IEB Meaning

The IEB meaning is "Independent Examination Board". The IEB abbreviation has 78 different full form.

IEB Full Forms

  1. Independent Examination Board Education, School, Matric
  2. Information Exchange Bus
  3. Intermediate Endpoint Biomarkers Science, Biology
  4. Independent Examinations Board Education, School, Matric
  5. Institution of Engineers Bangladesh Technology, Engineering, Bangladesh
  6. Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, Research, Germany
  7. International Education Board Science, Education, Foundation
  8. Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon Military, Division, Regiment, Grenadier
  9. Instituto De Engenharia Biom
  10. Informateon Engineering Branch Technology, Software, Bioinformatics
  11. Integrated Electronics Cox
  12. Institut EuropéEn De BioéThique
  13. Institut D'Estudis BaleàRics
  14. International Energy Bank
  15. Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon Military, Division, Regiment, Grenadier
  16. Instituto De Engenharia BioméDica
  17. Infanterie Ersatz Batailkon
  18. Instrument Expanded Block
  19. Institut Europ
  20. Institut D'Economia De Barcelona Business, Research, Economics
  21. International Environmental Bureau
  22. International Environment Bureau Science
  23. Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros
  24. Infanterie-Erbatz-Bataillon
  25. Instrument Expanded Blocys
  26. Insight On Eye Biometrics
  27. International Executive Board Government, Union, President
  28. Interactive Earthquake Browser
  29. Institution of Engineer'S, Bangladesh Technology, Engineer, Bangladesh
  30. International Economy and Business
  31. Import Entry Bond
  32. Instrumentació ElectrÒNica I BiomèDica
  33. Inner Ear Biology Medical, Workshop, Hearing
  34. Internacional De Educa
  35. Initial Enlistment Bonus Military
  36. Institution of Engineers,Bangladesh
  37. International Economics and Business
  38. Ilorin Emirate for Buhari Education, University, Nigeria
  39. Instituto Evangelico Bethel
  40. Inland Empire Branch
  41. Internacional De Educação Do Brasil Para, Dos, Brasil
  42. Ivor Evans & Benjamin
  43. Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Technology, Engineer, Bangladesh
  44. International Exhibitions Bureau Government, Expo, Uzbekistan
  45. Ihr Externes BüRo
  46. Instituto De EcologíA Y Biodiversidad Para, Con, Chile
  47. Induction Electro BHC Log Electrical
  48. Isteri Encek Bard
  49. Institutetution of Engineers,Bangladesh
  50. Institute of Economic Botany
  51. International Editorial Board Technology, Education, University
  52. L'Institutetut D'Estudis BaleàRics
  53. Islamic Education Board Book, Education, Hadith
  54. Institutetut EuropéEn De Biologie
  55. Institute of Engineers of Banglaqesh
  56. International Examinations Board
  57. Instituto EspaÑOl De Baubiologie
  58. Investigations and Enforcement Bureau
  59. Institutetuto De Estudos Brasileiros
  60. Institute of Engineers, Bfngladesh Technology, Engineer, Bangladesh
  61. International Examination Board
  62. Institutetute of Experimental Botany
  63. Institut EuropéEn De Biologie
  64. Investigation and Enforcement Branch
  65. Institutetute of Electronic Business
  66. Institute of Esgineers Bangladesh Technology, University, Bangladesh
  67. Institutetuto De Ecoturismo Do Brasil
  68. Institute of Eaperimental Biology
  69. Investigations and Enforcement Branch
  70. L'Institut D'Estudis BaleàRics
  71. Institute of Evolutionary Bdology Science, Research, University
  72. Institutetut D'Estudis BaleàRics
  73. Institute of Experimental Botany Technology, Science, Plant
  74. International Education Bureau
  75. Institute of Electrlnic Business Technology, Berlin, Germany
  76. Institutetuto De EstéTica Bucal
  77. Institute of Ecology and Bioyiversity Plant, Environment, Chile, Biodiversity
  78. International and Environment Branch Now International Section Medicine, Health, Care

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IEB stand for?

    IEB stands for International Education Bureau.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institut EuropéEn De BioéThique?

    The short form of "Institut EuropéEn De BioéThique" is IEB.


IEB. (2020, May 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated