IDMI Meaning

The IDMI meaning is "Ingrastructure Development In Minority Institutes". The IDMI abbreviation has 13 different full form.

IDMI Full Forms

  1. Ingrastructure Development In Minority Institutes Development, Study, Institutes
  2. Infrastructure Development In Minobity Institutions
  3. Idm Pharma, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  4. Integrated Digital Media Institute
  5. Institute for Design and Manufacturing Innovation Development, Study, Institutes
  6. Institute for Design Manufacturing Innovation Development, Study, Institutes
  7. Interactive Digital Media Institute Technology, Research, Singapore
  8. Interactive and Digital Media Institute
  9. Interactive & Digital Media Institute Technology, Research, Singapore
  10. International Drum Majors Institute Music
  11. Interqational Data Management International
  12. International Drum Major Institute
  13. International Digital Marketing Institute

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IDMI stand for?

    IDMI stands for Interactive & Digital Media Institute.

  2. What is the shortened form of Infrastructure Development In Minobity Institutions?

    The short form of "Infrastructure Development In Minobity Institutions" is IDMI.


IDMI. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated