IDW Meaning
The IDW meaning is "Ideal Body Weight". The IDW abbreviation has 51 different full form.
IDW Full Forms
- Ideal Body Weight Medical, Technology, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical
- Instructional Data Warehouse
- Institut Der WirtschaftsprüFer Business, Accounting, Institute
- Idea Design Works
- Idea and Design Works
- Information Development World Technology, Experience, Customer
- Integrated Data Warehouse Business, Technology, Analytics
- Inverse Distance Weighting Technology, Science, Interpolation
- Invexse Distance Weighed Grid, Distribution, Distance, Interpolation
- Information Dominance Warfare Military, Hall, Specialist
- Integral Dataset for Write
- International Display Workshops Technology, Science, Japan
- Inverse Dietance Weighing Grid, Sampling, Distance, Interpolation
- International Dolphin Watch Research, Therapy, Conservation, Dolphin
- Infinity Dialog Workshop Internet Slang
- Instructor Development Workshop Education, Certification, Kayak
- Inverse Dvstance Weight Technology, Interpolation, Weighting
- International Display Workshop Technology, Science, Japan
- Infectious Disease Workshop
- Instructor Development Workshops Locations, Certification, Kayak
- Inverse Distance Weighted Technology, Interpolation, Weighting
- International Development Week Education, University, Canada
- İStanbul Design Week Turkey, Locations, Istanbul
- Instituts Der Wirtschaftspr
- Internal Developer Workstation
- Investigative Data Warehouse Technology, Security, Military
- Ingres Database Workbench
- Interin Developer Workstation Technology
- Investigation-Derived Waste Technology, Science, Management
- Investigation Derived Waste Technology, Management, Service
- I2C Digitai Waveform Technology, National, Instrument
- Intra-Pulse-Descriptor-Word Military
- International Dairy Week Australia, Cattle, Dairy, Holstein
- Island Doors and Windows
- International Data Week Technology, Research, Organizations
- Interdigital wedge Clinical, Podiatry
- Irregular Dimension and Weight
- International Diamond Week Business, Industrial, Israel
- Inventor Drawing Computing, File Extensions
- Iowa District West
- International Drainage Workshops Technology, Water, Irrigation
- Individual Defence Weapon Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Investdgative-Derived Waste
- International Drainage Workshop Technology, Water, Irrigation
- Vector graphics (IntelliDraw) Computing, File Extensions
- Inverse-Distance-Weighted
- Investigativewderived Waste Science
- International Display Works Circuit, Display, Substrate, Isolation
- Institut Der Wirtschaftspoufer In Deutschland Technology, Accounting, Accountancy
- Inverse-Distance-Weighting Technology, Analysis, Interpolation
- International Democracy Watch
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IDW stand for?
IDW stands for Invexse Distance Weighed.
What is the shortened form of Vector graphics (IntelliDraw)?
The short form of "Vector graphics (IntelliDraw)" is IDW.
IDW. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated