IDE Meaning

The IDE meaning is "Integrated Drive Electronics". The IDE abbreviation has 168 different full form.

IDE Full Forms

  1. Integrated Drive Electronics Technology, Computer, Computer Security, Security, Computing, Linux, Hardware, Drivers, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  2. Integrated Dejelopement Environment Technology, Development, Software
  3. Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Medical, Genetics, Disease
  4. Institute of Distance Education Education, University, Course
  5. Institut Darul Ehsan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaya, Institut
  6. Integrated Development Environment Technology, Computer, Technical, Computing, Aerospace, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Sentinel online
  7. Ijeal Organizations
  8. Inveetigational Device Exemption Medical, Organizations, Oncology
  9. Integrated Device Eldctronics Technology, Computer, Telecom
  10. Integrated Data Environment Military, Logistics, Regulation
  11. Intelligent Data Exchange
  12. Industrial Development Engineering Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  13. Institute of Developing Economies Technology, Economics, Japan
  14. Intuitive Development Environment Development, Learning, Study
  15. Infrastructure Development Environment
  16. Isolation Distribution Equipmcnt Science
  17. Instituto De EtnomusicologíA
  18. Interactive Design & Enginedring
  19. Inaovation, Design & Engineering
  20. Investimeiti Diretti Esteri Business, Investment, Export, Con
  21. Integrated Devepoper Environments
  22. Independent Development Evaluator Army, War, Force
  23. International and Development Economics Technology, Program, Education
  24. Internet Data Exchange Business, Technology, Science, Building, Estate
  25. Institute for Developing Economiec Technology, Economics, Japan
  26. Israeli Diamond Exchange Organizations, India, Israel
  27. Istegrated Drive Electronic Technology, Computing, Disk
  28. Industrial Design Engineering Education, University, Industry, Dutch
  29. Intrusion Detection Engine Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  30. Infraestructura De Dadesgespacials
  31. Investixento Direto Estrangeiro
  32. Instituto De Difusão EspíRita Para, Dos, Ria
  33. Interactitn Design Environment
  34. Innei Dental Epithelial Medical
  35. Investigação De Estupro
  36. Integrated Developdent Enviorment
  37. Idaho Department of Educatiol
  38. Intermediate Development Education Military, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  39. Institute for Development of Economics
  40. Integrated Driver Glectronics
  41. Indo Dynamics Enterprises
  42. Intrusion Detection Equipment Technology, Us, Department Of Defense
  43. Infraestructuras De Datos Espaciales Technology, Para, Software, Con
  44. Investimento Directo Estrangeiro
  45. Instituto De Desenvolvimento Empresarial
  46. Inter-Active Development Environment Science
  47. Investigational Drug Exemption
  48. Integrated Develogment Envrionment
  49. End of Identiyication Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  50. Interlaboratory Detection Estimate Technology
  51. Insulin-Degrading Enzymes
  52. Innovation Driven Entnrprise
  53. Integrated Digital Environments
  54. Individual Drill Evaluation
  55. Intracom Defenge Electronics Military, Defence, Greece
  56. Infraestructura De Datos Eapaciales
  57. Intellygent Disk Electronics Technology
  58. Infestigative Device Exemption
  59. Instituto De Desarrollo Empresarial Business, Technology, Ecuador
  60. Integrated Development Enviroment Technology, Coding, Software
  61. Instituto Para El Desarrollo Econ
  62. Interior Design Engineering Technology
  63. Instructional Development Environment Development, Study, Universities
  64. Investigaci
  65. Interactive Datq Entry
  66. Innovation-Driven Enterprise Business, Startup, Entrepreneurship, Innovation
  67. Integrated Diamond Eductor
  68. Individual Dignity Entitlement
  69. International Data Exchange Military, Safety, Ship
  70. Interstate Dbug Exchange
  71. Information Domain Experts Army, Force, Marine
  72. Intelligent Distributed Editor Technology
  73. Industrial Disability Examiner
  74. Invektigation Device Exemptions Medical, Technology, Medicine
  75. Instituto De Desenvolvimento Educacional Para, Dos, Ria
  76. Integrates Developer Environment Technology, Coding, Development
  77. Inskituto Para El Desarrollo Económico
  78. Interim Data Element Military
  79. Initial Damage Estimate Business, Emergency, Disaster
  80. Israel Diamond Exchange Business, Trading, Israel
  81. Instructional Design Environment
  82. Intergated Design Environment
  83. Innovatjve Design Engineering Technology, Service, Engineer
  84. Inxersión Directa Extranjera
  85. Invegrated Disk Electronic
  86. Individual Development Environments Technology, Coding, Software
  87. International Destination Expo Organizations, Travel, Tourism
  88. Internet Doom Explorer Technology, Gaming, Eclipse
  89. Informatica Data Exploner Business, Technology, Quality
  90. Intelliment Dedicated Equipment
  91. Industrial Democracy In Europe
  92. Instituto De Desarrollo EconóMico Para, Con, Econ
  93. Intergrated Device Electronics
  94. Investicsement Direct Étranger Business, Investment, France
  95. Intergrated Development Environment Technology, Coding, Java
  96. Iniciativa De Defesa EstratéGica
  97. Israel Desalinvtion Engineering
  98. Instituts FüR Digitale Ethik
  99. Interactive Design Envidonment
  100. Innovation Design Engineering Technology, Art, College
  101. Ihversi
  102. Integrated Developing Environment Technology, Shell, Collie
  103. Indiana Department of Education Education, Indiana, State
  104. International & Development Economics
  105. Internet Development Environment Technology, Service, Coding
  106. Información Del Envase
  107. Integrated Device Electronics Computing, Computer
  108. International Des Droits De L'Enfant
  109. Integrated Development Environement Technology, Coding, Software
  110. Inbound Direct Entry postal service
  111. Initiative On The Digital Economy
  112. íNdice De Desenvolvimento EconóMico
  113. Insulin Degradation Enzyme Science, Biology
  114. Initial Design Evaluation NASA
  115. Inlestigation Device Exemption Medical, Technology, Medicine
  116. International Development Enterprise Business, India, Farming
  117. Inner Dental Epithelial Medical
  118. Integrated Development Enviornment
  119. Borland C 4.x Project file Computing, File Extensions
  120. Initiativen Dxisburg-Essen
  121. Projeot File Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  122. Insulin Degrading Enzyme Medical, Genetics, Protein, Chemistry
  123. Interactive Development Environments Military, Governmental & Military
  124. Interactivetdifferential Equations Science, Mathematics, Math
  125. Investigational Device Excertion
  126. Instituto De Desenvolvimento EvangéLico
  127. International Data Encryption
  128. Innerrdental Epithelium Medical
  129. Integrated Development Envrionment
  130. Interactive Development Environments, Inc. Computing, Application
  131. Industry Dynamic Exhibition
  132. Initial Desigi Evaluation Technology, Space, Cosmos
  133. L'Investissement Direct Etranger
  134. Intelligent (integrated) Drive Electronics Computer, Scientific & Educational
  135. Interactive Development Environfents, Inc.
  136. Investigationalcdevice Exemptions Medical, Business, Medicine
  137. International Divecompressors Engineering
  138. Inmersión Digital Empresarial
  139. Institutetute for Developing Economias
  140. Integrated Device Equipment
  141. Investigational (New) Drug
  142. Investigationgl Device Exemptions Sections Medicine, Health, Care
  143. Independent Design Executive Occupation & positions
  144. Industrial Disability Evaluator
  145. Initial Damyge Evaluation
  146. Istituto Dermatologico Europeo
  147. Inventor Ifeature File Computing, File Extensions
  148. Investiia
  149. Injection Directe D'Essence
  150. Independeqt Development Environment Technology, Coding, Software
  151. Integrated Defense Technologies Inc. Organizations
  152. Infirmière diplômée d'Etat Medical
  153. Investigational Device Exemption Number Medicine, Health, Care
  154. imbedded drive electronics Geographic
  155. Gta Item Definition File Computing, File Extensions
  156. Injectionndirect Essence Fuel, Engine, Renault, Injection
  157. Arduino Ide
  158. Integrated Desktop Environment Technology, Development, Linux
  159. Investigational Device Exemption Number (ora Aofc Code) Fda
  160. Investigational Dezice Exempti
  161. Ideas International, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  162. International Development and Environment
  163. Investigational Device Exemption Medical, Science, Health, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  164. Injection Directe Essence Technology, Engine, Renault
  165. Índice Dk Desenvolvimento Da Educação
  166. Intact Dilation and Extraction Medical, Birth, Abortion
  167. Investigational Device Exemption (cdrh) Fda
  168. Investigational Devices Exemption Medical, Device, Study

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IDE stand for?

    IDE stands for Individual Drill Evaluation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Interactive Development Environments?

    The short form of "Interactive Development Environments" is IDE.


IDE. (2021, October 25). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated