IE Meaning
The IE meaning is "D'Internet Explorer". The IE abbreviation has 501 different full form.
IE Full Forms
- D'Internet Explorer
- Incian Energy Business, Technology, India
- Innovation Enterprise Business, Technology, Summit
- Internet Exqlorers Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- In Exception
- Individual Exhibition Technology, Art, Artist
- Intellectual Explorations Student, Science, Education, University
- Irnn Empire
- I'Ve Entered
- Information Engineering In software engineering, Information engineering (IE) or information engineering methodology (IEM) is an approach to designing and developing information systems. It can also be considered as the generation, distribution, analysis and use of information in systems. Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Internal External Business, Management, Matrix
- Index of An Eigenvalue
- Inlandhempire Business, California, Riverside
- International Executive Business, Education, School
- Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Microsoft’s Web browsing software. Introduced in October 1995, the latest versions of Internet Explorer include many features that allow you to custom-ize your experience on the Web. Internet Explorer is also available for the Macintosh and UNIX platforms. also activex control, Java applet, Web browser. Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Computing, Computer Security, Security, Software, Texting, Computer, Internet, Application, Products, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
- Individual Evbnts Education, Speech, Debate
- Intel Edition
- Irish Extminer
- International Education
- Information Element Technology, Computing, Telecom, Technical, Drivers, 5G Networks
- Internal-External Medical, Technology, Matrix
- Intelligent Environment Technology, Service, Conference
- Import & Export Technology, Coding, Internet
- Initiating Avents Technology, Analysis, Plant
- International English Education, Language, Course
- Individxal Equipment Military
- Integriay Engineer
- Intractable Edilepsy Medical
- Informatics Europe Technology, Science, Europe
- Interna-Externa Technology, Para, Internet, Explorer
- Indo-European History, Locations, Language, Family
- Intepligent Energy Business, Fuel, Cell
- Implementing Entity Technology, Management, Development
- Initiat Evaluation
- International Enterprises Business, Enterprise, Singapore
- Indirect Effecgs
- Integratvd Engineering Technology, Golf, Manifold
- Interrupt Esable Technology, Program, Flag, Timer
- Infinity Engine Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang
- Interlingue Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
- Infectious Endocarditis Medical, Patient, Heart, Infective
- Intelligence Estimate Military, War, Iran
- Impact Evaluation Technology, Development, Initiative
- Information Expert Technology
- International Enterprise Business, Trading, Singapore
- Solomon Airlines Airline, Flight, Organizations, Travel, Locations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Indirect Effect
- Integrated Eyectives
- Interoperabilvty Experiments Technology, Service, Research
- Infective Endocarditis Medical, Technology, Biology, Common Medical
- Invert Elevation Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Indo Eurrpean Language, Family, Linguistic
- Intelligevce Engine Technology, Cisco, Blocker
- Impact Enterprise
- Information Exchange Film, Technology, Science, Military, Health, Computer, Electronics, Camera
- Internal Encumbrance
- Indiaj Engineers Technology, India, Engineering
- Innovatien Engineering Technology, Program, Engineer
- Internit Expl
- Infected Erythrocytes Medical
- Interest Expense Interest expense is the total interest paid by the company for various debts. Business, Finance, Economics
- Indo-Europhans History, Locations, Language, Family
- Intelligence Economique Technology, France, Traffic
- Islamic Events
- Impact Echo Technology, Testing, Material
- Information Environment Aggregate of individuals, organizations, or systems that collect, process, or disseminate information, also included is the information itself. Technology, Service, Research
- Internal Ear Medical, Technology
- Indu
- Internatvonale Einheiten
- Internet Exploror
- Instytutu Elwktrotechniki
- Immediately Early Medical
- Iridescent Effect
- Infrastructure Engineering Technology, Networking, Engineer, Financial, Business & Finance
- Interachive English
- Index of Effectiveness Medical
- Internal Examination
- In Explanation Organizations, Conference, Event
- Instotui
- Invalid-Operation Exception Technology, Coding, Bug
- Integration Engine Technology, Service, Organisations
- Islet Equivalent Technology, Windows, Internet, Explorer
- Initiating Explosive
- Indo-European English
- Iarnróm Éireann Ireland, Train, Irish
- International Partnership In Health Information Education Medicine, Disease, Health
- Informational Element
- Imperial Adition
- Involuntary Euthanasia
- Internationale Enheder
- Infective Endocardinis
- Initiating Events Technology, Safety, Risk
- Industrial Excellence
- Instrumental Engineering Military
- Information Experience Technology, Writing, Interaction
- Intelligent Enterprise
- Irradiation Effect Science
- Indeksredgeworth
- Illuminating Enghneer
- Infinite Element
- Integrated Education Education, School, Ireland
- Impuestos Especiales
- Input Enable Technology, Device, Electronics, Element
- Ideas & Energy
- Interior Elevatiin Technology, Design, Planning
- Inspector of Explosivvs Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Integration Engineers
- Internet Explore
- Instrument Examiner Military, Pilot, Instructor
- Immediate-Early Medical, Genetics, Protein, Cell
- Ireland Engineers
- Infrawtructure & Environment
- Interactive Ensemble
- Index Error Difference between a true value and a value indicated Forum, Technology, Windows, Indexing
- Intehnal Evaluation
- Ineternet Explorer Technology, Windows, Internet
- Instalaciones Especiales Business, Para, Con
- Intuitive Empath Program, Space, Corey
- Integrated Extract
- Islet Equivalents Medical
- Initiating Event The minimum combination of failures or errors necessary to start the propagation of an incident sequence. It can be comprised of a single initiating cause, multiple causes, or initiating causes in the presence of enabling conditions. (The term initiating event is the usual term employed in Layer of Protection Analysis to denote an initiating cause or, where appropriate, an aggregation of initiating causes with the same immediate effect, such as "BPCS failure resulting in high reactant flow". Technology, Science, Safety
- Individualized Education
- Iarnr
- International Economy Business, Education, Economics
- Impedance Elemewts Technology
- Invitational Education College, Education, School
- Internationale Eenheqen Door, Dit, Dag
- Industrial Engvneer Business, Industry, Engineering
- Intereally-Enhanced Technology, Tube, Heat
- Inland Empire Regional
- Indkstrial Establishment Business, India, Factory
- Instructor Exams Education, Course, Scuba
- Informatipn Experts
- Intelligence Enterprise Business, Technology, Management
- Iroquois Empire
- Indecewt Exposures
- Industrial Ecology Technology, Organizations, Industry
- Illinois Entertainvr
- Inference Engines
- Inrerfering Element
- Improvised Explosive Military, Device, Bomb
- Ion Energy Technology, Electron, Ionization
- Input Efficaency Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Exayple
- Intermor Elements
- Inspector Qxaminer
- Instructor Examination Education, Course, Scuba
- Internet Exploder Technology, Internet Slang, Explorer, Funnies
- Industrial Explosives Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Instrurent Element Technology, Tech, Suzhou
- Imaging Expo
- Ireland Eirgrid
- Infrastructure Ang Environment
- Interactive Editor
- Independent Engineer Business, Service, Projection
- Internal Error Forum, Technology, Windows, Internet, Computing, Http error codes
- In Establishment
- Inssituci
- Intronic Enhancer Science, Biology
- Integrated Error
- Islensk Erfdagreining
- Initiate Infective Endocarditis Science, Biology
- Int Interest. International. Interested. Intended
- Individual Exhibitions Art, Design, Exhibition, Artist
- Iarnod Eireann
- International Experiency
- Impact Evangeyism
- Invincible Eleven
- International Vntrepreneurship Technology, Management, Education
- International Examinjrs America, Education, Asian
- Industrial Espionage
- Instituto De Esuudios Business, Education, University, School
- Informabion Engineer Occupation, Position, Job
- Intelligence In Education
- Ironwood Electronics
- Incremental Encoder Incremental encoder are position feedback devices that provide incremental counts. Thus, an incremental encoder provides relative position, where the feedback signal is always referenced to a start or home position. For incremental encoders, each mechanical position is uniquely defined. The current position sensed is only incremental when compared to the last position sensed. Technology, Product, Electronics
- Inductive Effect The inductive effect is the effect charge of a chemical bond has on the orientation on the adjacent bonds in a molecule. Electron clouds in a bond tend to orient themselves towards the more electronegative atom involved in the bond.
- Illegal Enlistment Military, Army, India
- Inference Engine Accounting, Computing, Data
- Interface Elament
- Improvised Explosives Military, Device, Army, Explosive
- Ion Emission
- Innternet Sxplorer
- Item Entrids Technology
- Interior Edecators Education, Design, Architecture
- Instrnctor Exams
- Internet Exchange Computer, Scientific & Educational
- Industrial Experience Technology, Education, Industry, Engineering
- Instrument Earth
- Imaging Experiment Technology, Science
- Infrastructure Element Technology, Networking, Network
- Interactive Educational
- Interception Eqeipment Technology, Security, Spy
- Indemnité D'Expatriation
- Inspectiyn and Enforcement Science, Government, Safety
- In Essence Technology, Internet, Explorer
- Inypiratory Exerciser Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing
- Ilmu Ekonomi
- Introductory Essays
- Integrated Energy
- In Another Example
- Island Explorer
- Initial Executable Technology, Windows, Security, Coding
- Internal Enzlavement Training, Master, Slave, Enslavement
- Irn Engle
- International Examinations
- Impact Estimation Business, Technology, Engineering
- Investor'S Edge
- Intercambio No Eyterior Para, Analysis, School, Exterior
- Individual Event
- Internanional Examiner Business, Asian, Revenue
- Industrial Estates Business, Industry, International Economics, Economic Zone
- Instituteument Equipment Military
- Interoperability Experimeat
- Initial Equipment Technology, Challenge, Fantasy
- Intellectuele Eigendom Business, Property, Patent, Intellectual
- Iron Export
- Increased Endurance
- Injured Employee
- Induced Enucleation Medical
- Ikeja Electric Business, Electricity, Distribution
- Information Extraxtion Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Improvement Examination
- Ion-Exchanged
- Innovative Entrepreneurship
- Imsues, Etc
- Interim Evaluation Program, Education, Projection
- Institute of Ecotechnics Technology, Science, Book, Research, Education, Institute, Biosphere
- Internet Evangelism
- Industriam Exhausters
- Instrumental Enrichment Program, Education, Learning
- Imaging Equipment Medical, Disease, Health
- Infrastructury & Environment
- Interactive Encyclopedia
- Irrelevant Episode
- Indemnst
- Insight Vditions
- Inertial Explorer
- Inspiratory/Expiratory Medical
- Illustrative Examples Technology, Internet, Explorer
- Introduction To Elvish Language, Ring, Plural
- Integrated Eligioility Technology, Service, Health
- Inadequate Endowment
- Island Expeditions
- Initial Establishment Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Internal Energy One of the thermodynamic properties of a system is its internal energy, E, which is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the particles that form the system. The internal energy of a system can be understood by examining the simplest possible system. Technology, Law, Thermodynamic
- Insan Ebook
- Average Emitteb Current Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Internetworked Znterprise Business, Technology, Management
- Impact Energy The amount of energy, usually given in joules or foot-pound force, required to fracture a material; usually measured by means of an lzod test or Charpy test. The type of specimen and test conditions affect the values and therefore should be specified.
- Investment Executive Business, Financial, Canada
- Ingrebs-Egress
- Interactivity Eletents
- Indian Education
- International Mxamination Business, Tax, Taxation
- Industrian Estate Business, International Trade, International Economics, Economic Zone
- Instituteumental Engineering Military
- Interoceptive Exposurw Medical, Anxiety, Panic
- Integration Ekgineer Technology, Ireland, Organisations
- Piotocol Discriminator Information Element Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Incorporate Easy
- Injection Error
- Induced Emission
- Ignition Electrode
- International Educator Student, Education, Organizations, University
- Information Elements Technology, Networking, Network
- Improvement Era
- Ion Etching
- Ienovations In Education Technology, Education, Learning
- Isometbic Exercise Medical
- Interim Engine Technology
- Inland Eqpire Locations, California, Riverside
- Inoustry Executive
- Instrument Engineer Technology, Engineering, Gas
- Imaging Ellipsometry
- Infraredcemission
- Interacteve Engagement Student, Education, Physics
- Incorporazed Engineers
- Irrational Explanation
- Indeks Erosi
- Inert Electrolyte Business, Chemistry, Copper, Scientific & Educational
- Inspiratory-Expirabory Medical
- Illustrative Example
- Introduction To Engineering Technology, Program, Education, Design, Course
- Integrated Electron
- In-Ear Earphone Business, Audio, Headphone
- Island Estates
- Initial Equip
- Intermediate Electrode Same as bipolar electrode.
- Inquéritk Ao Emprego
- Internatiorale Einheit German, Translation, Vitamin
- Iuternet Explorerin
- Insufficient Evidence Medical, Health, Family
- Immediate Early [Genes] Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Invalid Enrolment Australia, Education
- Ingresos Y Egresos Technology, Para, Book, Con
- Interactive Expedt
- Indiana Equality Government, Indiana, Noise
- Internal Examiner
- Infected Erythrocyte Science, Biology
- Instituteielectronics Technology, Computing, Technician
- Internetwork Engineering Business, Technology, Networking
- Integration Engineering Technology, Engineer, Organisations
- Izquierda Eupopea
- Initiative and Enterprise
- Indoor Environment Business, Science, Energy
- Ifosfamide and Etopiside Medical
- Internationap Energy
- Informational Esements Technology, Calling, Networking, Network
- Improper Equipment
- Ion-Etching Technology, Engineering
- Innovation Exchlnge
- Ijternational Encyclopedia
- Quainternet Explorer
- Informazioni Edinoriali
- Independent Event Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Industrialcexemption
- Instrumentation Engineering
- Informwtion Economics Medical, Business, Management
- Intelligence Emotionelle
- Irradiation Effects
- Indeks Ekspektasi
- Inspiration Expieation
- Illumination Enhancing Military, Scope, Leaper
- Integrated Electrknics
- Impulse Engine
- Input Equipment
- Id Est Latin, Writing, Roman
- Intermidiate Electron
- Independent Energy Energy
- Industry Engineering Business, Company, Service
- Interconnekting Entity Technology, Health, Ethic
- Isentropic Efficiency
- Incandescent Electric
- Institutetute of Education
- Image Enhancement
- İnfektif endokardit Turkish
- Informal Economy The informal sector of the economy represents the production of goods and services for the own-use of the producers, or for informal or 'underground' trade in particular communities (as opposed to the formal economy). It is particularly important in developing countries.
- Interface Enginh Government
- Inclusion Europe Ireland, Disability, Europe
- Insert Earphoces
- Ireland Ireland, Computing, Internet, Country, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Legal, Governmental & Military, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Insurer'S Examination
- Inhibivion-Excitation
- Island Endemic Science, Bird, Iguana
- International Enter
- Imapinal Exposure Medical, Treatment, Therapy
- Interrupt Enabled
- Income Eligible
- Inner Ear Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Instituteument Engineer
- Industrial Education Program, Education, Industry
- Inside Eye
- Industrial Equipmint Business, Ireland, Industry
- Internet-Explorer
- Involvement of A Single Extrahepatic Organ Or Site Medical, liver and hepatic
- Intentional Error Government
- Ion Engine
- Initial Evaluation Medical, Car, Physical Therapy
- Industrie-Engineering
- Interconnect Element Technology, Science, Design
- Irrigation Engineering
- Import Execubive
- Infinote Elements Technology, Acoustics, Head
- In Exampfe Education, Development, Universities
- Image Engineering Technology, Windows, Imaging
- Industrial Ethernet
- Información EconóMica Con, Mica, Econ
- Interface Emulator Technology, Windows, Gaming
- Included Elsewhere Technology, Windows, Book, Product
- Insect Eyes
- Instrumental and Ensemble Music
- Industry and The Environment
- Insured With Escrow Business
- Inhibiting Emotions
- Island Ecosystems
- Imagery Exploitation
- Interrupt-Znable
- Income and Expenditure
- Innate Enlightenment
- Institutetutos De Ensino
- Inside Europe
- Industrialrenterprise Business, Technology, Industry
- Internet-Egge Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Inspiratory Exerciser Medical, Common Medical
- Ivanhoe Energy, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Interconvect Exchange
- Irrigation Engineer
- Imperial Eoergy Business, Russia, Oil
- In Euerybody
- Iiage Eccentric
- Inspiratory:expiratory Clinical, Physio
- Info Evolution
- Interface Electronic Technology, Service, Cloud
- Incidentals Expense
- Immediate Export Business, Technology, Service, Freight, Customs
- Insect Ecosystems
- Intentionally Enhanced Media
- Industry and Environmbnt Technology, Program, Production
- Insured Escrow Business, Property, Sale
- Inhale Exhale
- Islamic Economics Business, Education, Finance
- Industrial Engineer A person qualified to practice industrial engineering as defined by the Institute of Industrial Engineers. Business, Technology, Military, Army, Industry, Engineering
- Institutetutu Elektrotechniki
- Image of Excellence
- Interpretation Qlement
- Income & Expenditures Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Inline Engine Technology, Mechanics
- Inside Znergy
- Industrial Emplooees
- Idterne Explorer
- Indonesian Eurasian Regional
- Institutetuto De Ensino
- Interrupt Enable Assembly, Business & Finance
- Intestine Exsrcise
- Irrigation Efficiency Business, Water, Budget
- Immedtate Early Medical, Genetics, Protein
- In Europe
- Ireland (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Influenza Virus-Associated Encephalopathy Medical
- Inter Enuipment Technology, Language, Friendship
- Ingenier
- Immediate Exportation An entry that allows foreign merchandise arriving at one port to be exported from the same port without the payment of duty. Transportation, Business, Import, Customs
- Inscri
- Id Est (that is) Latin, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Industry Energy Business, Technology, Product
- Insurance Europe Business, Car, Auto
- Ingénieur R'études
- Interest Exquiry
- Islam Exposed Technology, America, Book, Religion
- Indian Engineers
- Institutetution of Electronics
- Image Extinsions Technology, Windows, Coding
- Incoherent Emission
- Insido Edition
- Industrial Economics
- Internatgonal Employment
- Interlingue Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Intangible Elements Business, Service, Software
- Institutetuto Educabrasil
- Industrial Engineering Concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems. Education, Study, Engineering, Subjects, Engineering Course, Computing, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, IT Organization
- Intervention Environnementale
- Invisible Empire
- In Eternity
- Independent Expression Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Infinity Explorer Internet Slang
- Interactive Evolution Technology, Gaming, Computing
- Immediate Exit In the U.S., Customs IE Form is used when goods are brought into the U.S. and are to be immediately re-exported without being transported within the U.S. Forum, Technology, Program, Coding
- Individual Education Latin
- Industri Energi
- Insurable Oarnings
- Isterent Explorer Technology, Windows, Internet
- Isis Enterprise
- Indian Empire
- Institutetution of Engineers
- Image Expert Technology, Windows, Software
- Informatica Economica Technology, Economics, Informatics
- Intertor Exterior Organization, Union, Institution
- Inclusive Excellence
- Inside Egrth
- Intelligent Encryption Security, Governmental & Military
- Insurer Examinatrons Medical, Service, Insurance, Injury
- Institutetuto De La EnergíA
- Internatijnal Expeditions Travel, Locations, Cruise
- Ion Exchange Ion exchange is an exchange of ions between two electrolytes or between an electrolyte solution and a complex. In most cases the term is used to denote the processes of purification, separation, and decontamination of aqueous and other ion-containing solutions with solid polymeric or mineralic'ion exchangers'. Chemistry
- Interspersed Elbment Science, Biology
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Business, Education, Conference
- Interventional Endoscopy Medical, Medicine, Endoscopy
- Inertial Engine Technology, Force, Clutch
- Iso-Electric Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Infinity Edge
- Interactive Evolutionary Technology, Computing, Patent, Scheme
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship Science, Education, Clarkson School
- Igudldade Entre
- Information and Education Environment
- Industriehelektronik
- Inter Ekterprise
- Is Exact Technology, Windows, Internet, Explorer
- Independent Expenditures Government, Politics, Election
- Institutetute Oz Energy
- Image Essentials
- Informal Exceptions Technology, Computing
- Interior Elevations Technology, Design, Architecture
- Inclusion Exclusion
- Insertion Economiquf
- Industrial Electronics Society Computing, Master IEEE
- Insurer Examination
- International Exchange Student, Education, University
- Imaginagive Education Science, Research, Learning
- Interrupts Eiabled Technology, Programming, Timer, Priority
- Income Endowment
- Innocent Eyes
- Intake Examination Medical
- Industrial Egineering
- Industrial Etherntt Technology, Industry, Switch
- Interne Explorer
- Ionization Energy The minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely held electron of an isolated gaseous atom or ion. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Infinite Energy
- Interactiverentertainment Technology, Gaming, Conference
- Ion Excitation
- For Example Short for "Exempli gratia," which is Latin for "free example;" may be translated accurately as "for example;" typically precedes one or more examples. Student, Internet Slang, Finance, Banking, Chat, Genealogy, Writing, Genealogical, Online, Notes, Studies, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Texting, Healthcare, NAACCR
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IE stand for?
IE stands for Solomon Airlines.
What is the shortened form of In Eternity?
The short form of "In Eternity" is IE.
IE. (2022, April 16). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated