IDEAS Meaning
The IDEAS meaning is "Innovative Development Through Employee Awareness". The IDEAS abbreviation has 91 different full form.
IDEAS Full Forms
- Innovative Development Through Employee Awareness Technology
- Intelligence Data Elements Authorized Standards Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Increasing Diversity In Engineering Academics
- International Databare Engineering & Application Symposium
- Incentives In Diabetic Eye Assessment By Screening
- Instrument Data Quality Evaluation and Analysis Service Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Infrastructure, Design, Environment and Sustainability
- Intelligent Data Exploitation and Analytics System Technology, Cloud, Responder
- International Development Education Associationoof Scotland Technology, Teaching, Scotland
- Ideas Design Engineering and Students Education, Development, Universities
- Inspiring Design Excellence and Achievements
- Initiative for Diversity, Equity, Access and Success
- Interactive Design and Evaluation of Advanced Spacecraft Technology
- International Database Engineering and Application Symposium Technology, Conference, Computing
- Inca Digital Excellence Awards
- Instrument Development and Education In Airborne Science
- Information On Disability - Equipment, Access Service Medical, Technology
- Intelligent Discovery of Enterprise Architecture Services
- International Development Economic Tssociates
- Interoperable Design of Extreme-Scale Application Software
- Innovative Dynamic Employee Action Solutions Technology
- Initiative Diversity Expectations Achievement Service Organization, Union, Institution
- Interactive Database Easy Access System Technology
- International Defense Enterprise Architecture Specification
- Improving Dreams Equality Access and Success Student, Education, Immigration
- Instrumentation Development and Education In Airborne Science Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Intl Database Engineering and Application Symposium
- Information On Disability Equipment Access Services
- Intelligence Data Element Authorization Standards Military, Army, Intelligence
- International Development Economics Associates Business, Research, Associate
- International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium Technology, Conference, Computing
- Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievement In Schools
- Initial Design and Evaluation Analysis System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Interactive Dialogue With Educators Across The State
- International Defence Ecterprise Architecture Specification Technology, Group, Framework
- Image Database To Enhance Asian Studies Education, Study, Library
- Institute for Developing Entertainment Arts & Studies
- Intestinal Disease Education and Awareness Society Medical, Adventure, Ostomy
- Information On Disability & Education Awareness Services Medical, Australia, Service
- Intelligence Data Element and Authorization System Military
- Interagency Disability Educational Awareness Showcase Business, Technology, Organizations
- Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements In Schools
- Iniciativas Para La Democracia, Educaci
- Interactive Dialogue With Educators From Across The State
- International Defense Exhibition and Seminar Military, Pakistan, Defence
- Identifying Depression Empowering Activities for Seniors
- Institute for Development, Evaluation, Assistance and Solutions
- Interoperability Developments for Enterprise Application and Software
- Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access and Success
- Integrated Detector and Electronics As Science
- Iniciativas De Economia Alternativa Y Solidaria Para, Con, Social
- Interaction Design and Engineering for Advanced Systems
- International Defence Exhisition and Seminar Military, Pakistan, Karachi
- Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors Medical, Program, Health, Depression
- Institute for The Development of Education In The Advanced Sciences
- Interoperability Development for Enterprise Application and Software
- Incidence-Dependent Excitation for Auger Spectroscopy
- Integrated Design/Engineering/Architectural System
- Infrastructure, Design, Environment, and Sustainability Technology, Environment, Infrastructure
- Intelligent Dealer Electronic Archiving System
- International Development Education Association Scotland Education, Scotland, Citizenship
- Identifying and Developing Employees Alternative Suggestions Employment, Work, Working
- Institute Designed for Educating All Students
- Interior Design, Environmental Architecture and Sustainability Education, University, School, Study
- Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis
- Investment Development and Export Advancement Support
- Internet Design Engineering and Security Security, Governmental & Military
- Interior Department Electronic Acquisition System Military, Drawing, Construction
- Innovation Development Enterprise Action Service
- Invent Design Experiment Act Share Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Interactive Design Engineering Analysis Software Software, Computing
- Interest Determination, Exploration, and Assessment System Student, Education, Career
- Innovation Day Expo and Symposia
- Internet Documents In Economics Access Service Technology, Research, Paper
- Innovation-Driven Education and Scholarship
- Interest Determination Exploration and Assessment System Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium Technology, Conference, Computing
- Imaging Dementia Evidence for Amyloid Scanning
- Innovation, Discovery, Engagement, Access, Solutions
- Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System
- International Disability Exchanges and Studies Research, Organizations, Rehabilitation
- Innovative Design and Excellence In Architecture With Steel
- Itiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Initiative To Develop Education Through Astronomy and Space
- Interdisciplinary Disease Ecology Across Scales
- International Digest Electronic for Asian Studies Science, Literature, Humanities
- Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis Program Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Involvement Development Evolution Achievement and Success Development, Learning, Study
- International Defence Exhibition & Seminar Regional
- Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences Technology, Institute, Performance, Idea
- Inter Disciplinary Educational Alternative Strategies Education, Development, Universities
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IDEAS stand for?
IDEAS stands for International Digest Electronic for Asian Studies.
What is the shortened form of International Disability Exchanges and Studies?
The short form of "International Disability Exchanges and Studies" is IDEAS.
IDEAS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated