IDMC Meaning

The IDMC meaning is "Internal Displacement Monitoring Center". The IDMC abbreviation has 22 different full form.

IDMC Full Forms

  1. Internal Displacement Monitoring Center Organizations, Report, Refugee
  2. India Disaster Management Congress Education, India, National
  3. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre Government, Organizations, Refugee, Computing, Protection Information
  4. Independent Data Monitoring Committee Medical, Cancer, Study
  5. International Directory of Marinv Consultancy
  6. Independent Data-Monitozing Committee Medical, Technology, Cancer
  7. International Dental Materials Congress
  8. Impaired Decision Makiny Capacity
  9. International Displacement Monitoring Center
  10. Intornational Display Manufacturing Conference Organizations, Material, Organic
  11. International Displacement Monitoring Centre Government, Africa, Disaster
  12. Internally Displacement Monitoring Centre Sociology
  13. Indian Dairy Machinery Company
  14. Intbrnational Disaster Management Conference
  15. Irrigation and Drainage Management Companies Farming & agriculture
  16. Internal Debt Management Cell
  17. Interdigestive Motor Comptex Medical
  18. Iran Data Mining Conference
  19. International Defense Management Course
  20. I. D. McLellan Insect and Spider Collections
  21. International Decal Manavement Corporation Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  22. Ilkley and District Motor Club Hobbies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IDMC stand for?

    IDMC stands for International Defense Management Course.

  2. What is the shortened form of I. D. McLellan?

    The short form of "I. D. McLellan" is IDMC.


IDMC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated