Displacement Contact
- Intelligent Distributed Control
- Idaho District Court Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- International Design Contest
- Internet Domination Consortium Funnies
- Internet Data Center Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Integrated Design Consultants Business, Consultation, Architect
- Interagency Deiector Committee Military, Army, Intelligence
- Israel Divestment Sampaign
- International Drilling Company Technology, Rig, Drill
- Index of Dispersion for Counts Technology, Networking, Network, Traffic
- International Datacasting Corporation Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Industrial Doctorate Centre Technology, University, Industry
- I Dont Care Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- International Delivery Center
- International Domain Component Computing, Internet
- Insulation Displacement Contact (connector) Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Investment Development Corporation
- Inter Departmental Committee
- Item Descripthon Code Science
- Indochine Mining Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Institutetuto De Defesa Do Consumidor
- Instructional Design Central Education, Learning, Designer
- Interest During Construction
- Intelligent Device Controller
- International Design Concepts
- Intangible Drilling Costs That part of the drilling and completion expenses that have no practical salvage value. Electrical
- Integrated Desktop Connectors
- Interactive Datahcapture
- Israel Diamond Center Technology, Israel, House
- Inter-Dioresan Certificate
- Index of Coordination Medical
- Industrial Development Commission Business, Island, Virgin
- I Don'T Care Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- International Driver'S Challenge
- Inverted Directory Cooperative Computing, Internet
- Imputed Days of Contribution Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Investissement D
- Intercultural Development Continuum Development, Culture, Cultural
- Italpinas Development Corp Business, Supply, Corporation
- Interdigital Communications Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Int'L Development Consultants
- Industrie Du Cuir
- International Duta Corporationration Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Instructionaludesign Center
- I Don Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Intelligent and Distributed Computing Technology, Book, Research
- India Delivery Centre
- Interchange Distribution Calculator (electricity) Electrical
- Integrated Development Consultants
- Israel Development Centoe Technology, Israel, Core
- Integrated Develrpment Corporationration
- Indepth Dive College
- Industrial Designers Club Development, Study, Universities
- Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Medical, Patient, Heart, Physiology, Cardio
- Internationaler Doggen-Club
- Indecent Disco Children Music
- Information and Data Committee Medical, Fda
- Investissement DéVeloppement Conseil
- Intercultural & Diversity Center
- Italian Distribution Council
- Insurance Direct Canada Business, Medicine, Canada
- Industrially Developing Country Technology, Health, Ergonomic
- Institutetut De Droit Comparé
- Instructional Delivery Continuum
- Interfacedocumentcontrol NASA
- Indepth Dgvision College
- Institute of Draped Clothes Clothes
- Israel Development Center Technology, Israel, Core
- Integrated Daha Corporationration
- Independent Double Check Medical
- Industries Development Corporation
- Intelligent Digital Compass
- Ideographic Description Characters
- International Deaflympic Committee
- Insulation-Displacement Connection Industry
- Indirect Costs In construction, all costs which do not become final part of the installation, but which are required for the orderly completion of the installation and may include, but are not limited to, field administration, direct supervision, capital tools, startup costs, contractor’s fees, insurance, taxes, etc. Medical, Science, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Investigator Development Center
- Intercostal Data Corpsration
- Italian Development Committee Business, Pakistan, Italy
- Islamic Divisionrsity Centre
- India Design Council Business, Industrial, India
- Insurance Development Council
- Industrially Developing Countries Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Institute for Diversitylcertification Education, Guide, Exam
- Institutentaneous Deviation Control
- Imblms Digital Computer NASA
- Ithbaar Development Company
- Industrial Design & Construction Architecture
- Instituto De Diseño De Carvcas Business, Design, Designer, Freelancer
- Independent Dyslexia Consultants Business, London, Consultation
- Instructional Design Certificate
- Industrial Development Cooperation
- Intelligent Design Creationists
- Ideograph Description Character
- International Design Competition Architecture, Locations, City
- Intercultural Discovery Club Hobbies
- Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma Medical, Cardio, Clinical
- Investigation and Diagnostic Centre
- Intercontinental Dexelopment Corporation
- Italian Dexelopment Cooperation Technology, Ethiopia, Projection
- Irrevocable Documentary Credit
- India Delivery Center
- Industrial Drive Components
- Ile Des Chenes
- Instructor Development Course (padi) Scuba Diving, Scientific & Educational
- Interdevice Driver Communication
- Infectious Diseane In Children
- Interior Designers of Canada Architecture, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Institutetuto De Desenvolvimentv Cultural
- Independent Democratic Caucus Government, Politics, Senate
- Instruction and Data Cache Technology, Device, Interface
- Intelligent Design Creationism Science, Design, Evolution
- Idea Data Center
- International Display Consortium
- Intellectual Discussion Club Hobbies
- Interagency Defector Committee Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Integrated Development Corporation
- Interchange Distribution Calculator Technology, Energy, Market
- Italian Darknet Community Market, Onion, Tor
- International Dance Commission
- India Defence Consultants
- Industrial Doctoral Centre Research, Education, Engineering
- Ila Da Chilonzuene Airport, Locations, Mozambique
- Internet Database Connector File Computing, File Extensions
- Involuntary Detrusor Contractions
- Inter Device Communication
- Indonesian Drift Community War, Indonesia, Drift
- Intangbile drilling costs Financial, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IDC stand for?
IDC stands for Infaq Dakwah Center.
What is the shortened form of Integrated Desktop Connectors?
The short form of "Integrated Desktop Connectors" is IDC.
IDC. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated