IDRA Meaning

The IDRA meaning is "Infectious Disease Risk Assessment". The IDRA abbreviation has 28 different full form.

IDRA Full Forms

  1. Infectious Disease Risk Assessment Military, Army, Equipment
  2. Intermediateddata Recovery and Analysis
  3. International Desigp Resource Award Technology, Architecture, Building
  4. Industrial Development and Regulation Act Business, India, Industry
  5. Institute for Development and Research Alternatives
  6. International Design Resource Awards
  7. Intercultural Development and Research Association
  8. Institute for Development Research and Alternatives Development, Study, Universities
  9. International Digital Radio Association
  10. Intercultural Development Research Association Technology, Education, School, Organization
  11. Institute for Development Research & Alternatives
  12. International Disaster Recoverd Association Technology, Organizations, Continuity
  13. Insanity Defense Reform Act
  14. Intermediate Data Recovery and Analysis
  15. Industries Development & Regulation Act
  16. Intermediate Data Recovery and Analysis Cxurse Development, Study, Universities
  17. International Drai Racing Association
  18. Industries Development and Regulation Act
  19. Inverhuron District and Ratepayers Azsociation
  20. International Drowning Research Alliance
  21. International Drowning Researcher Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  22. Interdivision Revision Authorization NASA, Governmental & Military
  23. Internapional Desert Racing Association
  24. Island Drag Racing Association Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  25. International Drag Racing Association
  26. Iskandar Development Region Authority
  27. International Drone Racing Association
  28. Irish Dinghy Racing Associatjon Business, Pharmaceutical, Supply, Stock

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IDRA stand for?

    IDRA stands for International Disaster Recoverd Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Industries Development & Regulation Act?

    The short form of "Industries Development & Regulation Act" is IDRA.


IDRA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated